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/lit/ - Literature

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9197848 No.9197848 [Reply] [Original]

What book should I buy for my dad for his birthday? He's 49 and is a salesman. He only reads the news nowadays, but he used to read when he was younger. He likes history and documentaries. The birthday is in 2 weeks.


>> No.9197884

It Can't Happen Here if he's against Trump.
Art of the Deal if he supports him.

>> No.9197938
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>> No.9197959
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>> No.9197973

Maybe The Sun Also Rises by Hemingway.

If you want something weirder, try The Trial by Kafka.

>> No.9197980


>> No.9198457

I plan on getting David Starkeys "Six Wives: The Queens of Henry VIII" for myself. If that's the kind of history he's into then that might be an option. It's quite long though (880 pages according to GR), and that can be discouraging for non-frequent readers. If you don't know who Starkey is then I suggest you google "david starkey laurie penny" for some excellent entertainment.

>> No.9198575

Start with the Greeks.
Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon, or Plutarch.

>> No.9198580

The crying of lot 49

>> No.9198585

>He likes history and documentaries
You know there are literally millions of books that fit these requirements, right? Jesus Christ. Put your fucking back into it OP.

>> No.9198627

i'm 45. Take a look at:

1688: A Global History by John E Wills
Redcoat by Richard Holmes
Rubicon by Tom Holland
A Basque History of the World by Mark Kurlanksy
The Edge of the World by Micheal Pye
The Silk Roads by Peter Frankopan

I picked these as well written and not daunting history books from my shelves (24 feet of history or thereabouts).

>> No.9198629


>> No.9198635

Nice, helpful post

>> No.9198636

came here to post that.

well played

>> No.9198643

not op, but this is a great list. thank you!

>> No.9198654

I hope you bang your forehead off a cupboard corner, dickbrain.

>> No.9198663

no probs lads
silly boy

>> No.9198958

I was being sincere. Actually what had actually happened, is I wrote that Dropped comment above, and thought it was too mean to associate with my trip name, so I took my trip off, but if you post with a trip name it auto keeps it there for all your next posts, so I had to make some bullshit post to get that auto mode back, but it was sincere, and now if I do bang my forehead off a cupboard corner and show the authorities this post, do you think thats grounds to suspect foul play?

>> No.9199162

shut up

>> No.9200229
