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/lit/ - Literature

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920282 No.920282 [Reply] [Original]

A couple years ago it was snowing, cold, and there wasn't anything to do. I decided to go to Walmart and buy a phone cord, balloons, a small sport bra, and a long-sleeved black leotard. I returned back home, waited until 3:00 am, and took all of the items I purchased into my bathroom. I first filled two balloons with water - making sure that no air bubbles were inside. I then took the phone cord out of its packaging, tied one end of it to my penus, and I pulled the cord and tied it to ensure it wouldn't bulge. I put the sport bra on and inserted the water-filled balloons. I finally put the leotard on. I then waited until 4:12 am and put my trousers, shoes,long coat, and ski-mask on. I left my house and walked about 3 streets away and entered inside of this abandoned garage. I took my coat and trousers off and placed them in the corner of the garage. I then left the garage and walked an additional two streets away. I felt really brave and walked on the sidewalk of one of the main streets. There was silence on this main street. Suddenly, I hear a car's horn and someone shouting "Whooo!" as they passed by.....

>> No.920286
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My first reaction was to run, but I stopped running after they were no longer in my sight. I continued to walk on the sidewalk of the main street. I saw an elderly man sitting on the bus stop bench. I hesitated to go near him, but then proceeded towards him. As I approached closer, he said to me "aren't you cold, honey?", but I didn't reply - I just walked casually past him. I turned the corner and decided to walk past him again. This time, walking close enough for him to touch me. As I walked by him the second time, he slapped my butt really hard and said "that's what happens to little sluts". It startled me a bit, so I ran. I don't know if it was the rush of that happening, or the chilly cold weather that made the pain of his hard, cold hand feel good. I then wanted to end this adventure so I headed back to the abandoned garage. On the way back, there was a garbage truck and the driver honked the horn and shouted "hey baby, need a ride?". I didn't pay him any attention as I was too determined to go home. I then ran the rest of the way to the abandoned garage and put my clothes back on there. I returned home at 5:46 am and took those items off and threw them in the garbage. That night was one of my most "interesting" nights.....

>> No.920293
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I tried this once more - this time it was Halloween night and I decided on going the opposite direction. I came across this alleyway, and proceeded to go down it. At the end of the alleyway there was a crossroad section and there was this black guy crossing the street. He seen me and said "I like your costume", "You fine as a mother", and "come here"! I ran away from there and went by this apartment complex. There was some kind of party going on I guess at that time and some of the people there saw me. This girl yells "What the hell?" and draws attention to me. This guy whistled and said "Yo, crazy bitch, wanna come drink with us?" I ran down the street approximately two blocks. The guy that I previously ran away from near the crossroads found me again. He shouted "Come on, don't run." "Come here......

>> No.920296
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So I ran away and lost him. As I was running, I noticed four women walking in the distance. I had to pass them in order to get back to my house. I crossed the street to stay out of their sight. The escape route was not effective enough because I suddenly heard laughter and seen a snowball splatter on the side of this building. I ran as fast as I could to get away from their sight. I seen a car's headlights gleam in the distance, but I was fatigued from the accumulation of running, so I didn't run. As the car approached, it's speed decreased. The people in the car were taking pictures of me with their phone. They passed me, but then the car reversed and the passengers continued to take pictures. I guess that excited me, because I climaxed (came) right there. It was the best one that I had ever had. nonetheless, I was about 4 blocks away from the abandoned garage. Which meant my adventure was almost done. I ran as quickly as I could to it - ensuring that noone else had seen me. I then took off the leotard, threw the water balloons in the woods, unwrapped the phone cord, and put on all of my clothes. I took the items and threw them away and made a promise to myself never to do that again.

>> No.920300


>> No.920304
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What does /lit/ think about my adventure?

>> No.920313
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If this is legit, you have the very reason why feminism is still needed in the world

write a book and make big bucks

>> No.920319

i dont like the phone cord part, but why didn't you suck some drunk guys cock or something?

>> No.920323
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I'm not into that....

>> No.920340

Sounds like you did a lot of running.

>> No.920344

So you had on a ski mask? You don't have a girly face :( ?

>> No.920360

between this and the balloon porn thread, /lit/ is really reaching some new heights tonight.

>> No.920368
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So I'm guessing OP is a fag? Not in the jokey, trolly, 4chan way, but in the serious way in that he dresses up as a girl and tries to get old people to fuck him.

Also, he sure ran around a lot. I guess his nerve broke at the idea of being raped by a large black man, or an ugly, crusty old man with a penchant for slapping people on the ass?

>> No.920381

OP, I'd fuck you and hold you and kiss you and you wouldn't have to run anymore.

I truly love you.

>> No.920384

We could be together, OP. Run to me.

>> No.920387


>OP, I'd fuck you

He would probably just run away.

>> No.920390
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I'll catch him

>> No.920395

Is there a set?

>> No.920392

Darn, you're right.

Hey OP,
We don't have to fuck tonight, baby. Let me hold you.

>> No.920397


He....she....Shi...Zhi....seems to be threatened by overt displays of sexuality.


>> No.920399

2 of em
if runners pissing is really your thing

>> No.920404

even if this is untrue it is still a very typical story, not the leotard man dressing up as woman part but the whole story conveying how women are so dehumanized raped all the fucking time. Makes me hate humanity

>> No.920408

Can I hold you instead?

>> No.920415
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you can hold me if you want...

>> No.920422
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This is why I make sure not to take part in even online gay communities. They have the creepiest terminology of any subculture.

>> No.920427

I only like girly men.

>> No.920431

then ill just hold you and rape you hard

>> No.920433

This is now a gay literature thread, I think.

I actually don't know any books about gays :(

>> No.920452


While I'm not saying that's a bad idea, I go to the gym. I'm also not saying I'm super ripped, but I am blocky and considerably tougher in build than OP. You might be disappointed. Especially if you like small, slender, waifish men.

>> No.920458

City of Night by John Rechy

>> No.920460

Describe yourself. In /lit/erary fashion too.

>> No.920463


>> No.920499


>> No.920515


Judging from the 'LOLNIGGERS' thread on the first page, that does not sound like a very good idea.

>> No.920524

Oh, i see.

Don't worry. I love you

>> No.922330
