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File: 9 KB, 170x231, 170px-Nietzsche187a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9202607 No.9202607 [Reply] [Original]

what was this screeching autists problem?

>> No.9202617

He was depressed and his writing was an escape. An attempt to stave off suicide.

>> No.9202618

He had no 4chan to autistically shitpost like you.

>> No.9202628

Seems more like he was on the schizotypy spectrum.
Schizophrenia? Nah doesn't seem so. Schizotypal? Nah. Schizoid? Possible. Bipolar? Possible.

>> No.9202640

Richard Wagner told his doctor that the reason he thought that Nietzsche was suffering such severe headaches was because he masturbated too much. This happened early on in his career and so ultimately his books can be viewed as an extended meditation to write his way out of this humiliation. It didn't work.

>> No.9202649

Nietzsche is to philosophy what American wrestling is to chess. He couldn't handle sitting still for longer than two minutes so he broke the chess board and considered that winning the game. You think I'm being facetious but this actually shows in his writing. My guess is he was together with Hegel and Marx simply too low IQ to get a good enough grasp of Kant

Nevertheless a decent poet.

>> No.9202653

But he was married...

>> No.9202656

>he was together with Hegel and Marx simply too low IQ to get a good enough grasp of Kant
Fair enough regarding Nietzsche, but Hegel was just an autist and a contrarian who preferred the number 3 instead of 2, while Marx most likely didn't give a fuck about Kant because "muh proletarians and hard work"

>> No.9202724

He struck philosophical gold end made the unfortunate mistake of trying to explain it to the likes of you.

>> No.9202732

Oh look, the postmodernists are at it again

>> No.9202742
File: 39 KB, 914x1091, bee urself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just be yourself is philosophical gold

>> No.9202750

10/10 post

>> No.9202783


If you think that's his philosophy at all then you're dense. He literally says that self-overcoming is the way.

>> No.9202785

Better than my whole existence being a spook

>> No.9202792

Shhhh. Don't encourage him to actually READ Nietzsche. Just let him think what he wants and make an ass of himself.

>> No.9202803
File: 4 KB, 342x57, smirk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what was this screeching autist's problem?

>> No.9202813

>can't get laid

>> No.9202824

>"Nobody EVER understands Kant" - Everyone

Say something original faggot.

>> No.9202953

You mean if I read Nietzsche I can find out what truth really is?

rly makes u think..

>> No.9202972
File: 196 KB, 612x861, Nietzsche_1862b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine looking like this in your 20s. That's your answer bucko.

>> No.9202978

Nietzsche's critique of kant's ethics it's fucking shit

>> No.9202990

Kill yourself.


>> No.9202992

it's funny that people think Nietzsche couldn't get laid or was sexually frustrated because it's not true at all.

Nietzsche had female suitors and absolutely could have had himself a wife, very easily. His problem was he only wanted women he couldn't have, aka Cosima who was already married and Salome who was an intelligent woman, and correctly sensed something was wrong with him.

In fact, some of Nietzsche's best friends were women. Nietzsche was raised by a single mother after he turned 4. His best friend and closest confidant, up until her marriage to Forster (and his infatuation with Salome, who Elizabeth hated), was his sister. Correspondence with his sister and mother makes up fully half of his letters by itself.

In fact, after his breakdown, the first female PhD to graduate in Switzerland, an ardent feminist and a good friend of his purchased a house for his sister to take care of him in. This relationship went sour because Elizabeth was a bit of a cunt, but basically all of Nietzsche's female associates had nothing but good things to say of him. The idea that he was a misogynist can only be derived from a very surface level, very senseless reading of his works.

>> No.9202997

It fucking hurts reading this shit on such a high level thread. Shame, anon. Shame.

>> No.9203007

That's not true, if anything N. was already an erudite in his 20s, considering that in those years he was seen as a savant philologist and as a brilliant philosopher (later on in his life he will become progressively less famous, but The Birth of Tragedy was a hunanimous success).

He had a really hard life, plagued by illnesses and loneliness, and from these lessons he derived a philosophy that was the perfect opposite (in both contents and form) of what was believed at the times by German philosophers.

>> No.9203012

Holy nietzschean dialectics... I want more

>> No.9203021
File: 120 KB, 744x1000, friedrich_dano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant unsee

>> No.9203022

>Nietzsche thread
>always degenerates into his sexual life being shit

Do you guys ever have anything interesting to say at all?

Guess not.

>> No.9203024

Yes, anyone can get a fat bitch with hair on her chin.

>> No.9203034

We've got literally 0 accounts of women being disgusted by Nietzsche, all of them pictured him as a nice, charming man.
It must be remembered that Nietzsche was in fact a great conversationalist, so much that in his youth he became the best friend of the most famous man in Europe (R. Wagner).

>> No.9203045

Have you read Nietzsche?

Even Rorty has said that if Nietzsche had gotten laid his philosophy would have been completely different. You can't read Nietzsche and not realize this.

>> No.9203054

>all of them pictured him as a nice, charming man.

"Oh, I like Freddy, he's so nice. He's always there for me when I need to vent about my boyfriend problems."

>> No.9203077

>Even Rorty has said that if Nietzsche had gotten laid his philosophy would have been completely different.

Which is a good way of admitting that you literally don't have any arguments.

>> No.9203081
File: 195 KB, 612x861, 3445b40da8a2754db971176b719a6150[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Physiognomy of a school shooter. People like that tend to be pretty creative but simply are incapable of separating abstract reasoning from emotion. Well guess what happens next, you get chaos. And what is chaos? Yup, that's the antichrist bucko!

>> No.9203085


>tfw this anon literally can't imagine someone accepting chastity in order to produce great art and philosophy
And that's why in 2134 no one will remember you.

Nietzsche did not die as a virgin.
Also this is probably the stupidest remark another philosopher can make. Would you say the same thing about Kant?

>> No.9203109


Not that guy but i'd say alot worse about that stunted little obscurantist.

>> No.9203179


>> No.9203220
File: 109 KB, 506x700, Immanuel_Kant_(Lehmann).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair Kant was a hobgoblin midget from the Königsberger ghetto with like 14 siblings and didn't start making bank until he was in his 50s. There's a based quote by him about having no need for women anymore by the time he could "afford one" but let's be honest, dude simply never stood a chance. It was always all about looks money and status in Königsberg. You have to almost respect him for not just ending himself right then and there when the umbilical rope dangled before the eyes of that lil nigga. Like I mean just LOOK at the guy lmao.

Nietzsche on the other hand was just your typical "hi im smart" beta virgin with astronomically high standards, raised, of course, by a single mother.

One self-overcame while the other wrote about it :^)

>> No.9203230

>Nietzsche on the other hand was just your typical "hi im smart" beta virgin with astronomically high standards, raised, of course, by a single mother.

There is nothing typical about Nietzsche's character, especially in the 19th century. Stop comparing him to edgy teenagers, he actually was a intellectual authority in his youth (until he completely rejected idealism and renounced to his tenured position).
You guys are giving him shit for having been coherent with his philosophy.

>> No.9203238


kant was a party animal drink fiend in his 20's, you dolt

>> No.9203252

>kant was a party animal drink fiend in his 20's, you dolt
Still an ugly virgin. But a PROUD one.

>> No.9203261

There's no need to fake it, the entire philosophical community has accepted long time ago that Kant was the most boring man ever.

>> No.9203272

I think you overestimate how much of an intellectual authority he was outside of philology. Fact of the matter is the works we are presented with have little philosophical value in themselves (although the "Nietzschean tradition" has made sure to amend this). Very creative, no doubt about it, but not much to do with systematic critique (since that was his thing). Nietzsche= "This is bad cause it's like that other time when..". That's almost family guy tier logic let's be srs bucko.

>> No.9203320

>but not much to do with systematic critique
Read Nietzsche's major works again and understand why this critique is meaningless.

>> No.9203332

> grad student detected

Rorty BTFO grad students and they will never EVER forgive him for it.

>> No.9203335

Very underrated

>> No.9203341

>needed strict routine to function
>hated neighbours making noise and needed silence
>disliked talking in public about his work
>delusions of grandeur
kant was autistic

>> No.9203347

>Nietzsche did not die as a virgin.

he got an std from a male prostitute which provoked his insanity, we know

>> No.9203350

Rorty is a hack!

>> No.9203359

The syphilis hypothesis has been discredited a few years ago.

>> No.9203360


>> No.9203367


>> No.9203377

OOOOOOHHHHH, so he had Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy all along!

>> No.9203383

His dad died of a similar illness (inb4 his dad, a lutheran pastor, died of syphilis too).

>> No.9203637

The analysis is relevant because even one of the orderlies at the sanatorium Nietzsche stayed at noticed that he wasn't exhibiting the same symptoms of other patients.

The doctor told him to shut the fuck up though because Nietzsche was just some low class pleb patient who wasn't worthy of his time.

>> No.9203743

the other patients didnt have stds?

>> No.9203757


>> No.9203768
File: 593 KB, 900x900, Hey kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw this anon literally can't imagine someone accepting chastity in order to produce great art and philosophy
>Nietzsche accepted chastity

50% of the time he spends shitting on Wagner is because Wagner advocated chastity.

In the unlikely event that ol' Neetch actually was chaste, he was reluctantly so.

>> No.9203772


Pfffffhahaha! You know how people from back then have a certain look that no longer exists today? He didn't have that at all. He looks right out of a Here's 10 Things Wrong With 21st Century Anime youtube video.

>> No.9203792

highly relevant for posters itt

>> No.9203797

Plebeians will always try to pathologize greatness.

>> No.9203802


>> No.9203812

Nietzsche did think that women were inferior to men, but of course that's not "misogyny".

>> No.9203815

mountain climbing

>> No.9203818

what mountain?

>> No.9203821


>> No.9203841

>have headaches
>don't masturbate
>have headaches

i guess nietzsche was right and one can't escape suffering.

>> No.9203849

this man knows

>> No.9203853

Nietzsche was truly /r9k/

>> No.9203881

I don't get what not-getting laid will achieve wrt. to art.

You are voiding yourself out of 1 spectacular experience

>> No.9203919


What did he mean by this?

>> No.9204174


>> No.9204325
File: 59 KB, 607x608, stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have a 'Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche.epub' that includes every English translation ever available, table-of-contents, beautiful formatting, and fully-working end/footnotes for every reference, no matter how subtle.

>> No.9204745
File: 222 KB, 600x696, Portrait_of_Friedrich_Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50% of the time he spends shitting on Wagner is because Wagner advocated chastity.

Wagner advocated chastity and justified with Christianity.
Had you read Nietzsche late books, especially Ecce Homo, you would know that in his life he chose loneliness for his art and philosophy, and that that choice wasn't something that he forced upon himself (aka, it wasn't a life-denying sentiment, it was instead the manifestation of his inner nature).

As I said in another post Nietzsche did not die as a virgin. What I was saying is that in the years in wich he wrote his masterpieces (post Thus Spoke Zarathustra) he had very few friends and, as far as we know, no lover.
It's not that shocking though, since we're already past his unviersity experience, his relationship with Lou Salòme and his worst years of illness.

>> No.9204936

>normies itt parroting the "dude nietzche was a virgin, his works don't count now"
go back to r*ddit, spooks

>> No.9204950

>dude I'm not a loser I just choose to be lonely lol
>everybody's a fucking pleb sheep normie, except me I'm a true intellectual

>> No.9204973

>he thinks that this is a valid critique
Now tell me, why do you think that Nietzsche was forced to be lonely? He wasn't particularly ugly, and we know for a fact that he was considered as charming by virtually everyone he met in his lifetime.
There is, in fact, a strong dissonance between the character that was percieved by the people around him and his literary self. He wasn't a crazy, angry psycho who got angry at anything, instead he was calm, well mannered and well spoken. There was nothing evident that held him back, and it is safe to assume that Nietzsche chose, in fact, to be lonely in his lifetime.

>> No.9204990

wow even rorty

>> No.9206715

>works count

>> No.9206724

>I'm not a virgin I swear!

t. Nietzsche

>> No.9206725
File: 919 KB, 1842x901, untitled_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"""Not a virgin""" yeah ok. Quit your bullshit nietzschcucks he had a face only a mother could love which is why he only went for "intelligent" ones who he could not find because women cannot be intelligent. Q.E.D. Nietzsche died a kissless virgin and that's that bucko.

>> No.9206730

>I think black people are inferior to whites, but surely it's not 'racism'

>> No.9206738
File: 302 KB, 992x744, 1465192467601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He wasn't particularly ugly,

>> No.9206895

>calls someone an ism

>> No.9207115

>Picture of Milo "give lil' timmy the ol' greek love" Yiannopoulos

Opinion disregarded, SPOOK

>> No.9207123

>my standard of male beauty is 100% the objective standard and has always been, even back in the 1800s

>> No.9207443

Nietzsche did NOTHING wrong and I will soon commence my fruit diet to simulate his physiological conditions, which surely must have been a cause of his genius

>> No.9209041

Nobody chooses to be lonely. This is just the self-delusional way of saying "I can't form stable relationships because I have debilitating emotional issues."

>> No.9209941

Aloneness and lonliness needn't be thrust together.

>> No.9209959

he didn't have a problem.

he wrote shortly after "Origin of Species" was published. said book had major implications for religion.

when he wrote, "God is dead," that was his starting point. he was not making a statement. he was writing about the implications of a possible world without God.

>> No.9210093

Teach me, oh, wise one.

>> No.9210099

all the pretty horses

seriously it must have sucked to have been a horse back then
