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/lit/ - Literature

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9187359 No.9187359 [Reply] [Original]

Where does /lit/ read? I'm looking for a new place to read that isn't my bed or my fuck awful computer chair

>> No.9187361

I have a garder with a guava tree. I put a relaxing chair there and I read.

>> No.9187363


>> No.9187366

The balcony, when the weather is nice. Extremely comfy to watch the clouds sail by, birds flying around, meditating about what you are reading.

>> No.9187368

Damn that sounds nice, what do you sit in? Just a rando chair?

>> No.9187374
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It's a traditional thing. You can lie down on it as well of course.

>> No.9187386

The bath

>> No.9187389

I sit in a shitty recliner chair that's up against a wall so I can't really recline. I used to always read laying in bed but lately I've found that I fall asleep too easily if I do that. Shit, sometimes I'll even get drowsy from reading while I sit up straight in the chair. At times I can be reading something I'm completely engrossed in and still feel like I'm about to pass out. I've only started to have this problem over the past year and I always try to fight the urge to doze off, but when I do succumb; god damn those naps are comfy as fuck.

>> No.9187392

On my PC.
On my bed.

>> No.9187980

I have a recliner next to my bed with a large pile of books that I use to read on.
If the weather is nice, I go to the park and read outside for a few hours

>> No.9187988

Milkyway Galaxy

>> No.9187990

in your mum's bed, m8

>> No.9188145

What's /lit's thoughts on beanbag chairs?

>> No.9188175


>> No.9188180

I don't actually read irl

>meditating about what you are reading.
faggot pseud

>> No.9188250
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I have a comfy old chair that looks like it walked out of a Dickens novel. It's in the corner of my room, which is very small, but enough for me, my desk, bed, books, and my chair.

>> No.9188268

In your mother's bed, it's pretty comfy.

>> No.9188375
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Outside. I held fast on this spot for an hour and a half and I moved just in time to shake off the treachereously comfy hypothermia.

>> No.9188395

Do you have a chair or something?

>> No.9188429
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Outside is best place to read. (Book is Walden)

>> No.9188691
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No, there was a bench behind me.
Is that a lake or the sea? Beautiful spot.

>> No.9189534

i like to read in bed
unfortunately my wife keeps disturbing me while i'm reading by stroking my penis
life is suffering

>> No.9189691

i wanna read outside but i hate bugs

what do i do?

>> No.9189704

Grow a spine.

>> No.9189726

perfect spot for that book. nice photo too.

>> No.9189774

i'm a girl. even the wind or the slighest touch of a feather makes me feel like a bug is creeping on me and into the lake my book goes. help. is there a bug-free outdoor reading zone?

>> No.9190229

Where I live there are next to no bugs outside. There are a few sedentary spiders and beetles but they leave you alone. Most bugs are quite benign

>> No.9190243

I read in my backyard mostly. sometimes i'll take a book and sit down on the floor in the bathroom and read in there. sometimes i'll read in the park, though I stopped doing that recently because my hours at work changed and now there are always a lot more people at the park when I have a chance to read there and I feel like a fag.

>> No.9190263
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I live right next to an incredibly comfy forest. I don't actually read though, just browse this board in the same way /r9k/ users browse /fit/. It seems kind of unfair in a way. It's in walking distance for me, but I don't have any desire to ever use it. But so many of you would kill for that spot.

>> No.9190744
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I do a lot of reading at places around my school

>> No.9190752
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a small park on a secluded ish road that faces a river and a very picturesque house

>> No.9190975

beautiful. where are you at?

>> No.9190978

cornell (ithaca, ny)

>> No.9190982
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all of these are within a 10 or so minute walk. a ton of forest land too, so i usually try to camp out in a tree for a few hours reading and shit

>> No.9191008

I envy you senpai.

>> No.9191011

No bugs in the snow. See >>9188691

>> No.9191014

Man the fuck up. Even girls can do it nowadays.

>> No.9191017
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you could try not reading by a lake

>> No.9191018

Impressive, very nice. I can imagine what that must be like in the fall.

>> No.9191023

I lie in bed with a spare blanket bunched on top of my pillow to give my head the proper elevation to not be staring straight up at the book. I find it pretty comfy.

>> No.9191054

>implying people on /lit/ read

>> No.9191074


Most bugs are harmless. Horseflies can be killed easily and wasps are usually just interested in seeing if you're food. Mosquitos are just an irritant, but I find squashing the little shits to be quite satisfying. I've only been bitten by a spider once in my entire life and that was because I was trying to catch it and put it in a jar.

>> No.9191101
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I found a cardboard box and sat on it on one of those benches. In the summer I can barely hear my thoughts from all the screaming kids and I have to take to the woods, but on that day it was dead quiet. Every time I raised my eyes I felt a tiny thorn of nostalgia remembering how many wisps of wood smoke rose from the rooftops of the old city when I was a kid and my grandma was immortal. Now there's fluffy white smoke coming out of gas heaters' exhaust pipes but that's not even smoke at all, it's clean steam and doesn't smell of anything. Still, during workdays, it's more quiet now, even with all the turists and buses and many more cars. Can't explain it; maybe I'm going deaf.

I do that too. I have two extra reading pillows. Do you drop the book on your face too when you fall asleep and then barely recall at all the next morning the last five pages you had read?

>> No.9191105

Pics? Just to spite me.

>> No.9191177

if a bug were to fly within 10 miles of me, i would grab the nearest saber and off myself. i don't care about living. i don't want to be near those. have you seen their eyes under a microscope? at 10x zoom? i wish i could live in outer space. a planet without insects or anything uncute.

>> No.9191214

Have you seen yourself under a microscope? You are terribly uncute that way.

>> No.9192699

in my car

>> No.9193112
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In my own homemade ball pit

>> No.9193326

Nah i read a few hours before i usually go to bed and if i start feeling that i'm tired enough to be missing details in what i'm reading i put the book up for the next day

>> No.9193766

I bought a comfy armchair for 7 dollars and it's pretty good.

>> No.9194854

post armchair