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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 494 KB, 629x497, lit russia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9194562 No.9194562 [Reply] [Original]

How /lit/ is your country?

We're good at plays but that's about it. Our only contribution to philosophy was killing Descartes and telling Foucault to fuck of with his shitty speculation.
Also yes we gave the Nobel P to Dylan, fuck you

>> No.9194577

German Russian so I'm pretty much covered on all fronts.

>> No.9194580

>poetry fag stabs you
prose faggot should have seen it coming to be honest

>your country
We do okay.

>> No.9194592

We just won another Nobel for it so we're definitley the best.

>> No.9194596

at least you have the quran

>> No.9194598
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Why is russia in particular so lit? Is it the melancholy?

>> No.9194615

Very strong literary tradition. Produced more in two centuries than others managed in two millenia. The Soviets fucked hard with literary world, but still enforced a certain education/reading cult. Also teh mysterious russian soul of course.

>> No.9194668


>> No.9194763

A lot of apologising for the aboriginal's treatment in the past. Otherwise, zip.

>> No.9194806

Central Mexico

Not bad at all

>> No.9194814

Cloudstreet is bretty good

>> No.9194822

>best literature of Latin America

I suppose we are going well.

>> No.9194836


I dislike both the dudes everyone here knows. Other than that some pretty good poetry and drama. A few novels here and there. Shit cinema and aside from a few bands, bad music. Comfortably mediocre I guesd.

>> No.9194845

Excellent bait my friend. Your whole tradition is a bunch of literally who's.

>> No.9194855

So far the most notable, and the only memorable, texts I've read are The Secret River, Home and The Slap, all of which I'd typify as below middling. But I'll give your suggestion a spin sometime.

>> No.9194861
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fight me now

>> No.9194862

We have that book about a woman fucking a bear.

>> No.9194872

You have GOAT filmmaking tho. The Proposition and Picnic at Hanging Rock are 2 of the best films ever made.

>> No.9194875
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And we're proud of it!

>> No.9194878

gib elsaß back, frog

>> No.9194880

Beautiful Losers is a very good book anon.

>> No.9194883
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yeah, right

>> No.9194889

Leonard shoulda gotten it over Dylan desu

>> No.9194899
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l m a o neva

>> No.9194900

>better musician
>very good writer
>/fa/ as fuck
>that voice he had after his comeback

Very much so

>> No.9194914

How is Romania shit cinema? It's one of the few regions of the world with an interesting wave of directors emerging

We've had some decent writers too. Söderberg and Lagerkvist were great. We also had Bergman which is hard to compete with

>> No.9194924


it's /lit/ senpai

Just kidding, I'm the only person I know who reads

>> No.9194932

>Penguin Modern Classics, the first Brazilian to enter that prestigious series
To reiterate: your literature tradition is garbage. If you mention 'Latin American lit' to anyone they would thing 'Marques, Borges, Vargas Llosa, Cortazar, Bolano'. The most impressive claim to relevance you have is Castaneda, who isn't even fully Brazilian and wasn't fully sane. Now fuck off and masturbate to Machado and Andrade somewhere else.

>> No.9194938

It's borderline amateur shit that you eat up because OMG POST COMMUNISM N SHIET and apart from a few hipsters no one watches. They're badly shot, the sound is terrible and the pacing is all over the place. There's a few good films we have, but they are very likely not the ones you watched. We're pretty good at comedies tho.

>> No.9194939

newfag here
f.a.m. autocorrects to senpai???
fucking degenerate weebs ruining my joke

>> No.9194944

>anywhere close to be a brazilian

lol dude wtf are you talking about

>> No.9194951

>newfag on an anime forum
>le weebs ruin my funny maymays
Back to >>>/r/eddit, famalam.

>> No.9194961

oh man you can say famalam but i cant??
im gonna go back to r/eddit and cry about this!
im telling everyone that you guys are mean!!!

>> No.9194974

Good. Now fuck off already.

>> No.9194986

ok bye bye now!

pssst im not really leaving

>> No.9195063



>> No.9195093

Nikanor Teratologen.

fight me

>> No.9195125

Not him but you are a fucking idiot with the reading comprehension of a two year old

>> No.9195165

Yikes. I have honestly never been to a less cultured place on the planet, and never met less cultured people. It is like one of those American suburbs-of-a-suburb turned into an entire country. You guys will flock to these artistic capitals like Paris, Bohemia, or Vienna and the first thing Aussies want to know is what they can bungee off of.

>> No.9195178
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>artistic capitals like Bohemia

>> No.9195188

>poetry lover can't articulate point, makes for garish display


>> No.9195254

except the western

>> No.9195257

Most of the latin boom writers where influenced by the social realism and indigenism of the first half of the 20th century, some might consider that magical realism was invented here. Nonetheless, with didn´t have any writer in the boom. José Donoso and Carlos Fuentes invented one writer for that movement, which is kind of embarrasing,

>> No.9195273
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On the other hand

>> No.9195277
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>Sir Walter Scott
We're pretty lit desu

>> No.9195284


>> No.9195286

>Who is Machado do Assis
> Who is Joao Guiaraes
>Who is Lima Barreto

>> No.9195317

do you have dual citizenship?

>> No.9195327

Do I even need to mention anyone else

Bonus: my family is Irish

>> No.9195342

probably the one time it actually is a bonus to say that

>> No.9195343

That's better than our vast majority. These people are pure proletarians who worship a bank robber for some reason and get tattoos of a constellation, unaware of their conformism to a bogan icon, because it is on the flag, and who live and work purely to shoot the shit at the pub on saturday. Don't come here, if these people find out you're from another country they're likely to tell you to go back to where you came from before ritualistically stabbing in the abdomen.
These people are the salt of the Earth, and unfortunately, I'm one of them.

>> No.9195366

How can europoors compete?

>> No.9195374

Soon you'll only read the quran because other literature will be deemed degenerate or offensive to islam.

>> No.9195439

a hearty laugh escaped my body

>> No.9195505


>> No.9195516


>> No.9195567
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>> No.9195575

if you are listing 3 great french writers you could have done much better... I'll give you Balzac but Flaubert, Proust, Baudelaire, Maupassant.. i mean come on anon

>> No.9195597

>I dislike both the dudes everyone here knows.
Cioran and Eliade?

As for the arts, I think poetry is the pinnacle of Romanian culture. Eminescu is the best, I don't give a shit about any of these modern contrarians that say he's overrated. He's the best. As for everything else, the modern music is terrible. The only thing that isn't completely mediocre is rap. I agree that most of the post communist movies are shit, these shit directors only know how to direct movies about communism or post-communism. Most of my favorite movies in Romanian are from the communist era anyways.

>> No.9195601

I guess we wrote Heidi...

>> No.9195617

Sorry if I offended you, mate, Oz just culturally sucks

>> No.9195637

Yes, you're rigth, my fault man

Sorry anon I am drunk

>> No.9195642


>> No.9195655


In this exact order.

We had a few very good films post 1990
>the hornets' nest
>asphalt tango

Rap is shit, but maybe that's just me. Negura Bunget is 10/10 though, genuinely. So's whatever band Artanu decides to ruin(Partizan, Timpuri Noi)

>> No.9195660

Jesus Christ lad, fucking Jung

>> No.9195670

Bohemia was a historical country which no longer exists.

>> No.9195689


Many good poets that sadly not many people here read were born here
Also La Araucana, the only american epic, is ambiented here: the war between the Spaniard conquistadors and the Mapuche people.

>> No.9195724


Decent enough.

>> No.9195737

Yeah you're pretty much right. We had a thread yesterday about it. Australian "culture" died decades ago, barely adolescent.


>> No.9195755

It's called the Kek Republic and it sports the funniest writer of the 20th century: Jaroslav Hasek

>> No.9195833

There are a few "big name" Swiss authors. I read one book, Homo Faber by Max Frisch. It was about this mechanic who goes to the jungle, meets a chick, fucks her, turns out it's his lost daughter, feels guilty.

It's pathetic. Nothing else to speak of.

>> No.9195921

>prose lover ks a bitch who gets stabbed and doesn't see it coming

>> No.9195923

>No Emile Zola on list

>> No.9195944

>no one mentions Anatole France

>> No.9196089

>one of those American suburbs-of-a-suburb

Raised in one of these, one that is specifically a gigantic retirement community. Escaped for eight years after high school and now been back for almost two years. As an adult, it's really not that bad except for the lack of things like museums, theater, bookstores, and essentially anywhere to socialize with people my age.

>> No.9197131 [DELETED] 

>poetry and drama

>> No.9197432

That's not surprising, considering it was a penal colony, mostly. That's not a good basis for a prospering academic and artistic cultural heritage.

Although, I kind of wish there was. An autobiographical account of someone living on a giant prison island filled with poisonous animals would make for some good reading.

>> No.9197441

argentina's got borges so you're shit out of luck

>> No.9197596

I have got to read this. Years now, I've heard of this.

>> No.9197961

Hailing from the culturally stifled white north--Canada. Douglass Coupland summed things up pretty nicely in '06.

"Basically, but not always, CanLit is when the Canadian government pays you money to write about life in small towns and/or the immigration experience. If the book is written in French, urban life is permitted, but only from a nonbourgeois viewpoint."

Nothing's changed.

>> No.9198032

>We're good at plays but that's about it.

Maybe actually try reading something other than Strindberg before you comment din jävla plebej.

>> No.9198148

preddy good for a country the size of an american suburb
The Sagas and The Eddas are obviously our greatest contribution but we also have some more modern authors like Halldór Laxness (nobel prize winner), Þórbergur Þórðarson and Guðbergur Bergsson and poets like Jónas Hallgrímsson, Einar Benediktsson and Davíð Stefánsson

>> No.9198200

>U.S. produces these three in less than three hundred years vs. europoors taking LITERALLY THOUSANDS OF YEARS to produce anything of literary merit.

Seriously BTFO.

>> No.9198240

Enlighten me oh wise one

>> No.9198262

He's talking about Romania retard

>> No.9198271

This isn't /pol/. You might wanna try your babby bait there, mate.

>> No.9198279

I am usually very unsatisfied with American literature. I think the problem goes back to language; English is not a very poetic language. I liked Steinbeck's subtle prose in his novellas, Hemingway's in Old Man and the Sea, and some Raymond Carver, and there's a few free verse poets I enjoy, but that's about it. I am not saying there aren't enjoyable American authors, just that there are a very slim amount of works to which I have connected.

>> No.9198285


>> No.9198293

>literal nobodies

>> No.9198420

way to take the bait

>> No.9198573

Do you still have the same naming conventions as back then? With taking on your father's name as your family name?

>> No.9198579

>gets baited by my post-ironic counterbait

>> No.9198588

you dont like Death Of Mr Lazarescu?

>> No.9198594

No. You can't under German law.

>> No.9198596
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>We're good at plays

>> No.9198599

It's like winning the retard olympics either way.

>> No.9198624
File: 12 KB, 404x205, 404px-Icelandic_Patronyms.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes the same convention
>With taking on your father's name as your family name?
this is inaccurate, there is no family name
my and my brother's last name is gunnarsson because our father is gunnar, his last name is jónsson because his father was named jón and my mother's last name is þórsdóttir because her father was named þór

>> No.9198625

HAHA bitch! You can if you were born in the states, but have a german parent. Guess who has a dual-citizenship?
Haha. I don't know where I belong.

>> No.9198642

>his is inaccurate, there is no family name
You know what I mean.
That's cool. I'd thought about it a couple times, but always managed to forget to look it up. It's surprising, but I'm pleased to know that it hasn't been replaced.

>> No.9198659

It's not exclusive to USA, it's the same for anyone with one German parent and one foreign. Obviously I was talking about 'normal' naturalisation cases.

>> No.9198671

Honestly, the whole poisonous animal thing has been blown way out of proportion and is more a trope now than anything else.

>> No.9198683

Look, if it has more than 4 legs, and is bigger than a grapefruit, then I consider it honorarily poisonous.

>> No.9198696
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Regarding Latinamerica it's a pretty /lit/ country. Used to be the capital for exilled intelectuals, poets and philosophers from Spain. Most writters were heavily experimental and kept a consistent recurse for literature with the direction, creation, and publication in literary magazines.

>> No.9198699

Male platypi are poisonous fyi

>> No.9198716

Don't sell us out THAT short.

>> No.9198718

I can't be sure to know what you mean, most foreigners don't know anything about this
Icelandic families traveling to the US or Canada very often get stopped at the airport and asked why they're traveling with kids that are "not theirs" because they don't have the same last name in the passport

apparently the patronymic system is making something of a comeback in the Faroe Islands and even among a handful of hipsters in Norway

>> No.9198719

Yes they are. I know about them spurs. Forgot the name of the toxin though, shame on me. The same as pit vipers, if I recall. Makes your limb swell up and turn purple. Wild Discovery raised me.

>> No.9198729

Anon, I know they are giving you shit. But your country inaugurated Latinamerican literature with Machado de Assis. In my opinion: Brazil, Mexico and Argentina are the most /lit/ countries of Latinamerica.

>> No.9198735
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>> No.9198745

Well, I know it because I've read some books on vikings, so don't give me too much credit. By family name I meant last name, I just couldn't think of the word- I guess most anywhere else the two are interchangeable.

That's kind of embarrassing tho. You'd think at least airport staff would get taught these kinds of things.

>> No.9198769

I don't think there are any other poisonous mammals so that's pretty rad

>> No.9198778

What about Martín Fierro? That's another american epic.

>> No.9198783

As another example of this, no one in my family knows who Stalin is.

>> No.9198784

There aren't. Platypi are the only poisonous mammal. Speaking of which, Komodo dragons are officially poisonous! After years of back and forth they finally confirmed it. Largest poisonous animal on the planet.

>> No.9198800

They were claiming it was just a dirty mouth full of bacteria that was to blame. I'm glad someone is finally receiving what's due.

>> No.9198809

lit af desu

>> No.9198816

Right? It's about damn time, too. I heard they're gonna clone aurochs- those fuckhuge cows that died out in the 1500s- I can't wait!

>> No.9198835

It is pretty cool. Kinda unfortunate though that they're probably only being revived for higher meat yields.

>> No.9198855


>> No.9198878

the people are barely literate, but i like our literature a lot. we don't really have anything special in prose but our poetry is wonderful imo

>> No.9198914


>> No.9198924


>> No.9198928

No, don't be so negative. Science is a lot about base curiosity. I mean, consider the first thing they do when they dig up 1000 year old seeds? Bury em, of course and see what grows. They did it just recently with an extinct squash. The American Buffalo isn't endangered anymore, either.

That might change though.

I heard years ago that they were gonna try and revive the tasmanian tiger, too, but I haven't heard anything recently.

There's been huge successes in prosthetics and cybernetics and bionics. That's very exciting.

>> No.9198936

It had nice beaches.

>> No.9198938

Joke's on you, my original bait was already post-ironic, leaving no appropriate response possible. Shouldn't have posted today, kid.

>> No.9198976

We are very much in the future.

>> No.9199111

Dürrenmatt, Frisch, Jung, Rousseau, Calvin
Not that bad imo

>> No.9199472

Strindberg > Ibsen

Besides, 4chan is far more Strindberg than it is Ibsen. Ibsen is normie af

>> No.9199482

why is your country growing more muslim?

(actual question)

>> No.9199543

turkey's always been muslim? do americans not realize that islam isn't just a small cult in israel? islam is the second largest religion in the world.

>> No.9200022

What makes a poetic language? I think that english's adaptability a la shakespeare allows for really cool shit, not to mention we have like 10 words for every possible meaning.

>> No.9200027

tell your dad his name is sexy as fuck
t. Gunnar

>> No.9200039

I'm from Jordan! :D :D :D :D :D


>> No.9200081

tell me of jordanian literature

>> No.9200101

I don't know of any, honestly. :(

I know that we have some poets, but I don't read their works, to be honest.
We do have literature here; we had a lot of authors come to our school when I was in middle school and high school, but I was never interested.

>> No.9200143


Nothing really good since Robertson Davies imo.

>> No.9200211

He probably means why has there seemingly been an increase in the power of Political Islam to the detriment of Turkey's secular roots/Constitution?

>> No.9200407
File: 161 KB, 600x600, 1481684597513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>newfag here
>f.a.m. autocorrects to senpai???
>fucking degenerate weebs ruining my joke

>> No.9200441

I like Blaise Cendrars. Moravagine and The Astonished Man were fun reads.

>> No.9200844

may i download this picture to my hdd?