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/lit/ - Literature

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9189236 No.9189236 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9189242

me, have you fucking read my diary dude!?

>> No.9189245


>> No.9189248


>> No.9189250

Nice. Have you read "On the Plurality of Worlds"?

>> No.9189257

Of course. Modal realism is the only thing that comforts me about this worst possible world

>> No.9189258


Top fucking kek my dude. Stop with the memes, Augustine was useless in philosophy outside of his thoughts on time, and even then Kant blew him the fuck out later. Elsewhere, he just took New Testament thought to its logical conclusion. Aquanus is barely comprehensible meme tier BS

>> No.9189276


>> No.9189279

Plato, Hegel, Nietzsche. Not even necessarily favorites, but they're who I'd consider the 'top geniuses.' Followed by Aristotle, Heidegger, Kant, Wittgenstein.

And as someone who primarily focuses on continental philosophy, disregard anyone who names a post-Heidegger continental philosopher in this category.

>> No.9189285

Ibn Arabi
René Guenon

>> No.9189292

>Plato on the same list as Nietzsche

>> No.9189303

>as someone who primarily focuses
Kek. Yeah? Don't we all.

So would you dismiss Sartre in that category?

Also, I would definitely include Wilson and Leary, and their eight circuit model of consciousness. It is a crime that Leary's political reputation at the time overshadowed this fascinating, playful body of philosophical work.

>> No.9189307
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>> No.9189313

Yes? As a Nietzschean, ranking philosophers becomes not a matter of who was correct but who were most creative, imaginative, original, and transformative.

Sartre is a hack. The point I'm making is all of the post-Heidy continental guys didn't *really* bring anything too groundbreaking or even original (a lot of them were just rehashing Nietzsche). They were very smart guys and I love reading and being influenced by them, but Foucault, Arendt, Adorno, and co. are in no shape or form 'geniuses.' The analytic side had smarter guys, even.

>> No.9189318

both belong there.

>> No.9189321

sartre is just bad heidegger

>> No.9189596
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>> No.9189660

>most creative, imaginative, original, and transformative

and you took the one we dont even know if it were his thoughts

>> No.9189671

>even then Kant blew him the fuck out later
1) Why "even Kant"? Kant disproved literally every philosopher before him
2) By such a sentence you prove your ignorance of how philosophy works from the dawn of time

>> No.9189679
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>> No.9189711

>Aquanus is barely comprehensible
Aquinas arguments are really fucking easy to understand. You must be literally retarded not to be able to follow his logic, especially when he laid it out in the easiest possible format to follow with assertions and objections to those assertions

>> No.9189718

A good point, but even if we take his works to be exercises or whatever, the massive influence and creative transformation of the world Geist as a result of his works remain.

>> No.9189721

philosophy isn't intelligent. it's just shitposting that you guys take seriously cause it's old.

>> No.9189725

Don't waste a post to reply to him, he's just a troll who has never even tried to read Thomas

>> No.9189729



>> No.9189737

Well, in this same thread there is even one who named Jesus

>> No.9189743


The ignorance

>> No.9189745

nice counter-argument.

>> No.9189753

What are you talking about? Why isnt Joyce a literary genius?

>> No.9189755


True I saw that. Baffling.

>> No.9189764

The topic is philosophy and you named a novelist. Genius, ok, but still a novelist

>> No.9189766

> Literary and Philosophical

>> No.9189767

Genkhis Khan, Attila, Saladin, Timur Lenk, Alexande the Great, Aurelius, Julius Ceasar, Rommel, Patton, MacDouglas, the Judge,

>> No.9189768

Finnegans wake is unreadable psychobabble. Same with most of Ulysses. People just elevate him to feel smarter because they don't get what he was saying. Neither did he

>> No.9189769

Didn't notice that, sorry

>> No.9189773

It says literary though.

(Although that is funny to think of someone naming Joyce as their favorite philosopher)

>> No.9189779

Yeah it's funny because he didn't write even a single page of philosophy

>> No.9189787

I don't read Finnegans Wake.

I named him mostly because he wrote "A Portrait", but Ulysses certainly isn't rambling.

>> No.9189793


Okay I did love Portrait

What was he trying to do with Ulysses? I was impressed with the language but left completely bored.

>> No.9189805


>> No.9189806

Thomas Pynchon

>> No.9189816

Me is trash

>> No.9189828

Is it just me or Me is actually a talentless hack?

>> No.9189833

It's going to be OK.

>> No.9189935


>> No.9189992

Parody the mythical Greek hero

>> No.9190856

Been really into theology lately. Have read most Plato, a lot of Aristotle, Augustine's Confessions, and some Aquinas. Just read the new testament, going to finish the old testament soon, then I'm looking forward to reading Plotinus, Philo, Josephus, Eusebius, and more Augustine and Aquinas. I've read bits any pieces of all of them, and I know I will enjoy them when I dive in.

For ancient history my favorite are Herodotus, Polybius, Plutarch, & Livy. For literature love me some myth, Homer, Hesiod, Beowulf, the Bible. Also Melville and Willy Shakes

>> No.9190860

William Blake

>> No.9190864
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I don't care what anyone else says.

>> No.9190879
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If you don't care then why are you posting here? ;^)

>> No.9190880

i love heidegger but he was kind of a nutcase.
being and time is mostly jargon that just goes round in circles. but that might just be me, maybe he is a genius.

>> No.9190883

Sam Harris
Richard Dawkins
Christopher Hitchens
James Randi
Maynard James Keenan

>> No.9190888
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>> No.9190893

Butthurt creationist detected

>> No.9190899

damn you got him i am putting this on r/atheism

>> No.9190900
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Nee Chee

>> No.9190910
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