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/lit/ - Literature

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9193313 No.9193313 [Reply] [Original]

How do I dress appropriately in everyday life?

>> No.9193319

did he wear that on his head because tennis players do?

>> No.9193320

Seriously, what does /lit/ wear? I'm curious

>> No.9193325

why would you care?

i dress in mismatching , heavily layered clothes everyday. that, combined with my unkempt hair and penchant for not bathing, makes me look exactly like a homeless guy. i love it. people avoid me and i get to be comfy all day.

>> No.9193338

Plain sweaters, plain shirts, plain jeans, doc martens.
That's how I do it. I always look the same, and I take pride in it.

>> No.9193346

You should at least wear pants, shoes, and a shirt. Add clothing if it's too cold for that to be enough

>> No.9193350

His sister talked about how one time he decided to tie his hair into a samurai knot and ended up looking like a goofy white sumo wrestler.

Dude was legitimately a sperg.

>> No.9193355


Loafers, slacks, belt, button up shirt with rolled up sleeves.

>> No.9193369


>> No.9193376


That's a big bull...

>> No.9193390

There's a charlie rose segment on youtube with him, jonathan franzen, and another writer i cant remember where he has that hairstyle

>> No.9193433

I'm 90% sure he said somewhere that he just wore it to keep the sweat out of his eyes

>> No.9193449

Yeah but he was full of shit and always claimed stuff like that to pretend he was normal

>> No.9193465

He wasn't pretending it was normal. The guy was pretty consistent in claiming that he was given to disgustingly heavy sweating when he got nervous, which happened a lot because he was a neurotic person. In Japan, having something tied around your head is thought to promote concentration, so it could have something to do with that as well.

>> No.9193475

Or maybe like fucking everyone else he wanted to make himself look a certain way. So he wore the bandana to play up his regular dude LARPing

>> No.9193501

>DFW was a weeb

>> No.9193504

crocs, leather duster, tshirt, yoga pants

>> No.9193521

He also, according to that movie, started wearing it while at grad school in Arizona, where it's feasible to assume people wear things to combat sweating. Also in the movie he said it keeps him from feeling like his brain was gonna explode. That's what Jason Segel said anyway.

>> No.9193527

Ok ignatius reilly

>> No.9193532

Again that's just all excuses to hide any pretentious motivations which are there no matter who you are.
I wear my jacket because it keeps me warm but I wear the one I do because I like the way it changes how people see me

>> No.9193552

Interesting. I wear a large bejeweled codpiece. out of necessity.

>> No.9193557

In everyday life? Shorts, flip flops, wife beater.

>> No.9193577

>everybody is shallow like me: the post

>> No.9193583

one of those plain green army jackets, with all the big pockets and zippers
black boots
knee high socks
black jeans
grey long sleeve shirt
reversible belt

fuck you im not trying to look edgy its just minimal and simple. My highschool had a dresscode and i developed the look over freshman/sophomore year so id look weird and white enough that only people who knew me talked to me. shits pretty much a part of my identity now

>> No.9193586

>>everybody is shallow like me


>> No.9193589

What the fuck you just perfectly described my typical outfit like down to the last detail

I have a pic if you do

>> No.9193591

I only rock Supreme

>> No.9193597
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It doesn't matter.
No matter what you wear, people are going to stare at you. They're going to follow your with their glaring, deep set eyes and their gaping mouths, sneering at you, disgusted with you. They'll haunt you with their unmitigated hatred of you. Every single mislaid fold, every single loose thread. They remember you and when they talk to their friends and family, they'll talk about how filthy, how rancid, how disgusting you are. They'll talk about what a putrid sack of shit you are. You can't escape it. I can't escape it.

>> No.9193635

you first

>> No.9193641

Okay, you first

>> No.9193654

Take it to >>>/fa/ ladies

>> No.9193667
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>> No.9193674
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Not bad! This was me going out to the movies last night

>> No.9193676

full rick

>> No.9193680
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>still falling for the rick meme
>not wearing full Michael Mummy already

>> No.9193681

fashion magazines and duct tape

>> No.9193682

Something about his 3rd eye, but I can't remember.

>> No.9193689

I heard it was because of the extra ear.

>> No.9193693

button down shirts, khakis, loafers or moccasins sans socks, usually some type of jacket

scarves occasionally, usually go untucked and a little bit sloppy looking, but keep the threads nice

>> No.9193698
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>loafers or moccasins sans socks
who hurt you

>> No.9193710

leather sandals and loincloth, double headed battle axe and naked slave girls

>> No.9193718

T shirt with state's football team
Brown shoes from the thrift store
Black leather belt
Khaki pants
Blue Egyptian cotton jacket

>> No.9193740


>> No.9193770
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just be yourself

>> No.9193777
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wore this to my last book club meeting

>> No.9193903

>long sleeve shirt
>vinyl gloves
>knee-length socks
>tennis shoes

>> No.9193923


>> No.9193937

The way she described it he was fairly young and it was like a proper Sumo wrestler bun on the top of his head

>> No.9193980

this. bapefags btfo

>> No.9194089

High black socks
Leather shoes
Beige trench coat with pockets stuffed with candy
Literally nothing else

>> No.9194102

I spotted a Robert Frost poetry book on his shelf.

>> No.9194112
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*tips top-hat*

>> No.9195081

Black, light down jacket

Its a pretty normie dress style tbqh

>> No.9195087

Oh and I'll wear a hoodie in the spring and fall, and no jacket during the summer.

>> No.9195110
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>> No.9195121

just wear cargo shorts and a gaming tee

>> No.9195195

Cheers cunt.

>> No.9195210

playa, I got some dope ass windbreakers I could turn you on to

>> No.9195213

Chinos (grey or khaki), t-shirt or button up, sneakerboots (it's winter), black winter jacket. Sometimes beanie or toque.

>> No.9195251

There are only three things which matter regarding fashion.

1. A good haircut
2. A decent coat/top
3 Shoes fitted for the occasion

Everything else is merely a detail.

>> No.9195325

>T-shirt (or Button-down) with IZOD sweater, Uni Pullover, or non-faggy black Cardigan
>Khaki pants, loose with brown leather belt
>Desert boots, tan or Sperry's

Jeans and Athletic short shorts occasionally

>> No.9195329

Not true
>cuffed pants and/or joggers

>> No.9195380


>> No.9195385

>How do I dress appropriately in everyday life?
fashion is the least form of art. dont give a shit

>> No.9195386

Cheers faggot.

>> No.9196300

Dark colored t-shirt. Sometimes wear a button up shirt over it to add something. Slim chinos or jeans. Running sneakers (Adidas). And a watch. I'm not very creative

I used to wear hoodies every day though because I didn't care too much

>> No.9196309

jeans, sloppy joe sweater, boots, crucifix

>> No.9196366

Remember when /lit/ tried to do a NYC meetup but some autist derailed it by insisting everyone wear a tweed jacket?

>> No.9196373

People should post some fits with their favorite book. I want to see what patrician taste looks like.

I would attend just for writing material.

>> No.9196502

>Black, almost skinny but not, jeans from h&m
>Black woolen turtleneck
>all black high vans sk8
>Black woolen coat from h&m that I had found in a second hand shop years ago

>> No.9196513


Don't you think that all that black is a bit much? You remind me of this girl I used to enjoy carnal knowledge of, she wore the same things more or less.

>> No.9196538


Leather jacket, t shirt, crisp pants, chunky shoes. Swap for shorts and a sweater in summer.

The price of new clothes really forces you to get your wardrobe down to a science, keep it small and neat.

>> No.9196544
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Me from the distance

No, not really. Obviously I won't be wearing all black during summer. Whatever I'm wearing I try to melt into the crowd so black things are fine with me . There is no ideology behind it or whatever

>> No.9196555
File: 477 KB, 2272x1278, 9_liquidator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black tee, blue jeans. Fuck the fashion police.

>> No.9196568


>furniture in the background

Somebody didn't pay debts

>> No.9196569

Are you a 70 yo retired man?

>> No.9196775
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Ur gonna to Hell!!

>> No.9196779

All black is only acceptable in your teens. It also works if you are really good looking, but then anything goes really.

>> No.9196792
File: 13 KB, 214x174, OhMyGod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is legit hilarious

>> No.9196800

Every day I wear shorts and a t-shirt because it's hot and humid in NC. I sweat my ass off in those and back when I would wear jeans or pants every day would be Hell. I finally wised up one day and stopped giving a shit. I dress for complete comfort now and I feel better for it.

>> No.9196805

Amon Tobin is dope desu

>> No.9196840

Blacks shirts and black pajma pants that are indistinguishable from regular pants but they have an elastic waistband and no zip. With sport shoes or loafers.

>> No.9196979
File: 446 KB, 636x348, Screenshot_2017-02-25_15-47-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is a dadcore/menswear board

we resent streetwear and goof ninja and all other consumerist, flash in the pan trends

>> No.9197006

I'd love to dress like that but living in Rio de Janeiro it's out of the question.

>> No.9197009

get a linen suit?

>> No.9197027

It will only make me stand out more, here's the thing about Rio: it's most casually and pleb-y dressed place in Brazil. So I have to dress pleb as well to mesh with the crowd.

>> No.9197038
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it didn't stop jobim, get some linens and step up, nigga

>> No.9197045
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>Rio: it's most casually and pleb-y dressed place in Brazil. So I have to dress pleb as well to mesh with the crowd.

I know this feel. It's like this everywhere in the world. If you don't wear sweat pants and moon shoes, blast meme rap on your iphone in public for everyone to hear you're immediately mistrusted and a social outcast.

A-At l-least you have your /lit/ brothers, right?

>> No.9197048

That's not a suit though, but yeah linen is a good choice.

>> No.9197068

Different guy. Suits are a bit too much imo.

>> No.9197078

linen is casual. it gets softer every time you wash it. it's ultimate comfy. if you're worried about what people think, just don't iron it.

>> No.9197144
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> caring about the semi-literate masses

I thought we were better than this.

>> No.9197197


My entire 'look' is based around boots and jackets. Very mid-00's hipster.

>> No.9197362

Do they not even let you wear your fedora? :'(

>> No.9197382

only essentials:
5 basic tshirts, 2 sweatshirts, 2 oxford dress shirts, 2 flannels, 1 suit, 1 sport coat,1 pair of blue jeans, 1 pair of khaki chinos, 1 black dress pant, 5 pairs of boxer briefs, 5 pair of black tube socks, 2 pair of black dress socks, 2 pairs of wool socks, 2 ties, 1 golf cap, 1 beanie, 1 pair of black fleece gloves, 1 black fleece scarf, 1 parka, 1 fleece jacket, 1 windbreaker/raincoat, 1 pair of white tennis shoes, 1 pair of brown leather chukkas, 1 pair of snow boots, 1 pair of black trainers, 1 pair of black leather loafers, 1 brown leather belt, 1 black leather belt. Everything basic colors, earth tones, black white and grey, and navy, some dark reds. Everything high quality. Never buy clothes unless something needs replacement. Mostly just the tshirts when the pitstains get bad. I intend to die with the clothes I own now, nothing more. Over time if I find something isn't used to its fullest ill donate it. I disdain fashion, trends, branding, consumerism in general, and anything impractical. This is the last you will hear from me.

>> No.9197387

yeah he was always sweating. apparently before the bandana he would carry around a tennis racket and gym bag to explain his sweaty appearance.

>> No.9197392

>I disdain fashion
>dresses like a gq coverboy

>> No.9197398
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> muh fedora

Spotted the supreme wearing, brand-addicted teenager.

I prefer straw hats.

>> No.9197409
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> he seeks validation from the integrated spectacle by dressing according to popular trends to fill the empty void that is his life

>> No.9197412

rn i'm wearing a t shirt that says niagra falls on it which is around 10 years old and still fits me, skinny-ish blue jeans, stan smiths and a pair of tortoise shell glasses

>> No.9197430

Wrong but thanks for proving me right.

>> No.9197446
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>implying there is anything wrong with this

>> No.9197461
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for you

>> No.9197602

I have a straw cowboy hat with silk flowers on it.
I fucking love it. In the summer heat, there's nothing better.

>> No.9198099

Don't worry, my straw hat says "SUPREME" on it and was autographed by rick owens himself.

>> No.9198122

There's nothing wrong with brands. You're a real psued if you think a logo is any more shallow of a symbol to present to people than a middle class kid wearing outdated clothes.
At least the people who wear them are smarter than you to understand how to operate in their social context

>> No.9198150
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Do you really need to ask?

>> No.9198176

post some fit pics friends. i wanna see it in te flesh

>> No.9198416
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> that entire post
> "At least the people who wear them are smarter than you to understand how to operate in their social context"

You have to be over 18 to post on this site.

>> No.9198432
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>rich kids buy expensive clothes

>> No.9199204

denim skirt

>> No.9199555

your sins are too great
unless they're those ones with the fancy bows on the back, because they make me feel like a fancy viking

>> No.9199578
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Stocking cap pulled low, black undershirt, some type of plaid long sleeve (worn open or with three buttons done) or long sleeved henley, dark slim-fitting jeans, black logger boots, and a wool jacket.