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/lit/ - Literature

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9195455 No.9195455 [Reply] [Original]

>talking to some NYU grad girl
>says she's thinking of becoming an author
>"Yeah I love reading, stuff like 1Q84 and sci-fi like Eragon"

>> No.9195458

>grad student
>anything but STEM

found the problem

>> No.9195462
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>expecting intelligent discourse with women

>> No.9195464
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>Chatting up some ho at work
>"My sister just published her first book, here let me show you!"
>Harry Potter fanfic
>"You can borrow it, it's REALLY GOOD!"

>> No.9195465

>be me
>fully funded MFA student

why would i not

>> No.9195504

Can you give her my number desu?

>> No.9195507

because STEM salaries are high

>> No.9195792

The most reliable ways to make a lot of money are consulting, finance and working for a specific set of tech companies that don't care that much whether you have a graduate degree or not. Going to grad school for any STEM subject is a roundabout way of making money so you should probably have other priorities if you're going to pursue that.

>> No.9195823
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>coworker is feeling chatty today
>asks me if I like to read
>I know this is going to go down a bad path
>tell him I like classical Russian literature
>he responds with "oh. Have you ever read the Ender's Game it's 12 books but it's super good!
>feign interest
>"my favorite book has to be Inkheart, it's so cool"

He's 24, but at least he's still reading. I try not to look down upon novice readers too much, but it gets hard with people like this

>> No.9195831

marry her before the inevitable bestselling YA novel gravy train gets rolling

>> No.9195834

rofl what a fucking loser right guys?

>> No.9195842

>implying STEM isn't the best way into consulting firms

>> No.9195849


>marry her before the inevitable bestselling YA novel gravy train gets rolling

This. Then you can live comfy on dem sweet sell-out bux and work on your actual novel without feeling like an artistic sell-out yourself.

>> No.9195851

Recommend him Stanislaw Lem or something that could bring the gap between generic sci fi and literature. Build the bridge without demeaning him.

>> No.9195852

yea but they read for the same reason as watching television. It would be more admirable to talk to a person who can speak to the complexities of developing a video game and balancing its levels and structuring the speed of its plot.

>> No.9195853
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>I try not to look down upon novice readers too much

>> No.9195874


>coworker is feeling chatty today
>asks me if I like to read
>I know this is going to go down a bad path


>> No.9195876
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>that guy who goes to the bookstore and buys
>the Iliad
>the Odyssey
>Ulysses and Dubliners
>Infinite Jest
>Gravity's Rainbow
>the Blood Meridian
>Moby Dick
>the complete works of Shakespeare
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>The Stranger
>and a Bible

>> No.9195882


that's a fine way to start out 2 b h.

>> No.9195895

You think it's bad being a reader, try being a writer attempting to get stuff published. The entire publishing/writer culture, at least on social media, is bonkers.

>> No.9195926
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>at secondhand bookstore
>I'm the only one looking at books
>everyone else is browsing the dvds

>> No.9195947

>why would i not work for $15k per year
Are you clinically retarded?

>> No.9195952

Anyone want to take a shot at justifying their snobbish behavior? Or do you look down on people's reading habits simply because you have nothing else in life?

>> No.9195964

We have to draw a line somewhere. Not all authors are equal, some books are objectively better than others.

>> No.9195969

What is the point of grad school

>> No.9195978
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>be me
>fall for /lit/ memes
>go to b & n
>buy 10 books for $130 there
>go to library a week later
>they have all of the books I bought at b & n
>every single fucking one is a dollar each

>> No.9195981

Yeah I read almost all of those over the last few years and now personally I feel like I have a basis to post trivial demeaning comments over others on a Bangladesh kite testing forum, it was worth it.

>> No.9195983

At least you are more well read than everyone else who posts here.

>> No.9195998

I unironically love 80 percent of those books

>> No.9196005


you have an odd amount of angst in this post over such a non-issue.

calm down, son.

>> No.9196038

Lit purports such a pretentious standard for being interested in literature, just taking a jab at it.

>> No.9196046

>The Stranger
Throw in a pile of books from the Start with the Greeks chart and it's literally me 2 years ago

>> No.9196048

Take an econ 101 class and learn about the concept of opportunity cost.

>> No.9196051

>buying a bible

>> No.9196052


>> No.9196060
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>the complexities of developing a video game
Wow man, you're like so cool. You know about physics engines and stuff? Radical...

>> No.9196613

>talking to a woman online
>she says that she likes to read YA
>ask her to define YA
>books that you'd find at WalMart
>ask why she doesn't read literary fiction
>she says her reasoning: 'I write YA and enjoy YA'.
>"Do you read anything but YA?, if not you are swallowing intellectual poison".
>(she gets mad here) 'You don't understand the [YA] genre'.
>"I was a kid once I read YA, when I was 7".
>'I bet you don't even read (list of female lowbrow WalMart stock fillers who write YA) and you can't name one YA writer w/o google'.
>immediately respond "John Green".
>close tab

Why are some women retarded?

>> No.9196935
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>> No.9196968

You should have sweet talked her with /lit/ memes

>> No.9197062

There are some really aesthetic bibles though

>> No.9197451

>subjectivity is objectivity when I say so
Wew lad