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9185111 No.9185111 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not great with Kant. Some fluency, but nothing serious. Schopenhauer's prologue to the first edition of The World as Will suggests a deep understanding of Kant as a pre-requisite. I'm reading Schopenhauer for some work due in a few weeks, so I don't anticipate being able to read through all of Critique of Pure Reason in time to read all of The World as Will. I'm in the library with a copy of Critique. Where should I go? What are the must-read sections/parts to lay the groundwork for Schopenhauer? (I'd rather not get into a debate on the merits of either if possible.)

>> No.9185192

Nvm I'm reading something from the Schopenhauer Cambridge Companion. Hope that'll do for now. Immanuel will have to wait

>> No.9185212
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Do you think Schoppenhauer followers and Hegelians can ever be friends?

>> No.9185222

I believe Schopenhauer lays out his interpretation of Kant somewhere in there, in his critique and attempt to "fix" Kant's system, so you might not even need to go outside of The World as Will. That's what Nietzsche did, anyway.

>> No.9185237
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>> No.9186344

Read the prolegomena if you just want the run down on Kant's philosophy
Roger Scruton's Very Short Introduction to Kant is also a good starting point

>> No.9186442

Divide WWR vol 1 into four parts and summarize each.