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/lit/ - Literature

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9189780 No.9189780 [Reply] [Original]

>Tfw you finish a paper in three hours when it's due in four
>Tfw it's a seven page paper dealing with dreams sequences in Anna Karenina
>Tfw your entire argument is some hackneyed "muh archetypes" bullshit
>Tfw you'll still probably pull a B

>> No.9189798

Ladies and gentlemen, this is college.

>> No.9189802

Ladies and gentlemen, this is humanities.

>> No.9189810
File: 470 KB, 984x722, DFW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>750 word essay overdue a week and haven't even started
>whatever I write doesn't match my thesis (sometimes I begin rambling on with an completely unrelated topic) and have to start over
>ability to form coherent thought worsening and vocabulary getting sparser and sparser as time goes on due to undoubtedly undiagnosed cognitive degradation of some kind
>midway through reading sentences suddenly begin thinking of something else

>> No.9189812
File: 53 KB, 350x470, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's happy about paying 30 thousand burgerbucks a year for this

>> No.9189815


Original, interesting research is for autists and grad students. It's easier to just be slightly better than average in non-major courses.

>> No.9189820

Then why are you wasting 3+ years of your life on this shit?

>> No.9189831


OP here. Full ride my dude, I'm only paying to get here four days a week.

>> No.9189832

how retarded do you have to be to get student loans?

I go to a higher tier public college and get nearly a full ride, and I'm not even that smart or a gay black muslim

not that it matters though because my parents pay for everything lol

>> No.9189840

Ok even if it is a free ride, you're still wasting a chance to be actually doing a course you'll actually get anything from

>> No.9189846


To get a degree in my major, get some internships under my belt, and make some connections?

I don't see why I have to write a fucking opus about the finer intricacies of the motif of sniffing assholes in Russian Literature from 1860-1868 in a non-major.

>> No.9189860
File: 222 KB, 417x417, Kramer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw I get an A because my teacher thinks I'm 2 cool 4 school

>> No.9189862
File: 26 KB, 333x500, hollaback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The demise of the West can't come a day too soon

>> No.9189895


Let's walk hand in hand into the great night bro, no homo though you touch my ass I'm gonna' breed a bitch

>> No.9190233

the west will never fall my friend

>> No.9190239

When Chang and Pajib are studying 80 hours a week while Timmy here jacks off its only a matter of time.

>> No.9190275


It's pretty much running on vapors at this point tbqh.

>> No.9190315

This is a shame. Most of my A's came after I applied the least amount of work.
When I feel like I have written a work of genius, I sometimes get a B or a C. Did I confuse them?

>> No.9190340

You have to remember the junior understudies that actually correct your papers give just over zero fucks about giving you an appropriate mark in the ten minutes they spend on your paper

>> No.9190376

I also found out that one of my lecturers plagiarized heavily in a paper. I am saving that information for a rainy day.

>> No.9190407

>BS my papers in the last 5 hours
>get an A on one, prof said it was one of the few that were a pleasure to read
>submit it to an undergrad journal, got rejected because of brevity but received an email saying they would have accepted it based on the content if it were longer
>mfw I think about what I could be if I actually gave a shit about college
>don't care because my parents are paying for it all, they wanted me to go more than I wanted to

R8 me

>> No.9190457

>tfw spending five figures and 12+ hours a week to fuck around and phone it in

Yeah you sure showed them, OP

>> No.9190494

>he was too dumb to get a full ride scholarship

jelly brainlets need not post ITT

>> No.9190517

>250 word essay due tomorrow - can't stop lurking /lit/

>> No.9190520

He's getting knawledge dude

>> No.9190542

you can literally finish that in 5 min

>> No.9190824

>It's pretty much running on vapors at this point tbqh.
for you