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9195323 No.9195323[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Stop seeing women as equals

>> No.9195328

But I see them as superior

>> No.9195345

Stop being happy

>> No.9195348
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Absolute Idiot

>> No.9195362

why should i ser disabled goofy traditionalists as equals?

>> No.9195378

double imbecile

>> No.9195381

Mods, really?

>> No.9195389

you are a coward

they are people, with biological differences that can be rationally debated to accumulate to an answer that is equal to men, if you are fair and forgiving

>> No.9195407

But they've boobies and they smell good

>> No.9195423

I'm genuinely curious, can someone provide a valid argument that women provide a positive net value to humanity as a whole? Say we live in a society that possesses the technology to produce children flawlessly, would there be any utility to keeping women around? As far as I can tell, the only genuine value women add is producing children and perhaps in raising them (but that is something a man can do anyway). But in every other human pursuit, is there any actual advantage to including women when men always perform better on average?

>> No.9195427

>as a whole
you're gonna have a hard time finding ANY group meeting this criteria after a certain magnitude (even like 100 ppl)

men fuck shit up just as much in my experience

>> No.9195429

No. Stop being autistic.

>> No.9195430

Isn't that a strange question to ask in a thread with Evola as the pic related?

>> No.9195431

When did we start?

>> No.9195434

ITT: /pol/ians that haven't even read Ebola
OTT: sleeping mod

>> No.9195436

It's not good praxis to ask an argument to be disproved when it's made with uncited bias.
Stop thinking as an essentialist and referencing unreal averages.

>> No.9195445

Have a dude put on flower odor and wash his hair with 3 different shampoos every day and he is gonna smell nice too.
I hate parfumes and deodorant.
I love smelling people and they don't allow me to.

>> No.9195448

Think of it this way; there have been as many if not more female humanitarians as males, and almost all serial killers and executors of mass violence have been males.

>> No.9195450

I read his book about mountain climbing. It was fairly dank