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9190549 No.9190549 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realise that every single action we do is purely to benefit ourselves and that there is no such thing as selflessness and therefore no such thing as "good people" and you now don't want to make friends with anyone because you know there is no real symbiotic connection.
Any books to combat this feeling anons?

>> No.9190552

*person sacrifices themselves to save their child*

>> No.9190553

There is no such thing as "self serving". Actions can only serve an abstract purpose and not a vague material form.

>> No.9190559


>> No.9190560

Start reading the Bible and follow the teaching of Jesus. You will realize how big the Love of God is and spread it around the people around you.

>> No.9190561
File: 110 KB, 771x1037, stirner nerd bully.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you're pretty unhappy and spooked

I don't like it when my property is unhappy.

>> No.9190563

A child is their genetics. Saving your child is the most selfish act: by keeping them safe you keep safe your immortality.

>> No.9190564

For the selfish reason of wanting his genes to live on

>> No.9190591


>> No.9190595

>there is no such thing as selflessness and therefore no such thing as "good people"

This is a non-sequitur.
I agree that there is no selflessness action, and the same applies to egostitical actions as the outcome may benefitiate others, for instance an "evil, greed and egostitical capitalist" still generates jobs and wealth, even though he is the one that gains more.

If you believe that what qualifies for a "good person" is being fully selflessness then you must believe that a "bad person" is one that is being fully egostitical.

Change the definitions and there is no problem.
Stop qualifying the person and start qualifying the acts.

English is not my first language and I don't bother to spell check

>> No.9190608

So would a "good person" be someone who has more of a drive to derive pleasure from helping others? And what gives them this drive? Are they born with it? So is being good or evil people not within our control?

>> No.9190622


>> No.9190625
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you were never in in control anyhow

>> No.9190693

VALUES define whether we are good or bad. The values that you have. What makes a value good? if it is beneficial to others and if it creates happiness in any form to any being. Therefore happiness = good good = creating happiness
happiness = creating happiness

>> No.9190711

he who feels good by making others feel good is good.

>> No.9190717

mdma dealers are good. hmmmm.....

>> No.9190726

My view is that good people are those who gain pleasure for themselves through uplifting others

They may be just as selfish as human garbage assholes but the fact they're selfish through being a good dude is what matters

>> No.9190730

damn i guess i should've fucked that guy's wife. she would've felt good

>> No.9190735

You just defined a "good person" as someone who acts in an unselfish way and then you made the case that it is impossible to act unselfish. Which means that all people that ever lived and everyone that is alive is a bad person.

All of humanity is bad and its better if you stay away from them.

And then what the fuck is "symbiotic connection" ?

Also, stop making excuses for why you shouldn't try to make friends because you are afraid of being rejected or whatever.

>> No.9190763

Sounds you're trying to romanticize pessimistic nihilism rather than truth.

>> No.9190767

What is the whole "My property" and Stirner combo about? Is it to incline the "property" to be disgusted and adapt Stirner's philosophy?

>> No.9190791

*he who feels happy by making others feels happy is good*
In the long run, an MDMA dealer makes nobody happy and fucking some dudes wife makes no ones happy.

>> No.9190799
File: 8 KB, 360x240, 214cj0y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the long run
dude lmfao. i knew you'd go there. just stop or see >>9190625

>> No.9190822

If you haven't read stirner I'm not going to bother discussing it with you tbqh

>> No.9190935

I wonder what would happen if that thing met a tamed lion

>> No.9190965

fuck off with your washed down Eastern non-philosophy.

>> No.9191263

>tfw you realise the cynical people are just projecting

>> No.9191390

good and evil are an illusion

>> No.9191402


>> No.9191408

*tips fedora and vanishes into a vape cloud*

>> No.9191411

role play is funny when it corresponds to reality

but idk what this means lol

>> No.9191438

No, it must be closer to:

You think you are gaining 'points' for your good deeds, random acts of kindness etc.

I do not think such 'points' exist, so I am not going to waste my time and energy and money doing random good deeds for everyone or anyone in the world (unless on occasions I desire... which is the same for you... but what are the limits?)

So dont think you are better than me... or you can... but I am suggesting you are wrong in doing so... for spending every other day volunteering at the soup kitchen, or the animal shelter, or the womens shelter.. when I spend all my free time playing call of duty and sticking dragon dildos up my ass to shota

>> No.9191445

>no such thing as selflessness
>there is no real symbiotic connection.
The second statement doesn't follow from the first. We can enter into symbiotic relationships for selfish reasons. If I am friends with someone because I derive pleasure from their company and they are friends with me for the same reason, then a selfish symbiotic relationship exists.
What do you even mean by this?
Read stirner

>> No.9191555

Unironically read Nietzsche.