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9187313 No.9187313 [Reply] [Original]

What is the greatest good?

>> No.9187315


>> No.9187318



>> No.9187324


>> No.9187329


>> No.9187330

the absence of strife.

Which begs the question: if the ultimate goal of a human being is to create an environment where they are happy and others around them are also happy (thereby supporting their happiness) then what's the difference between theists and atheists?

>> No.9187335

Their version of what it means to be 'happy'.

>> No.9187336

>then what's the difference between theists and atheists?

Theists believe than you cannot achieve true hapiness (or paradise) in the present fallen state of mankind.
Their first goal isn't hapiness but salvation.

There's no point in hapiness if it's achieved through vain hedonism.

>> No.9187339

Can happiness be achieved through vain hedonism?

>> No.9187340

For some people: yes.

>> No.9187343
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The accruing of power and the subjugation of other men.

>> No.9187344

Which people?

>> No.9187348

The common whore, the modern man, people like that.

>> No.9187349

I think so. I think people assume hedonism is inherently negative, because people automatically think of drugs and sex and alcohol.

But your pleasure as a priority can mean anything from, yes, drugs and alcohol, to going to art school, to living like a hermit, to buying a dog rescue shelter- you get my drift?

Your happiness should have priority because you're going to have to deal with it for the next 50 years. For me, this means being stubborn about what kind of job I want, being picky about the kind of people I hang out with and having the means to do my spur of the moment art projects.

As long as I have a place to live and enough food, then I don't need much else.

>> No.9187350

I agree. Strife was one of worst MOBAs I've ever played.

>> No.9187364


>> No.9187408

A functional set of games, societal and invididual, and the absence of unnecessary suffering

>> No.9187428

Crashing this board

>> No.9187460

>A functional set of games, societal and invididual


>> No.9187486


There isn't one. There isn't a strict hierarchy of good things and they don't reduce to each other. Choosing between them when they conflict requires intuition and faith, there is no satisfactory system that can help you derive the right decision in such cases.

>> No.9187533

So goodness is relative? There is no absolute ethic? Isn't that just a lazy contemporary nihilist view?

>> No.9187707

transcendence desu

>> No.9187746

the whites

>> No.9187822

Selflessness and service to a transpersonal ideal.

>> No.9187835
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>> No.9187846


>> No.9187878

If getting away from stryfe the greatest good then why is the greater good always causing it?

>> No.9187879


>> No.9188211

Philosophy as a means and an ends to achieve enlightenment and happiness.

>> No.9188255
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Inserting a finger up your asshole.
It may hurt a little bit for the first time, but after a while your anus will be more stretched and it will fit right in.

>> No.9188411


>> No.9188437

I thought this too desu

>> No.9188453


Because don't want to actually obtain happiness besides in fleeting moments. We secretly enjoy the suffering. The pursuit.

>> No.9188482


>> No.9188517


I keep posting this because it's so concise:

>Now we are able to rejoice that we are saved not through the immanent mechanisms of history and nature, but by grace; that God will not unite all of history’s many strands in one great synthesis, but will judge much of history false and damnable; that he will not simply reveal the sublime logic of fallen nature, but will stroke off the fetters in which creation languishes; and that, rather than showing us how the tears of a small girl suffering in the dark were necessary for the building of the Kingdom, he will instead raise her up and wipe away all tears from her eyes – and there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, nor any pain, for the former things will have passed away, and he that sits upon the throne says, ‘Behold, I make all things new’. - The Doors of the Sea by David Bentley

>> No.9188568



>> No.9188612

>(666 KB, 666x666)
Vade retro, faggot

>> No.9188658


Actually it's a lazy contemporary view to think you can only choose between having one comprehensive system that defines all of morality and nihilism

When you say "relative" you're implying things I never said, like that morality is "relative" to your culture or to you personally, all I've said is that is there are lots of good things that you can strive for and that there is no underlying principle from which they derive their goodness, also there is no way to definitely decide which good thing should take precedence when two good things conflict

>> No.9188666

The market.

>> No.9188720

>service to a transpersonal ideal.
What did they mean by this?

>> No.9188781

I still prefer the name sazed

>> No.9188796

Utopia is a pipe dream. We should try as best we can to make things good but realize that we'll never really get there. That's a tough pill to swallow for some.

>> No.9188977
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