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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 8 KB, 405x185, WordPad experiment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9204737 No.9204737 [Reply] [Original]

In this thread: post is added to a WordPad document as a paragraph. The following conditions can change what the WordPad document says

If a post is less than three words long: it will not appear on the WordPad

Putting a word in &and signs& changes all words of the same spelling in the document to the name of the document

If a post ends in double numbers: the third word in that post becomes the title of the WordPad document's name

The default name of the WordPad document is 4chan; at the end of the thread there'll be a pastebin containing the whole writing.

Ok go

>> No.9204744

Could you make whatever you're talking about simpler, because I couldn't understand it.

>> No.9204777

Every post gets turned into a paragraph in a Wordpad document if it is posted in this thread; I'll delete it afterwards because I don't want to plagiarise, but I wanted to see what would happen

>> No.9204809

Also: putting a word between && changes all words that are spelt the same into the name of the WordPad document.

The name of the WordPad document changes every time someone has a post No. that ends in two of the same numbers or more, like dubs

>> No.9205410

Then once never for forgotten we only no not can see then once forever when yes ok and for more some twice not yes always ok and maybe

Fortuna, clandestine adolesence spills poregy reconciliation betwixt the momories of minerva, wandering sideways abungst the stratso spherica, epilogous, canal alagus, federicio,

A mon gate, the bells, the whistles, K. put.
Smut, smuckery.

Enter. Dawn. Always. Again.
riverside the banquets worry a bit like fish used to ponds. the stream calls. the wind answers. how many harmonies... really.

dis servce. dissonance. Sonic. and sound? how many energies?

Enter; Martuvious.

Hello! I have approached the market place, and the sand seems to be blowing everywhere. My cloak is made to protect thee, being me. Not to mention dagger, sharpened on more than stone. And how much for you talons? And bread? And we shall do this daily? For how long?

Enter; Affi David

Yes. It seems, I have been bequeethed. Or is it, spectacled. Or seeched. Yes, I see the sun, who one couldnt? Yes, the moon looks fine tonight, as always. A cosmic pull.

Enter; Remonia

Hello, how are we! Enter, desdemona!

Enter; Desdemona
Yes! let us run to the woods tonight?

No. We do not feel like that tonight, des. It is a bit chilly, though we do have our favorite speckled robes, we would rather wait by the temple walls, today, we think.

Enter; Barbotiono
Hello my lovelies! What are we to drink? And sup?

Virael, stands on the table round.

O, Hell! What time stands before it, and as if it never started, make it stop? Though it is, just my stomach grumbling. And how long I long to run! oh and the water too! whether sea or river or pond or pool, how I love them so! too much time I want them! to swim! to lay! tommorow! Today!

Elron; enters.

Elron grabs Desdiminia and sways her towards the moon, on the table, they dance, and mime the acts of sex.

Everything is Great, now and only for forever! and only for great, and Greater! more! we want more! more! give us more! let us get more! let us make more!

They dance, and sing, and the goblets clink and clank, and the sup is suplicated, and the rhythems of the bird and tree bristled wind, sing to sweet heaven a reverie, of the eternal day, and eternal night.

>> No.9205495

Enter; Romulous

Snarling. But we are so close, we can taste it, our tongue is burning with eternity. Our lips are suckling the golden thumb. Our saliva is singing, the chorus of a Shillion Angles, an etched allongue, I am a dragon wolf tiger owl sun star moon lion shark whale hawk demon angel bug bird. I am a robotic computer. I am a castle and a mud hut. I am 10,000 villages and 10 trillion villagers. I am the whisky whispers of the sun light sparkling on the airs dangly cascade of orange oh and fuck dammit think of all the colors. think of all the colors, will you. I am crying now. tearing more like. and I do mean, tearing. Like paper, tearing, onto paper, wet drops form from my eyes. the Mount of Tant. the Lizing of Tant. I run faster than you! I climb higher than you! I jump farther than you! I fuck longer than you! let us go! and never! still startling stop. always never now slowly fast! We can fucking taste it. And the beasts belly growls. And the beasts belly roars. And out it comes from my mouth. The smoke is sating. The fire is reckless and never satisfied. The fire is hunger itself. The fire is life and love. The fire is death. Let us not forget though, of earth, water and air. But we can taste it, and it is too much, to dangle the steak affront the tiger. It is too little too much. The saliva begs. We listen to the heart, but much more, we listen to the saliva, begging. Begging to break down, break down to build us. And what is spirit made of. What is fire made of. We cannot be only fire. And when out of that which to flame it is so easily not. Though then the Sun scoffs at this. But then the Sun doesnt look all that fun to me. Quite boring really. Yes, magnificent, yes, all powerful... but without even hands? What really may be the use? We can fucking taste it. But like a flame without its food, we are fading. No, we are not. There is the water, and it soothes us. Our eyes see much past. Our eyes see far past. And far near. Again, with the saliva. To sate it, how?

Enter; Lork Artimist

What now then! My lovely Lover! My lovely Brother! My lovely Friend! What now, when time is so long, and the heart beats so fast still? When time is so long and the mind is so quick, and all there is to do is fill it with fancies...and think. And do! too. What now. When we have our nightly feast. And our morning, in the mist, in the sun, the warmth tickling the lovely air, and we stand in the warm cool fog and breathe deep and time is long and we stand well strong there and listen to the birds and the neighbors flute and horn and see the smoking chimney and hear the strings harmony and the distant boat on the distant shore blows its borne and we are satisfied in our home but we want more, what now then? And we see the mountains more than over yonder and we want more and we see past them and we see more and we climb them and see more and want more, what now, and what then?

>> No.9205520

>putting a word between && changes all words that are spelt the same into the name of the
For future reference, when giving directions and rules for something like this, especially when someone says they dont think its clear to them at least; offering an example is always helpful.

All the words spelt the same?

So if I have a sentence like; if I &have& a sentence like, if I &have& a sentence like this..

have would be the title of the doc?

>> No.9205593

&our& lust was what we hoped &We Were&

>> No.9205606

&lovely& love ever into death

>> No.9205620

The post below this one is false.

>> No.9205629


Would these posts count toward the document? Just as these sentences are written? This post entire should be factored into the equation.

Why delete the document, especially in regards to plagiarization. Furthermore, the spelling, plot, and automation would have made something completely unique. The threat of deletion is still made redundant wherein you will be showing the whole the writing at the end of the thread. (Would not the thread end before you had an opportunity to post?)

Alas! What is &this& madness.


>> No.9205638

Indicative of lovely to be so obtuse. Lovely withholding lovely is the essence of essence.

>> No.9205660

also dude, thanks for making this thread, because for whatever reason, it inspired me to write what I did, and I am more than less proud and psyched on what I wrote. At first the thread angered me, because the OP seemed crazy, and as others said, unnecessarily confusing, so I was just gonna fuck around, but I guess I ate a nice dinner (tacos) had a clementine as desert, and just went into the zone. Cheers.

>> No.9205694

Why must you bring Death into this, pietro

>> No.9206804

Sorry; I explained quite poorly. For example:

I'm a fragilistic man

Using the &fragilistic& enclosed in &s would cause every word that is spelt "fragilistic" to change into the title of the document.

The last person to roll dubs or higher was Idiot, with "gets" as the third word of the post, and so the document is named "gets". Which means: all earlier "fragilistics" get turned into "gets" if it gets enclosed in &s.

All later "fragilistics", then, stay the same, because it only affects "fragilistics" that were typed before the enclosed &fragilistics&

Also, as a rule: the spelt word has to be surrounded by gaps and not other words, so "rfragilistics" wouldn't be affected but "fragilistics" would

>> No.9206879

Savoury tangerine noise expounded the surface of the table with pernicious and assiduous thumps,organized to the atonal unison that encroached on the thin belt of melody. Poignancy of the agentwas not catalysed to be cognizant without exuding somewhat peculiar judgements, and the frustration zipped out of the machine as if it was of the flavours of discarded paraphernalia; alas, this did not escort the man to fury, or at least wasn't outside of that categorization,and wielding the notorious pitchfork binding him to this unpalletable crisis of wave-tones. Superfluously spicy was this paprika-appreciation flying through the air that it seemed borged withevery living intention, and even every intention that was next to living; for a brief moment whatabsconded time by accident could embody the music, and not hear or see or touch again, but be the insight and the interior touch. This savoury tangerine provided the very anticipation of colour.

These people are the interpreters and
conossieurs of the industry and rampant efficiency cities shoves down their throat. The studier of botany waits around in his airborne armchair on the cusp of the boardwalk, sailing around on office wheels: he is one of them

>> No.9208055

The caliber of ex was pruficient in distributing the mony of all, let us rejoice says the shine perpetuating ceremoniously.

and when the gates are opened what shall flourish

and when the pewter mass is polished to a bronzen gold what hues hues shall be seen reflected in the inner eyes inner mirror

and when tenfold tenfoldedness is halved by twice tenfolded tenfoldedness how many shapes and colors by or by not design will be rosen to be placed on the great alter of divine

dividends divided without end
the faithful weep in blissful agony
the petulant woe in painful joy
the rabid breathe with heavy artillery
caressing the intimate textures of lontef, and chivalry, asiatics in armor, triple edged swords, a heap of carc ass piled high so that the suns flames may lick the rotton flesh of all that could not stand, and lay, and jump and rest, the light of the Many Ever Golden Ones

and whats a bruised apple, or banan, to a rib or lung, and what is fullness to leaking, how to feel your cells squeals and yips for joy, as your cosmic ancient beauticianry is inherently decadent for good of you and all

let us praise and swear to the God of Muscle. Ancient vortex of sin and strength. How many possible gears and joints are there? I dont know but id like to wait around to find out.

Would I like a prism as my prison? It depends what kind of light, one my say or ask, and expediently, and exudiantly, how to capture the subtle sands of innumerable shape and type, in the Holy Spirits Chamber, The Museum of All Time, to rest ones head on ones arm while in their favorite stool reclined and say; yes, I do recall, that amount of bliss for that amount of time, but, let us have more, oh cant we have more? I promise I will be better this time.

>> No.9208685

No problem; I'm enjoying the prose and it's quite inspirational for an amateur like me

>> No.9209236

Thanks for the compliment, I muchly appreaciate your appreciation, and hopefully after some lunch, will be inspired to produce another efugulation (tried to think of a sexy word... emanation... didnt want to say spewing... efligation, didnt want to say production, another... excitation... didnt want to say that... another.,, yeah dont know) And change your name, your not an idiot bro, I liked your prose up there too with the tangerine, false humility is almost maybe actually worse than false confidence.

>> No.9209248

I have read all your instructional posts but still have no idea what this is

>> No.9209292 [DELETED] 

Posting herE for posterity.

>> No.9209332

Sure why not any space for praticing my writing is welcome
Today I woke up early
Delighted by early sun
Coming out of sky without clouds and nicr clean air
I made coffee and drank it slowly-it was without sugar
I felt truly happy
Then I remembered my life is forever ruined and they probably will never give me money to move
Still its good day and i shouldnt be bitchig because things only can get better and i can myself get money to move in few years
Yes i should have killed myself but this is something too and have to make most of it

>> No.9209948 [DELETED] 

That last part
>Yes i should have...

>> No.9210038

Hi mommy it's me. I made it onto a shitty /lit/ project thing that probably won't go anywhere. Do I disappoint you?

>> No.9210060

ok let's play
In this thread: post is added to a WordPad document as a paragraph. The following conditions can change what the &WordPad& document says

If a post is less than three words long: it will not appear on the WordPad

Putting a word &in& &and& &signs& changes all words of the same spelling in the document to the name of the document

If a post ends in double numbers: the third word in that post becomes the title of the WordPad document's name

The default name of the WordPad document is 4chan; at the end of the thread there'll be a pastebin containing the whole writing.

Ok go

>> No.9210073

Maybe if (you) autistic edgelord nerds could look &at& a cute girl without telling her you want to lick her feet, or see her butthole, or say that her hymen is fully intact, and how &you& want to be her little baby tampon boy, &or& slip references to Big Black Cock into every other comment.
&I& fucking hate you all for real.
You're the worst.
I hope you feel &bad&.

>> No.9210152

&and& and of and of and but so

if we are just replacing the words do we have to include more than three words

also when a dub post with a third word occurs does that just change the title or does it change all previous &xxx& substitutions to that word

also are you compiling this by hand did you make a script--can we see the results so far

>> No.9210173

and peek of holed butt I did,
and lick of foot I lapped
I interrogated on her hymen
and begged me in her vagina wrap
not unlike a baby tampon fella
and finally whispered to her
of things of lots of cocks in fact,
particularly those of black

and for my effort I was paid?
not but real hate, worst wishes,
bad fells

>> No.9210180

She thought she were to have a babby
but the doc when he did grabby
what was in out in the labby,
not tampon, but tampon babby

>> No.9210211
File: 91 KB, 640x360, so powerful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well @realDonaldTrump, at least I will go down as a president!

Ooga booga if if if uhh uhh ahh ahh if if if

Okie doke!

>> No.9210487

'Shove harder, Michael!'
One could hear the tender screaming of ex-president Obonga from almost a mile away as his wife continued to force her big black cock deep into the tight asshole of the former Commander in Chief.

>> No.9211718
File: 54 KB, 1342x678, Drai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel really uncomfortable saving this on my computer after this
Sure: allow me to capture the screen. It changes all previous &xxx& substitutions to that word

Would you like a physical document?

>> No.9211723

Also I'll change my name to anonymous like Trippy recommended

&ban &auto& &dug&

>> No.9211733

dude yours is fucking awesome,

>> No.9211740

Did you joke with the is it called long s?

>> No.9211749

I dont mind you having it and adding as much writing as you want, as long as you credit us (is that sensible? pointless? silly? crazy?(included in the money way if that ever occurs?)

>> No.9211754

By posting TAMPON in this thread you are essentially consenting to whatever it is the OP is doing. Maybe you should &have& thought &of& that before posting.

>> No.9211762

>I dont mind you having it and adding as much writing as you want, as long as you credit us (is that sensible? pointless? silly? crazy?(included in the money way if that ever occurs?)

(I don't think this will make money; some of the writing is good and some of the writing looks like it was written as a joke, and everything's smushed together. Maybe a clean-up thread/session after this to make it more palletable)
(If it does make money, though, the writers here can have all of it)

I'll credit you, of course. Would you like to be credited as Anonymous or by some other nickname?

>> No.9211772

Apparently he jumped in a pack of marlboro's, burned a lin que emblem into his arm. He went up and up, crimson vomit -virgin snowdrift- he got ugly, got lost, and got &laid& .

>> No.9211779

You've convinced me. A deluge of passion floods my fool eyes. A path once concealed in congealed clots of maiden blood is now calling me. I was born to be a tampon babby.

>> No.9211795

moth skeleton
scoop cut turtleneck
12 -page haiku

>> No.9211799

Dude youre all good bro, write more

>> No.9211800

Here's the story as of 7 'o' clock, Anonymize- I mean, Anonymous

>> No.9211808

The indelible shifting of the misty black angstroms was perfect - phasing qualia resembled a leaping gas lamp in the noisiness of the particles' gambol, chasing after spiders and architectural screws. All he could do was look at them, considering how much of a slump was triggered by the night.

>> No.9211812

>a joke, and everyt
I think the writing you object to, is good and great, and fine and dandy, I think it adds a great touch, and it is the real results of a real person, I think it adds decoration, color, flavor, I think it makes it better, like how the earth has bugs, and many different species, veriatys of veritas

>> No.9211814

>Would you like to be credited as Anonymous or by some other nickname?
Trippy or Tripp or Aye (should be akas instead of the ors I geuss) aka Dern aka Dern Diggity, aka fresh cucumber aka yung healthy glazed honey bun

>> No.9211822 [DELETED] 

Remember Opie- don't listen to Tara, she doesn't know Jax shit: the movie The Raid Redemption is garbage.

>> No.9212060

yo suph wid id daddio

>> No.9212071
File: 645 KB, 777x636, Picture 26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oy...Be Good. o ye, b gud. Oh ya, bged. Oye bee goud, oo bbee ggoooodd, gud gud.

Stop pushing sensitive buttons. You are smart. You are good. You are passionate. Focus. Be clear. Be purposeful. Be right. Be Righteous. Dont be petty. Be Big. Be Small. Dont be small. Be Good, as you are. Be Well, Friend.

Life can be so good and fun, even writing this, even talking, is so nice. So many people want, sometimes as much as anything, to speak unadulterated, to just let it all out, anything, everything.

So many people want, sometimes as much as anything, to speak unadulterated, to just let it all out, anything, everything.

Like right now, everything has settled. It is like there is no time. All is peaceful and quite. Still. Perfect. Everything is nice now. I just which I could say the same for all who want such.

Its indescribably beautiful. This single moment. All moments are just the continuations of the minutest moment. All that is done is to celebrate this. Is to express and prove the love of this. The value of even one, let alone 100 years worth. Let alone 1000, much more. As we know. All art, all goodness, all love and family, and friends, all actions, and beauty, and fun, and happiness. Its all made of these tiniest moments. And there is so much good in even this little one. And then how many of these little ones, even go into a well spent hour. And we get years. and years. :)

Think about a tremendously beautiful song. You could not get tired listening to a million times. And how much beauty is contained in even 10 seconds of it. Think of a minute in your lovers eyes.

So many people want, sometimes as much as anything, to speak unadulterated, to just let it all out, anything, everything. With Actions, with Words. What do we want? Why? Things are difficult... They cant be easy, how easy? For everyone, always, all the time? And to compare, and judge everything, always, all the time. It cant be a loose mess... Much consolidated energy, even in an atom, and how many in a body, so even in a person, and how many of them can come together, to do how much when of why what?

And the world is only how much, how long? And these groups want how much, and how to get it? What should be wanted, what should be got, why how? Lots of people work lots of often lots of ways of lots of hard and this creates lots of great and lots of good. Think of how much Good exists in the world. Not just little levels. Not just an imaculate house, or a beach town, or a cottage in the woods. Not just 1 motorcycle, or boat for cruise. Not just 5 sharks. Not just a few dogs. Not just a pond, a rainbow, a rainstorm, a sunshine, a lightbulb, a mountain, a ravine, a horse, a forrest, a flower, a castle, a temple, a planet, a lightning, a love fest, an awesome makeage, a radical opportunity, a trancendent marvelation, how large is a town, how large is the world, the universe, baby, Love it, Dig it.

>> No.9212187
File: 48 KB, 218x206, lknklnklnlkn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9212272
File: 207 KB, 480x358, 7587578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]









>> No.9212281
File: 228 KB, 522x430, 6fdi6s65s6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trip daddy, trip da da, aka go take a hike,



>> No.9212288

obama says he likes 100 years of solitude but what he doesn't realise is that he is one of the persons the book complains about

>> No.9212297
File: 265 KB, 455x357, Picture 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trew purple,


>> No.9212363

Die Fahne hoch!
Die Reihen dicht geschlossen!
SA marschiert
Mit ruhig festem Schritt
Kam'raden, die Rotfront
Und Reaktion erschossen,
Marschier'n im Geist
In unser'n Reihen mit :|

Die Straße frei
Den braunen Bataillonen,
Die Straße frei
Dem Sturmabteilungsmann!
Es schau'n aufs Hakenkreuz
Voll Hoffnung schon Millionen
Der Tag für Freiheit
Und für Brot bricht an :|

Zum letzten Mal
Wird zum Appell geblasen!
Zum Kampfe steh'n
Wir alle schon bereit.
Bald flattern Hitlerfahnen
Über allen Straßen.
Die Knechtschaft dauert
Nur noch kurze Zeit! :|

Die Fahne senkt!
Horst Wessel ist erschossen!
In unser'm Herzen
nur noch wach er lebt,
Dein rotes Blut, Kamerad,
Ist nicht umsonst geflossen,
D'rum doppelt hoch
Die Freiheitsfahne hebt!

>> No.9213255

dank bamp

>> No.9213278

The flag high! The items are closed! Marches with quiet a firm step came ' raden, Rotfront and reaction shot, marching ' n in the spirit in our ' n elements with the road the brown scales, the road of the storm department man! It Sight ' n on the full of hope had millions of day for freedom and for bread breaks at the last time is the complaint fans!!!!! To Stand ' n we all have already finished.

>> No.9213382

>but I guess I ate a nice dinner (tacos) had a clementine as desert, and just went into the zone
I dont recommend this combo either by the way, my stomach was not the happiest for a few hours after that one

>> No.9213715

That's strange; sometimes I squeeze clementine juice into tacos and I don't get frustrated stomach at all

>> No.9213752

&i am 76 and what is this&

>> No.9213802

my dad does lime, ensures and ensues and pursues and peruse in peru

>> No.9213811

>my dad does lime, ensures and ensues and pursues and peruse in peru
in igloos, made of new glue from peru into anew knew you do too sue so blue moo mew to dew rue ruse you tube boo boom loom lou loo beaut tit full)

>> No.9213915

when I first started writing that sentence one of the points I wanted to hit, words I wanted to use was , insists, (and then maybe that implies for this meaninglessness, persists) but even if I used the most minorest amount of other thought to think of the other words in order, by the time I finished I forgot to include it

>> No.9214061

Purple Truth, Purple Purpatration, Popostoros Puretrititity, Truw, Trew, trewe purple penetration, Pup Master
dern daddy, dern baby dern

>> No.9215110


>> No.9215170

The ways in which you could weigh his density were possibly circular. Wheels split the density betwixt the ground like the resonant frequency of pathogen; he writhed over the veal-like mud like a disenchanted fetus.

All sooner than his intentions could catch up with: the air was narrow and suffocating like a ventilated, ovular canal. His breath concealed, and made unavailable, the breadth of intentions he could set himself

>> No.9216298


>> No.9216434

Now &Sin& is done, let’s leave the heroic slain
And Orphic grue decanting on the waves
To see if we, by &fake& light on woodgrain,
Can gather back obscurer shades and nameless graves.

Mauger physique, my inaccessible
Bundle of Clouds, between screenlight and pitch
To find grey Waste and there to toll the bell,
Thrusting the peacock’s scream and eyes back on the Bitch—

O to revive dire words when direness
Drips out an aged ear and freezes Fate!—
We go like thousands before to transgress,
Though knowing neither God nor Homer sit in state.

Standing where the roadway once and pavements grey
Tortured the mind of Man, we sing a Hymn to tortured Day.

>> No.9216479

Here is my unguided attempt at a shallow summary in Japanese of The Sound of Waves by Mishima Yukio:

「潮騒」は 三島由紀夫の十さつ本です。日本語で1954年に書き表しまして、英語で 1956年に書き表しました。発売のさいじは有意義。十一年前に、第二次世界大戦は終わりましたから、日本人はまだ戦争の影響を考えました。それなのに、「潮騒」に、三島さんは戦争をあまり時及びませんでした。潮騒の恋物語は離島で起こりました。島は「歌島」という。少し歌島の男の子はお父さんがいます。三島さんは少しこれを述べる、でも読者は子供のお父さんが戦争で死ぬとだんじられる。この本のしゅじんこうのなまえは久保しんじです。しんじさんは弟とおかあさんと歌島に住んでいる。しんじさんは、学校が終わってから、漁業の仕事を貰いました。ぎょせんのてつだいになりました。しんじさんはあまり頭がいいじゃありません、でも強いで、親切で、操がありました。しんじさんは少し野心がありました。漁船を買いたかった。かぞくをてつだうためにお金をくれたかった。ある日、はまであるくながら、しんじさんは、初めてはつえさんをみって、こいしました。はつえさんのかぞくはたくさんおかねがあるのにたいして、しんじのかぞくはちょっとしがなかった。それに、はつえさんのおとうさんはしんじさんがすきじゃありませんでした。努力で、しんじさんははつえのお父さんの結婚の許可を稼ぎ出しました。程なくに、しんじさんははつえさんとけっこんしました。

>> No.9216928

The fact that I was home snuck up on me

>> No.9217667

The trouble with collecting such paragraphs on postconceptual writing, as the above collection shews, is that the collection itself is postconceptual writing even where the individual items in the assemblage are not, ahem, 'postconceptual' in scare quotes.

The question this throws up, and indeed makes us as reasonable men throw up, is whether postconceptual writing can map adequately the limits and sinular features of writing that is postconceptual.

Is there a difference, a meaningful difference, between 'writing that is postconceptual' and 'postconceptual writing'?

The suggestion of this document, with this rubric added some time after the rest but inserted into the middle of the collection, is that conceptual writing can describe but enact the impulses and templates of postconceptual writing, but that both are, in some moral dimension, damaging to the reader in the same way that preconceptual writing is to the writer.

>> No.9217704

cum nigga forty five. imma beat them alive. nigga.

>> No.9217715

It is not the occasion which she returns home with the unmistakable lust for sexual pleasure. Where she throws her soft body at me and lets her primal instincts take over and take me over in turn. No, this is a day of greif.

Two years ago after my initial ischemic stroke I lost the will to live due to collateral damage from the stroke. After being discharged on a particular rainy day; days where myself and my love would indulge in the most hanious and enjoyable of sexual acts, I discovered my disability. We stumbled in from the back door onto our velvet loveseat, her legs entangled with mine, her heart the drum for this erotic dance we were having. I began to disrobe with considerable speed and precision, precision that only surfaced with intention to penetrate her soaked vagina in a breif a time as possible.

After unbuckling my pants and nimbly slipping out of them I tossed them aside, one hand already stroking my semi-erect phallus. However, I noticed a problem. By now I'd be fully erect.

As I began to insert it, my attempt failed. Simultaneously, my darling's mother stumbled in. It had slipped my mind that she awaited my return from my medical treatment. Her jaw dropped as she let out a shreik. Concerned, her husband hurried in from the porch, open the door

got on the floor

Everybody walked the dinosaur

>> No.9217728

I hope things work &out& between us, I'm super tired of sleeping alone. I need some Alan Dugan shit, I'm sick of sleeping in a coat, I want a small thing to clasp and draw from, some boiling tide, some eroded embrace; I wish I wasn't too lazy to walk to the ank before work

>> No.9217792

drum they's skulls. muh dick so swole. nigga

>> No.9218039

Suck some cockandballscockandballscockandballscockandballscockandballscockandballscockandballscockandballscockandballscock and you will feel better


>> No.9218103

I gotta poopoo
Nigga, on the floor or I'll shoot chu
Spread my cheeks on your lips tell you to prepare
As I relax my sphincter and share

>> No.9218640

aka Trippy Thee Truouph

>> No.9218983

Sovenric supposed himself lengthways in the loose, unpalletable light of the luculent abode. It is there his legs stirred in eternally drawn circles that festered in the birth of the last circle. Sovenric, blinking intently at the time-device, one loose and detached from any orifice in nature so that metal had to sustain its height, and the rigour of the prior action was its adhesive, peered into the hands of the autonomous time-juggler: the clock.

>> No.9219250

Basically the new Finnegan's Wake.

>> No.9219267

> '

>> No.9219278

If I would have hit you with my down smash it would have went into Luma's. Heh, way to try and punk on me. Oh fed me, punch him. I don't feel that way anymore

>> No.9219391
File: 188 KB, 777x483, sdgdsgaega.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9219583
File: 214 KB, 477x401, 00000dhdfhd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(First 30 minutes are absolutely, (whole thing is great totaly) I cant say there is a particular 5 minute here 5 minute there must hear, because the whole 30 to 50 (yeah, forget that 30, im skipping through now trying to find these spots, and past 30 and its epicly great right now, around 40s) first minutes are full highest perfection held entirely;
Then an especially special parts is; around 1:18:00 (always prior to be on the safe side when I give these recs guys, cmon) through 1:35:00

its all must hear. 1:32:00 is end of epic scene so gotta see that before leading up to it, act 2 start off hilarious, this mockery note of the old guy movking someone else, as 'ugly' as it could potentially sound, is such a 'standing out' of style of sensation of hearing, it is always a stand out, most fun, part to hear, and what I am surprised is I have learned over time, it actually sounds attractively good. though it is whiney shrillish
so yeah,
that starts around 1:41:00

With a most marvelous cresendoic coda, dadedenaduhteedenenuna real fast and in synch with newly introduced harmony and accompyaning scope, a warm fuzz padding, but sharp cutting lines, sounds futuristic, robotic, computeristic, full of tremendous energy and volume, one can understand how the musical form an concept and urging came about with sampling, becasue muscical history is full of these gems which can be repeated and warped in ways without tire.

>> No.9219601

Oh I forgot, theres an epic part with the older guy dad I guess a drinking song in the tavern where hes riding a barrel being raised by others, I think testing beer to choose for the wedding or something, I forgot to look for that and not doing it, maybe next time I watch it I will edit this if I remember .

>> No.9219622

Wow! If I write something clever, will I fit in? Maybe I'm not the only one to ask myself that.

>> No.9219648

As much as I l&ike& &most& &of& the posts that are here for demonstrating what would happen if I created an echo-room for anyone on a board that's divided between aesthetes and jokers: writing something clever wouldn't exactly fit in

That's ok, though; part of the charm of this thread is that &it& &b&ecame so disjointed so close to the beginning

You can write it but it might subconsciously adulterate your writing direction

>> No.9219650

Sovenric then quoted from the Book of Melkekh

"Woe unto you, spreaders of filth. Cursed be ye scribes of effluence who invade the Assyrian basket-weaving forum and create mighty mischief, turning the Littites to sin and away from the word of our Lord Stirner. Whosoever spooketh not, ye are condemned to the eternal fire with the Scientites and Materialites."

>> No.9220006
File: 272 KB, 606x433, Picture 27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(with letters going down now)

This post is not spam, system. (it is quite spick however)

>> No.9220139

More like bore-chan, amrite %?%

>> No.9220166

A plant reversed its progress into the mud; Norfael reversed his progress into the mud. Defining the plant's salubrious traits, and watching green turn ochre, afterwards sowing the pygmy red berries, was his intention, and perhaps his only one. This plant was rather imperative; it was dressed in a sienna pot from somewhere and it shined effervescently because of that atypical accident, as if it was the only thing with intensity for miles.
He lived in the same dissonant condition sitting next to this plant and watering as he did opening and closing his hands.
Desperately: he scrunched up his parched throat with the thin, detestable sewage running through his throat. This spared him from sitting next to the plant for ever. Every capacity for tasks was taken up by wrath within him somewhere and expunged, except for getting water.
Norfael had a small flask made out of glass; " It washed up in the mire next to the clay of a beach South of my house", he recalled, using his mind. His thoat wasn't sore at all, despite his mind constantly cajoling him to furfill a circular appetite.
Abstracting his flask caused the flask to blink with its distinct, reflective percussion; it fell onto one impenetrable person. He could stumble across the trite, deteriorating gravel that made up his "floorboard" to get re-processed as seperate from the consumating warmth of the fluttering, icy blanket, and did.
Wheels split the density betwixt the mud like the resonant frequency of pathogen; he writhed over the veal-like mud outside of the shelter like a disenchanted embelishment on this small island. He lived in the same dissonant condition walking as he did

>> No.9220344
File: 477 KB, 761x614, Picture 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9220421

Realistically I'm not qualified for this, but I feel lie my mistakes &have& qualified me s a narrator. I feel bad, but also delectabke. God, I've reached heights. I am a still (born) a photo, a photograph, nothing worthwhile eschewed out of necessity, claimed righteousness. I'm an idiot, sans dostoyboy. I'm trying.

>> No.9220463
File: 612 KB, 1049x669, Picture 17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Trippyusticus Maximus Fagikis

>> No.9220732
File: 485 KB, 806x632, Picture 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9220979
File: 372 KB, 634x458, 426262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka trippy your trhipfehg in residance

>> No.9221338
File: 207 KB, 484x316, Picture 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Barf-ona-mule

>> No.9221515
File: 170 KB, 402x530, 679499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka anna dominoingus


>> No.9221754
File: 203 KB, 825x518, Picture 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mister walk me out in the morning mew

>> No.9221768
File: 35 KB, 153x166, Picture 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9221783
File: 190 KB, 555x402, glugyugul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.9221909
File: 280 KB, 444x549, Picture 17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.9221926
File: 216 KB, 455x359, dr6dr6mrd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka gudknightbump





>> No.9222758
File: 447 KB, 552x685, Picture 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.9223054
File: 351 KB, 912x524, wawbassd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If not the whole thing, at least check out the epic ending, start from 48:00

>> No.9223423
File: 289 KB, 462x339, s6s6nt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka derny dingus aka trippy dingus



>> No.9223799
File: 209 KB, 383x571, ga8g8hg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka holy...I want more aka my diary desu
aka A Non





>> No.9223915
File: 136 KB, 455x427, fgjsfgjfs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9224138
File: 220 KB, 500x460, Picture 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9224250

I'm afraid of sleeping and broken glass, so I fill my bed &with& broken glass, now I'm fine.

>> No.9224589
File: 62 KB, 468x700, tumblr_ohmny0N9Um1vied2do1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka memes are our hieroglyphics
(Start at 24:00 and watch to the end if you want to miss out on 24 gloriously and priceless did splen minutes of sheer beauty of beautys sheerness (with the must must hear climax starting around 38)
(it would be most accurate to say the climax begins at 43:00(or I guess, the final one))
A similar nice cresencdo (with bernstein conducting too), I will post next,

>> No.9225207
File: 2.00 MB, 400x246, tumblr_oe6bke2iYe1r43ffbo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka testy cull


>> No.9225461
File: 295 KB, 1100x726, Beethoven-Frieze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka thats not what we meant by pot luck Jason





>> No.9225604
File: 724 KB, 1280x1309, tumblr_ogm6m6SNRd1vgd5fwo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka thats aight geist aka zee zright sgeist
(epic crescendo, starting: 44:00 ((46)through 48 50, just to the end, just know the break down starts at 44)(46:40)(47:50)(48:00 starts the heighest point sublimity of the piece, well then theres more coda and triumphant ending, but it s also imo one of the heigh points of music at all)(48:22 climbing to 48:32)

>> No.9225867
File: 111 KB, 500x654, tumblr_olt26ofNti1qzhjh2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka turkey chedder bacon on an egg-roll rye, lettuce avacado and tomato,thinly sliced browns of hash, whole wheat roll lemhoney glazed and toasted to a brinwerd crhisp, a qaurter cup of oj, and a slice of key lime-mrang pie, nexted to a stack of sausage nearly the pile hile,





>> No.9226073
File: 68 KB, 500x334, tumblr_olvr6tHdQj1qzhjh2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka of course with some onions and peppers and olives black green and olve, pickles and spritz of marmalade, one I believe, must relish the relish, a la tapenade, a spdaszle of uhmus, a spricktzle of startberry sooflae, berrys blue and bogged sliced in sevenths, a jallopy of poupon my sandwich, a pepper jack a cheddar a brie, the nut of wal shavt, the eager vine lio's, tell me when to stop, to take a grain of salt and toss it among your shoulter, some cajun bufflo chipotel sweetnzour hot sunce, a dash and a sprinkle of that and this, a crisple and a crumpsle of potaty chipks, a ranch can be cool, in the sweet flowery medow of our fair gartens, with flowing bier ass the rivvers, and flowing women ass the windt,




aka knight knight aka silent k

>> No.9226138
File: 314 KB, 533x565, 0000045747382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.9226163

>today of woke up early
I knew that rule would drive me mad

>> No.9226326
File: 82 KB, 400x605, tumblr_o3z9tzn6co1rilgsso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka noight noight
(I think these pieces are real nice for reading and riding, this style, I spose should have used this tag from the start)




>> No.9227788
File: 219 KB, 1024x683, 1485029458891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.9228071
File: 300 KB, 1080x1350, tumblr_ob5uisC4pu1sutgy1o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]






>> No.9228085
File: 391 KB, 544x586, asfafa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9228188

should start at (the beginning) at 42:00, my fear that people will miss the latter good if I say too early and they dont then make it there, messed this up

>> No.9228309
File: 83 KB, 281x318, ghkgkdk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omggmgmgmgmgmgmgm. One of my absolute favorites, only discovered it like 7 months ago. Mozart wrote this when he was 1616161611616161616161!!!!!!, I think it might be in his top 50 works, and that is saying a lot! of heck of somethings.
omgomgomgogm, if you dont want any of it or whatever, I would say a must hear part is starting around 1:23:00 (through 1:27:00

>> No.9228616
File: 148 KB, 526x810, tumblr_inline_ohvn89MUFx1qzv3vd_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Darn Darnit


>> No.9228742

HWAT.jpg cried man in manself with caresolle

>> No.9228871
File: 55 KB, 678x315, 1488200759375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Deng Dengit


1:08:26 good part with a famous tune a few minutes in, and then culminating through a great part around 1:12:00
Rossini - La Cenerentola

>> No.9229219
File: 252 KB, 600x858, tumblr_ohsszuvJNQ1r5nyrlo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Dang Dangit
(scriabin, or at least these pieces, his symphonies are great I guess I should post his symphony 1 (and others too now that I think) and it will change what I was going to say) more of a nighttime mood music, or at least these, now being, piano, pieces are)







>> No.9229561
File: 169 KB, 900x605, tumblr_olflhnFZZ91qzhjh2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Darng Darngit



>> No.9229635

over and under
under and over
and over and under
and under and over
down and out
out and down
and down and out
and out and down
back and forth
forth and back
and back and forth
and forth and back
in and out
out and in
and in and out
and out and in
over and over
over and over
and over and over
and over and over
around and about
about and around
and around and about
and about and around
risen and fallen
fallen and risen
and risen and fallen
and fallen and risen
through and through
through and through
and through and through
and through and through
over and out
out and over
and over and out
and out and over
on and off
off and on
and on and off
and off and on

>> No.9229639

What the fuck is this thread?

>> No.9229835
File: 328 KB, 1075x1345, tumblr_o57jdtq7uG1vqtgh5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Derng Derngit

>> No.9229999
File: 67 KB, 500x414, tumblr_n97hxbmN3F1rw9qieo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka this thread isnt your grandmothers noodle stewoup thats fore shore


>> No.9230182

I will now start to contribute to this thread. I want to be clever and wity, but fuck me, phoneposting in greatly infuriating. Oh shit i am a little nervous now. I dont know what i should write about. Shit and fucking of my almonds is milking my brain so much that i am smoking bad dragins but really i have to shit out this tiilet roll from my arse in irder not to leave stains on my boy(female) panties, yes i am a demogirl you cis gendered faggit. Ehem... where was I? In the mist of the night, a lonely man took a walk. Blinding darkness took his vision from him, alas he knew his path. Extraordinary thoughts came to his conscience, at first harmless, then.... wicked. I am to lazy to continue Original Poster, so that means i am not proof reafing this mavelous garbagge. Also post paste-bin faggot.

>> No.9230255

And though the wise traveller must consider his belongings simple luxuries, that may be appreciated yet never relied upon, it is nevertheless a miserable truth that once one dare to accustom oneself to the slightest good fortune, to have that fortune undone is by far the worse than to have never known serendipity at &all&.

>> No.9230300
File: 108 KB, 410x317, hshfhfhdhd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka its a taste test



>> No.9230319

Here you go
Like that other anon said, it's basically a more infantile Finnegan's Wake

>> No.9230324

&a& &b& &c&
He percieved the underside of this room - the corrugated mortar ceiling, and rubbed his forehead, blinking. There was a vapid thump, which marked the doorstop stone's landing. These exits reminded all of us of the graphs of the people, all of the erroneous chants made people argue from continents apart, or would do (he thought) if impressions were irrelevant. It was a flowing morning, it was an interrupted night.

>> No.9230403
File: 140 KB, 500x632, tumblr_olk7dsZsDa1r1ksyoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Dung Dungit
(if anything(the whole thing); 38:00

>> No.9230637
File: 572 KB, 1280x905, tumblr_od4ng7EDTi1vqtgh5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka trissle drissle
(a real treat, Igoshina, a dammnnsel if ive ever seen one)






>> No.9230940
File: 37 KB, 512x512, 1488200516360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Bantmaster r(eee)(Fle')ex

>> No.9231060
File: 105 KB, 500x580, tumblr_olvmo1qQdg1qzhjh2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka ak A




>> No.9231120
File: 77 KB, 500x379, tumblr_olfa5pTUmy1qzhjh2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka one for the road



>> No.9231192
File: 13 KB, 250x214, 1487698724539s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Dag Daggit

(start at 10:00 if your not feeling it)


>> No.9231888
File: 719 KB, 1513x903, 1485116103430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Dun Dunit
(incase this below attempt of embedding full playlist (of mozart complete string quartets (aka all of these are baller)) doesnt 'copy that')

>> No.9232644
File: 106 KB, 600x600, tumblr_ngcqmicB4Y1rtj3g0o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka (statly) Plumbp Plumbping


>> No.9232653

: ???---__&(+++/;!? D B ) cilia k-k-k'thang! :

>> No.9232700

I don't understand the prompt or the direction of this thread, but here something I wrote off the top of my head.

"Fak me seidways" Mr. Spots knew he couldn't get another high, time felt backwards, a splotch sat in his eyes. The team teamed up to fight again but fucking he'll who's that loony... Singing like a boony. The crowd roundabout applauded the surly cunt, as she bent over backwards, revealing her trunk. "Now dats geed." MR. Spots straightened in applause, his heart jumped like two neegers into a lake.

>> No.9233378
File: 193 KB, 640x640, 1487507852004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(aka I meant to do the bottom one first, because it might be more worthy to see, if one listens to the first and isnt feeling it and then doesnt bother with the second, start with the second if that is a potential because its filled with fireworks and crackles and sparkle, twinkle and sheen and shine and wax and wane and green and dime and feign the brain of bane of pain by pane to stay sane a gain a gen a ration a rofling a bastiong a boshting a bistling a brustling and bruceleng and brushchtong



>> No.9233658
File: 148 KB, 694x900, tumblr_mitje7xjgh1r3sn0vo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka today junior (sr.)
(The Delights Of Ambiguity (very lit)

>> No.9234404
File: 24 KB, 564x846, 9e8e71b036ca85974738338910ddcb05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Dernerd Derntein


>> No.9235133
File: 57 KB, 538x445, gollub.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Jawho(?)vah

(must hear is around 3 maybe and most 7:55, most most must must hear is around or bit before 9:30)
(look at her face and eyes when shes playing that part, epic

>> No.9235282
File: 187 KB, 976x549, p00vhvvt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka dankes(h(o))un dankes(h(o))unit






>> No.9235302
File: 141 KB, 500x280, tumblr_nryg9x3E801rhk3pjo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Ass Gobling (the (second) g and the two s's are silent)

>> No.9236486 [DELETED] 
File: 267 KB, 484x353, Picture 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka this one harp one (vasilisa, lush lush lushchevskayaniyaniopioloiuintiniouentowanovichinienzowinieskeliniontowantowontowentowalpoweepo) deserves its own post (though I just remembered another harp piece I can tack on though the former sentiments remain)

(aka hashtag so comfy)

>> No.9236507 [DELETED] 
File: 267 KB, 484x353, Picture 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka this one harp one (vasilisa, lush lush lushchevskayaniyaniopioloiuintiniouentowanovichinienzowinieskeliniontowantowontowentowalpoweepo) deserves its own post (though I just remembered another harp piece I can tack on though the former sentiments remain)

(aka hashtag so comfy)

>> No.9236568
File: 267 KB, 484x353, Picture 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka this one harp one (vasilisa, lush lush lushchevskayaniyaniopioloiuintiniouentowanovichinienzowinieskeliniontowantowontowentowalpoweepowapoweiantowiovitch) deserves its own post (though I just remembered another harp piece I can tack on though the former sentiments remain)

(aka hashtag so comfy)

>> No.9237415
File: 479 KB, 591x604, rr5udrurdt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka tripple drizzle (Co-one)



>> No.9238241
File: 325 KB, 555x411, 000000dfdg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Dumbpb Dumbpbling



>> No.9239158
File: 339 KB, 555x414, 000000sdhsdh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka tryp dizzle

>> No.9240145
File: 298 KB, 555x413, 00000shdhd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka tyrp(e) drizzly


>> No.9240161

snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now....
Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my dear....hmmmmm...is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear....ah yes....let me guess...curry for dinner?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well curry......hmmm....that fragrance is quite noticeable....yes.....onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?.....hmmmmm....yes quite.....
BBBBBBRRRRRRRRPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTT Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes….

>> No.9240691
File: 309 KB, 522x389, 000000dhdh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka tripp dogg



>> No.9240807
File: 99 KB, 264x260, 347373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Tripp Trippy Dogg






>> No.9241305

Ok I've been sitting against the wall in my room while fans hover in the air. My back hurts. I understand the pain that this wall feels. I say this to myself as if I believe it. I know everything inside me wants to do something else. I am sick and I will be worse if I don't take care of myself. My lifestyle gives me a free pass to die quick. I won't have read as much as I wish because of this. I will have published nothing except some 4chan posts. I won't be able to control my death because my dying is on autopilot and I'm barely in my 20s. I can laugh a little though. At what? Myself most of all.

>> No.9241479

&i truly don't have a clue what's going on in here&

>> No.9242338
File: 319 KB, 1280x648, 1488571804545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Tribb Doigg

>> No.9243226
File: 129 KB, 736x931, 1488570254251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Tribby Doiggo

>> No.9243939

I'll try to remember you as best I can; I have this all saved to a Wordpad document and I can review it and share it until it gets deleted, which won't be soon!

If it's any compensation: it looks like the majority of us are also dying at the same speed as you.

It's not incredibly painful; death is just a state of being, something we can't describe such as "being unconscious" but use a word for, instead

>> No.9244760
File: 132 KB, 484x768, 1488656895986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Derng Derngy Doigg


>> No.9244847

"For when it fall down to bottom of abyss, up is the only direction."

"And here we stand", said the man, "Here in the dirt and mud, here in the torment that we call life". As he walks slowly towards his house that is few yards from river of Reina, he looks into the eyes of his son. His son no more than 12 summers of experiance, followed him enthusiasticly. " Come.... Come I said!" Angerly shouts his father. The father is a local fisherman, inherited his job from his father, and his father probably from his grandad, though they never spoke of him. The child frightened to see his father angry obeys without a hesitation, but few words slip through his mouth, "Where is mama". Looking into direction of the riverflow father faild to hear almost silent words of his soon, thinking to himself about the river. It has never raised this high in years, so long that last time it floded was when his father was in twenties, and that was almost a century ago.
His thought olny madehim dread the consequences of the flood. What will he do? Where will he go? When will it flood? How long? All rummination made him anxious, so much that he lost contact with his senses. The cold wind does not make him shiver, the childs pleas does not make him feel neither guild nor empathy. It all fell down on him.

"To se the light, to see the sun, again... it takes everything, but i will see it again!"

Three days have passed, rain never stops. The old dirt roads have became muds, that the cariages avoid. Village of Obranztop can be seen to know it's fate. God works in mysterious ways, as the local priest tries to calm down the situation, many people were leaveing. Taking their belongings, when you see them leave, you can only wonder if they'll return.
It is as early as the first rooster can be heard.
The father knows what must be done. His wife is still sleeping but their son is awake, ready to work. They know that even the floods wont stop taxes. Son's named Dragoslaw, his name came from the anchient legends of the dragons. Where the dragon stole a princes and put her in his castle. Common tale for every boy, to make them entertained before sleep. Dragoslaw exits his wooden house. House is old few generations of the family, though it is believed that it was a leisure place for some rich ancestral part of the family. Through political change and failing of nobility, the family became poor, no longer the prestigious court life was aveiable to them. But that was more than two generations ago, now even the father can barely recall and importance of his family, mostly because what was of importance to it, did not pas to him.
Wooden house is old and rustic looking, foundation is solid stone and with stone supporting pillars, it shows sign that long ago it was a wealthy home, now full of old wood, tinder wood.
The father went to probably his last fishing, for who know how much time, months... years...
It was afternoon rain showed no sign of stoping.
Father took his son Dragoslaw

>> No.9244859

Idk if i should continue, did not proof read.
Also good writing excersise.

>> No.9244890
File: 210 KB, 564x785, 269c170427997478e231949fdba0c67b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka trippity true trawl trippity tray try t'o try twhat ta twonderful tday



>> No.9245145
File: 305 KB, 599x606, Picture 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka wittal toitle doive



>> No.9246338
File: 427 KB, 744x522, Picture 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Triggy Bizquet

>> No.9247398
File: 534 KB, 612x672, Picture 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka glib-glub pan-gwen aka pang when aka pen going
(must hear 7:00 leading up through 12:30ish climax)
(and finale 35:00 to epic end)

>> No.9247924
File: 279 KB, 595x429, Picture 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Lucia de la Paco de la Paco de la Lucia


(damn, just remembered thats the name of a great guitarist, so I will put his epic vid first; I will be, de luci then, or luci-y (luci-ey)(first I was gonna tack his on the end but now only him)

>> No.9248389

Watching The Social Network with the sound off. Dakota Johnson was cuter in 2010. Fincher's direction is quite simple but every artistic decision is necessary.

>> No.9248862
File: 515 KB, 850x470, Picture 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka dat jango d(th implied but silent, which I guess I can express with an e at the end which I will tack on now)oe






(charlie christian)




>> No.9249405
File: 571 KB, 850x472, Picture 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka That Jingle Jangle Though
(my favorite first (my ocd will have to suffer the out of order)(though at the same time it is so hard to say, a, favorite, they are all quite quaintly delicious quaintly quite frankly to be frank, to be, frank, or not to be, that is, yet another question, there is always to be, say, fred, instead, for instance, or for instance, Constance, now howwhy no Prostance? ahh, you see, I see, another question))(and fuck darn it is really dumb to say that 6th is my fav, I mean, something about it touched me a little more and has always stuck with me, made me listen more times (is the only wayson I suppose I suppose I considered it fav, but the others I likelove just as much, I guess there is a subtle sentimentality and continouity of mood this one offers, some of the others at least, the ideas are more analytic maybe, and readily present in my head, such that they do not demand I feel and experience their ideas again, whereas this 6th has such a mood and memory and setting and I guess a mellowness, a pleasantness, I guess it is its, reflectedness reflection, inwardness, slowness, quietness, mellowness, some of the others have some boistrousosity to them, which I equally enjoy in those are nearly any time, forget I said anything at all, really, maybe, its the continuity of rhythm and flow maybe, the others have more choppiness and breaks, though 6 might just as well and just as many, I really do not know what im talking about, I dont know if it is even true that I like it more than the others, they are all special and great, and I love them all, damn, its just something about that one that draws me

>> No.9249412
File: 221 KB, 552x592, 235235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(damn, they are all great and perfect, fuck; 6 might technically be the worst one, lamest, technically, least amount of flair, of show, of dynamic, of intricacy, of virtuosity, there are just some subtle tidbits and emotivic motifs about it that just really rile my fancy jimmies. fuck now I dont even like it any more at all, after listening, the others are all better. any way, don forget to thumbs up, tag friends and family, love, like, star, favorite, subscribe, email, thumbs up, and leave a comment below and write me a handwritten letter or your mom will die in her sleep tonight)(the craziest, or one of them, to consider when listening to classical music, one need just think of this once, not every second of listening to a piece, to maybe increase some appreciation, if it was not already obviously enough realized, though sometimes it is forgotten, or just brushed aside, and I was just reminded by seeing these images of beethoven actual handwritten score: no computers, you start a piece of music, and maybe you are hearing this and that, and wonders and beauties and complexities and its just flowing and flowing away, you hear what may come 5 minutes later, than 3 minutes, than 20 seconds here, and than 20 seconds after that, quick how to jot it all down! The terror, the absolute horror, the all the more absolute impressiveness of every piece of classical music: I have a phone and voice recorder and computer and still have failed to scramble in time to record a musical idea before it disintegrated in to the aether of nothingness forever to be forgotten by me)








>> No.9249834
File: 424 KB, 846x631, Picture 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka (/ok)(/ok-o(/ok-(y)o) woah mumma aka everyday is christmas, every second (with the gift of all these presence) (aka shes not a fat lady) (aka mi, a mama (aka (?))


>> No.9250031
File: 408 KB, 645x477, Picture 19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Derndy Derndy Daewg

aka schuberts 9th symphony is /lit/


>> No.9250042

thanks, I like writing from desperation but i'm actually recovering from being very sick, thank you once again

>> No.9250977
File: 368 KB, 387x663, Picture 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka dernty n'more pseudp


>> No.9251438
File: 567 KB, 773x613, Picture 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Will I am Shakes Sphere (aka Will I am Shakes a Spear)



>> No.9251910
File: 314 KB, 683x663, Picture 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Prezadantce (His (Your) Royal Graces Honoredable Excellency) Obongo

>> No.9252203
File: 369 KB, 643x478, Picture 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka oohhoolloohhoonnss (bbb)bbq and rib joint (aka bar and grill)


>> No.9252480
File: 370 KB, 777x613, Picture 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka I know every note aka of all deez aka im not necessarily proud of this or that aka but im also not necessarily not aka maybe aka many may bees aka ok maybe not all of these underlyings and background subtle rhythmic harmonies and supporting ensemblagesizationages

>> No.9252937
File: 431 KB, 735x494, Picture 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Dungy (Dungarooney) Dungaroo

>> No.9252952
File: 131 KB, 288x546, Picture 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka almost forgot about this bad boy
(whole thing is great (nicknamed the great mass) a fun stand out bubbly part for me however is (but the opening should not be missed either): 33:50

>> No.9252968
File: 492 KB, 853x475, Picture 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Gibbonous Wannious Maximous


>> No.9252971
File: 331 KB, 693x417, Picture 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9252976
File: 454 KB, 852x476, Picture 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9252997
File: 329 KB, 856x477, Picture 25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Dudelus, Hans Steppe aka when im finished again I wake aka dead, all us




>> No.9253002
File: 292 KB, 477x624, Picture 19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka glyphy the fourthness great

>> No.9253013
File: 201 KB, 499x529, Picture 29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9253024
File: 240 KB, 712x473, Picture 20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9253231
File: 649 KB, 504x700, Picture 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Commence Le Muh Great Glyphicication

>> No.9253236
File: 1011 KB, 585x710, Picture 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka I hope you are proud of/for/with yourself/aka I hope you are proud of/with what you have done
(whole thing good, as all, 21:40 tho)

>> No.9253923
File: 435 KB, 489x685, Picture 16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Unglibby Banqquestest




>> No.9254146
File: 68 KB, 632x351, Picture 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka and so he bumped the thread for 8 days and nights, and thus wept weepingly, for he thought he only had enough to last for maybe 1


>> No.9254194
File: 281 KB, 479x358, 9869696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka ,he, could, go, all, the, way,

>> No.9254202
File: 87 KB, 477x440, Picture 27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka The Arch Of The Arc Of Slop Of The Slope Of The Bend Of The Curve Of The Curl Of The Round Of The Crest Ant






>> No.9254225
File: 256 KB, 720x503, Picture 23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka my MastersThesis MasterPieces


>> No.9254271
File: 654 KB, 689x498, Picture 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka oh dontcha know



>> No.9254276
File: 234 KB, 422x671, Picture 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka ill give you a hint, it rhymes with Dao Win

>> No.9254289
File: 402 KB, 623x474, Picture 24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mka myour moms miary mesu

aka your mom goes to college (accredited technical institute online university of the school of hard cocks, I heard she graduated cum laudy laude)

>> No.9254292
File: 266 KB, 777x432, Picture 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Bubby Bubbingbon


>> No.9254295
File: 202 KB, 500x492, tumblr_of6p565EUY1uc27kwo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka Gosh I wanna slather glaze lemon gelatin unto those hamhocks mam



>> No.9254300
File: 72 KB, 453x604, tumblr_olwcq46RFb1qzhjh2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka I told ye sow



>> No.9254313
File: 60 KB, 500x345, tumblr_olyu6iZ8lY1qzhjh2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka what did they mean by this

>> No.9254319
File: 88 KB, 500x668, tumblr_nq421wABpw1rw9qieo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka ya betta watcha ya sista mista


>> No.9254334
File: 89 KB, 483x593, tumblr_omycu3csYk1r539hzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka can you believe the things weve done and seen and heard here? like as sputtering shrapnel from the suns rambunctious encanting exci-sparkations, furloing up and zip twist curling around like perfect thread strands weaving the tapestry of material time


>> No.9254345
File: 657 KB, 923x671, Picture 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka its possible thats all she wrote

>> No.9254352
File: 2.08 MB, 3648x2736, IMG_1543 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9255467

aka that is and thats not what I meant