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9196628 No.9196628 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about this fucking age we live in.
Specifically, our human institutions.
There's appears to be no place for genuine philosophy any more. Actually, I'll extend this and say that there's no place for genuine humanitarianism.
Maybe in the past there was a place where a person who's primary project in life is to uncover the truth about reality could go, and be at home. Maybe there wasn't. But that's what the medieval university appears to me to be anyhow.
I want to grab somebody on the street by the shoulders and say "what do you believe."
I feel that way because there's no place for this to happen, it's always an intrusion in society to ask about life, everybody lives performing all these works but the moment somebody whispers 'why' it's suddenly perceived as meta, not welcome in the workplace, or the library, or the schools. There's always some productive activity people are engaged in in their public lives to which real thought is an interruption. But to me everything else is an interruption. What worse is there than to pass through life not realizing what any of it was? I feel like philosophy is the most crucial, life-or-death struggle that it keeps me awake at night, a fact that means I will never not have bags under my eyes, and will never properly habitually settle into a sustainable, productive routine of daily living and working. Why is there no public space for my sorrows? I spend so much effort on it after all, modern science ought to be able to convert it into electricity at the very least. I want to be understood by other people, and not posthumously either.
The coming generations won't be able to fill the gap left by the baby boomers, the introspectives have no place in the society their fathers created. The internet augments this, by giving them a place, like here. And so we learn to be habitually docile, unpreductive. Although sometimes intelligent, intelligence can't benefit us if there's no place for it, and if there were we couldn't apply ourselves. What will happen to the world when every worker bee stops to ponder or sometimes when he feels crushed by these questions does not go out at all? We need a new basis for all these works we do, there has to be another paradigm shift, or another large historically significant dialectic like the french revolution. We can't go on in this way where the focus has been shifted from man and God to the world man created.

>> No.9196663

You sound like a self defeatist pussy. There are places to go be a true "humanitarian." You're just too much of a coward. That place is called outside btw.
You're probably young and too scared to talk to strangers, otherwise you'd realize that people are open books. People will incriminate themselves at any opportunity and all you've got to do is be their confession box. I dare you to go out and cold approach 10 strangers tomorrow and see what kind of crazy shit they'll tell you. You want to know why people do shit? Ask them.

>> No.9196668

You're retarded.
Just wanted to let you know, fella.

>> No.9196673

Kill yourself faggot, I bet you can't even read

>> No.9196678
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I just read some autistic reply by a very very mad anon. Lmao.

>> No.9196685
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This is god-tier pseud shit. You've never earnestly tried to do any of the stuff you talk about and are blaming society for your lack of ambition.

You think that 100 years ago most people wanted to discuss the whys of existence? Fuck no they didn't because on average they were uneducated morons.

Get the fuck over yourself and go outside and actually try to engage with people rather than feeling so fucking superior to everyone because they're not on your level.

>> No.9196688


>> No.9196717
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Humanism is dead m8

Try object-oriented ontology

>> No.9196733
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Go to bed, zen master sperglord.

>> No.9196750

I don't disagree, but at the same time I think OP is justified when he says that the modern world is becoming more and more difficult for an introspective. The world seems to be trending ever faster towards a favoring of more "external" forms of thinking, something like pure processing power, independent of the ability to even understand one's own processing in the first place. I think that the humanities has fallen in part for this trend, and that a lot of the increasing need to create "complex" works of art is almost a reflection of an inferiority complex towards the sciences, which bests the humanities in this ability for complex and abstract emotionless thought. The easiest causes to assign to this trend would be capitalism and the rise of the sciences, which create a sort of compounding desire to "out process" the others in this sort of external, emotionless, calculative way in order to beat others in the game of capitalism and utilitarianism, which is sort of like a modern-day test of strength and manhood and superficial self-worth, which, as the most automatically visceral reflection of it, ends up affecting even the deepest among us. If you don't play by the game, or are slowed down by your own introspections (how often have you heard the person who "thinks too much" instead of just "acting and getting stuff done"), then you feel emasculated and lose out, are placed lower of course on the superficial rungs of society, which I think people are more affected by than they care to admit. BUT, these things exist only as general trends that I see, not inescapable realities, and so I do agree with you when you say that OP is being a little bitch and most likely blaming just trying to get some special snowflake points and blaming his pseudness on the modern milieu. OP, don't fall prey to societal forces, because that is what little bitches do.

>> No.9196781
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> I think OP is justified when he says that the modern world is becoming more and more difficult for an introspective.

There certainly are problems with modern society and people's lack of introspection but I disagree that it's become more of an issue in recent years than ever before. I simply think that people are more aware of much of it now because of constant bombardment with media exposing them to types of people they would previously have had little involvement with.

This may sound pretentious but people are as basic and uninterested in life/meaning/philosophy as ever before (there's nothing wrong with that inherently and it's probably the most pragmatic approach to a comfortable simple life). We are simply more exposed to these people than ever before because the internet has given a platform to everybody.

> If you don't play by the game, or are slowed down by your own introspections (how often have you heard the person who "thinks too much" instead of just "acting and getting stuff done"), then you feel emasculated and lose out

Being introspective isn't necessarily a good thing. It can be crippling and prevent any useful or meaningful progress. Over thinking something or being bogged down by unnecessary complexity is not a good thing. Assuming of course that what you want from life isn't to embroil yourself in constant thinking and never actually doing anything.

Overall I think the kind of attitude that OPs post has is worthless and defeatist for reasons it doesn't even entirely understand. Most people grow out of it though if they allow themselves to actually get to know a wide variety of people and realise that they're quite diverse and interesting without needing to be constantly pondering the infinite.

This was written in a hurry so i'm unsure if it gets my point across at all.

>> No.9196815

Lot of words to say fuck all.

>> No.9196826
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>> No.9197482

good job OP. this is some smooth subtleties triggering pseuds

>> No.9197490

Learn how to format your text and then maybe I will read it, idiot.

>> No.9197554

Hey there saddude69

>> No.9197579

Some of what you're saying is true for sure, and some of it's cringey. The truth is that there never has been a place for genuine philosophy in human society. We can look all the way back to the grandfather of philosophy, Socrates, and find the same thing to be true of his society as ours. Plato's Gorgias has Gorgias mock Socrates for practicing philosophy past his youth; it was seen as improper and embarrassing. And Socrates' constant questioning made people of Athens so uncomfortable that eventually they killed him. Insofar as philosophy challenges a culture's values and common sense notions, it's disruptive, so it can't ever actually 'have a place in society'.

>> No.9197953

this good god i'm so embarrassed for you op

>> No.9198360

most people are unthinking unfeeling beasts

you'd be a fool not to consider yourself superior to the everyman

in fact one wins superiority just by contemplating it over these automatons

>> No.9198388
File: 273 KB, 450x450, spooks2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I want to grab somebody on the street by the shoulders and say 'what do you believe.'"
>"there has to be another paradigm shift, or another large historically significant dialectic like the french revolution."
>We can't go on in this way where the focus has been shifted from man and God to the world man created.
>being this haunted

I wouldn't like to run into you in a dark alley, you might think I'm a "worker bee."

>> No.9198720

pls, this ain't a fucken forum, I bet you




idiot xD

>> No.9198782

You have to be 18 to be here, giant retard.

>> No.9198797

The problem here is that you are talking about the "modern world" vs (let's call it) "classical world". But in the classical world you've always had the plebeian class, the unthinking workers and warriors that made up the majority of population, just like today. You have this image of classical world filled with intelligent people, but such people always were and will be a minority. You can complain about the fact that they are a minority, but not really about its reduction. Go to medieval or renaissance or modern ages, grab somebody on the street, ask what they believe, and you'll in most cases get a generic answer given to them by the society and conventions. The typical serf/craftsman/modern man then turns away, asks themselves what is wrong with you and goes back to their empty job.

>> No.9198812

Maybe you just have no ironical intelligence. You're responding like a facebook user rn.

>> No.9198818

>ironical intelligence
Hahahahaha. No, I don't have one of those, genius.

>> No.9198886

Whoa whoa whoa whoa wait hold up. Are you trying to tell me my made up compound phrase is laughable? Why don't you give it a shot eh? I'd like to see what shit you come up with to describe an elevated sense for irony.