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919591 No.919591 [Reply] [Original]

Pulpy page-turning goodness.

>> No.919606


>> No.919859

but well-written trash.

>> No.919863


>> No.919866

Is this the novel that inspired The Simpsons Movie?

>> No.919874


>> No.919888

Does God step in at the end and save the day? It seems long and Stand'ish enough.

>> No.919907

no, aliens.
not even fucking joking.

>> No.919913


Liked the book, but the ending was kind of a let down. Not the events during the last few chapters, but the ultimate resolution of who was behind the dome.

I don't know how to use spoiler tags, so I wont ruin it, but like many King books, the ending was sort of a cop out. Still posed a lot of interesting survival situations though. You can tell he really thought about the idea to it's fullest extent.

Oh and some of the characters, especially Big Jim, are sort of caricatures.

>> No.919918

finally an author who can realistically depict contemporary teenagers

>> No.919925

>sort of caricatures.
they are the least human characters ever.
king didn't even use people, he just made one character that was distilled evil and one that was distilled goodness and left it at that.
for fuck's sake, Jim is: a fundamentalist, racist, pedophile, drug dealer, corrupt politician, murderer, torturer, and fascist.
there's literally nothing believable about any of the characters.

>> No.919942

Read it. Loved the beginning, started to get retarded towards the middle, by the end it went full retard.

>> No.919950



Seriously, I can't believe this was written by the same person who did The Stand.

>> No.919974


The only real problem I had with the book was that Jim character. And it became a pretty big problem, since he's, ya know, the villain and he's all over the place.

He went from "slightly conniving and greedy" to "manipulator, tyrant, and bloodthirsty murdering rapist" in like 36 hours. No way.

Come to think of it, the hero had no motivation either, he was just a "good guy" hanging out in that town for no real reason.

>> No.919994

All the characters were just 2 dimensional retards derping around until EVERYTHING FUCKING EXPLODED.
That whole relationship thing with the methhead and the politician guy was just goddamn ridiculous.
And the teenagers acted like kids from a sitcom made for down syndrome patients

>> No.919997
