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/lit/ - Literature

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9189954 No.9189954[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Open for Bible debates. I serve as the ordained pastor of the Lutheran Church of Hope. This is a chance for me to write about some of the things I think about related to God, being a pastor, and life in general. This is my own opinions and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of all or any of the people I serve, the ELCA, or anyone else, but me.

>> No.9189959


>> No.9189967

“She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.” Proverbs 31:26

>> No.9189974

Do you believe OT God is the same as NT God? Why? Hoe do you account for such a change of personality?

To provide context, I don't believe Yahweh (OT god) is the true Creator God (the Father of Jesus)
I also don't believe Jesus is the only Son of God but that's another topic

>> No.9189997

Is there any reason to think the various canonical councils were right in their choices of what to include and exclude from the Bible?

>> No.9189999

Im not really feeling it
Is that how you will roll? people will say or ask something and you will quote Proverbs at them? You do know proverbs are not an argument.
Why is witchcraft real in the bible and why do other gods have power? Why are there different accounts of how saul died?

>> No.9190002

>I also don't believe Jesus is the only Son of God but that's another topic
well in a away are not we all gods children?

>> No.9190006

Show some respect and capitalize Bible.

>> No.9190009

Why was Uzzah struck down for touching the ark of the covenant? Would not it have been more disrespectful to let it fall? Why did God need the ark as focus point of power and why did loss of the ark cause battle loses if God was still on their side?

>> No.9190016
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>> No.9190018

Yes that's what I believe. I believe that every one of us is as important and as loved in the eyes of God as Jesus.

>> No.9190021


Kindly provide some explanation, sources, etc. on the ELCA's doctrine of Scripture. My background is in the LCMS, but anymore I am not satisfied with them. I like the ELCA overall but cannot nail down the view they take on Scripture (if there is in fact a unified view across the church body). I'm not a literalist like the LCMS endorses, but the ELCA just seems so wishy-washy on the issue and sermons in ELCA congregations don't seem to be as textually-based. Thanks in advance.

>> No.9190023


Do you really think anything can be known of god except through direct experience and revelation?

>> No.9190026

You're the real f-word here and sames goes to all you sinners and unbelivers. I thought I'd engage in open, free, fair debate and yall are just being mean. Ad homonyms everywhere, no arguments.

>> No.9190035


>> No.9190047

You've gotten at least 3 or 4 meaninful questions, free of ad homonym, that you have not answered.

Please give legitimate responses to these posts

>> No.9190051

you are the one attacking my capitalization (or lack of it) instead of answering the question. lets face it the whole thread is just a bait and you have not even been in a 50 meter radius of a pastor. also you can type out faggot or any other word, you are not in public so stop repressing yourself

>> No.9190055
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And did those feet in ancient time, walk upon England's mountains green?

>> No.9190059

Why did solomon say the process of childs development in the womb was unknowable?

>> No.9190063

OK you faggot, there do you like that? I've broken my sacred oath to the church and to Jrsus to never tell a lie or swear and it's all your fault for goading me into it I'm just a pastor in rural alaska

>> No.9190064


OP seems to have come here just to lay off some steam and get mad at shitposters, not to actually discuss Christianity

>> No.9190073

"But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence."

>> No.9190075

Where did Milton abstract the backstory for Paradise Lost? Did he really just pull that whole narrative about War in Heaven though to Lucifer in the garden from a few slight passages in Genesis and Revelations?

Was this a standardized narrative at the point in time when he was writing. It seems standard now if only because of him.

>> No.9190079

The funny part is that lit is being much more civil than normal in this thread

>> No.9190081

O came here to preach the good new of our Lord and savior Jesus christ and to spread light in a land of eternal darkness through Jrsus all things are possible, we'll all things except getting so respect or kindest around here on literature

>> No.9190083

>ad homonyms
Oh well, it's all a fraud

Taking over this thread since OP is a fraud...

Hello there. If OP were for real, s/he would tell you the Lutheran view is that God works through means and not direct revelation. See Rom 10:10 for example:
>14How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard?c And how are they to hear without someone preaching? 15And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” 16But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed what he has heard from us?” 17So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.

mfw 'pastor' doesn't realize this is the mission field
oh, there's no trip code here

>> No.9190091

>OK you faggot, there do you like that?

>> No.9190103

Sorry for the grammer and spelling mistakes English is my second language. I am an inut pastor in rural alaska

>> No.9190105

Is it true that the space program was faked to cover up the fact that the sky is a giant ocean and leviathan lives in it?

>> No.9190114

Women are not allowed to be clergy.
Wtf is this Protestant horse shit?

>> No.9190115

at this rate you will be a black transsexual gay demi fay foxkin inut pastor in rural alaska by the time this thread is done.

>> No.9190116

If you came here to do all that shit then don't just say you're going to do it lmao. Answer the serious questions ITT and stop replying to shitposters.

>> No.9190121

To be fair Paul never really lost his Pharisee legalistic mindset, and was a bit of a wanker.

>> No.9190131
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Do you have an opinion on chick tract?

>> No.9190138

>evolution does away with morals
literally no one significant has ever argued this.

>> No.9190151

I agree, women should not be in clergy. There are many verses and chapters to back that up. I became a pastor kinda by accident, in my small inut community we needed a spiritual leader and no man stepped up, so I did.

>> No.9190167
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Don't tell me its your first tract

>> No.9190174
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>> No.9190189

Waiting for a real question...

>> No.9190193



>> No.9190200

many such cases.

>> No.9190214

Waiting for you to answer all the real questions ITT

>> No.9190224

The bait got old, he is not doing anything funny with it so I think its time to stop replying

>> No.9190231

give us an example of a "real question"

>> No.9190258


More utter horseshit. The ELCA is fine with women's ordination. What kind of'pastor' do you think you are, with all of this and the homophobic slurs and not answering anything

>> No.9190261

You want a real question? Okay:

Hello madam, I am glad to see another viewpoint here. I respect christ Jesus and would like to know how, if possible, can I reach salvation and spend eternity in glorious heaven? Is it possible for a sinner like me? Thank you and peace be with you and your family.


>> No.9190268

Do pastors eat pasta?

>> No.9190270

How many cumshots did you take from our Lord and Savior in order to become a pastor?

>> No.9190274

I was forced into saying the homo slurs, I believe homosexual is a huge sin but I respect even the lowest sinner as the Bible teaches. There is a great ongoing debate as to the status of women clergy and being a women clerhy I would prefer to "stay above the fray" so to speak

>> No.9190284

Oh dear. I dropped my inut-made salmon jerky when I read that. I can believe the level of vile hatred here.

>> No.9190292

>peace be with you and your family.
What am I a Muslim?
>another viewpoint
its not a different viewpoint if Im half converted.
> would like to know how, if possible, can I reach salvation and spend eternity in glorious heaven? Is it possible for a sinner like me?
so the question is "how do I join" its not a debate about the Bible

>> No.9190295

pretty sure roleplay belongs on >/qst/

>> No.9190304


Fun's over everyone

>> No.9190313

Is stalin in heaven or hell?
never do this again. you suck at it both from the legit and entailment stand points.

>> No.9190341

Dropped your trip, op

>> No.9190405

Bait detected, sage

>> No.9190533

why not catholicism?

>> No.9190585

How's your ecclesial community?