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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 110 KB, 805x319, Heart of Rivets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9204377 No.9204377 [Reply] [Original]

This kinda thread. Don't mistake me here, I really liked the book especially after researching the meaning and the themes but that one part was just Rivets.

>> No.9204668
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>> No.9204701

>researching the meaning and the themes


>> No.9204783


>> No.9204793
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>> No.9204849

>he needed to research the themes of fucking Heart of Darkness

>> No.9205053

I didn't "need to" in the sense of that I didn't see or somewhat get them at first but I just wanted a deeper understanding of the book and watched a lecture on it. Also I'm not an Englisch native so theres that.

>> No.9205068


>> No.9205083
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>> No.9205088
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>> No.9205145

Don't listen to them. Heart of Darkness is the most researched novel for a reason.

>> No.9205997
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>> No.9206621
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>> No.9206633


>> No.9207212
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>> No.9207294

Expected Marxist class struggle and cybernetic society with blade runner aesthetics.
Got a bleak picture of "society" where interactions are mere scenarios and cases for a governing model to run in a never-ending computer simulation

>> No.9207358
File: 558 KB, 997x399, WIHWIEWIG LUM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straight outta /mu/

>> No.9207376

Fuck you if you don't like Heart of Darkness

>> No.9207405
File: 527 KB, 832x344, WIHWIEWIG notes from the underground.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh new oc

>> No.9207529

Kek, same. Expected brootal occult, got autism

>> No.9207568
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i didn´t expect to read about people painting with piss, blood and shit

>> No.9207796
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>> No.9207809
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>> No.9207833

Seems like what you got was way more interesting than what you expected desu

>> No.9207853

It was pretty interesting. I read half the series before getting distracted.

>> No.9207989


>> No.9207999

why is this thread not garbage? it's been like a year since i saw one of these threads that wasn't just embarrassing reposts and autists posting triptychs that made no sense

>> No.9208233
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>> No.9208347


>> No.9208354

"make the bumbaclat faggot fuck a bullet" was one of the most wonderful phrases I had ever heard.

>> No.9209679

the author is tsundere for some French land-owning Knight who treats him like a bro despite their religious differences, was pretty cute

>> No.9209693
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>> No.9211235
File: 148 KB, 1008x389, tkm2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9211329

really made me think.and still dont get it.

>> No.9211349

Bretty good

>> No.9211458

this guy gets it