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9183696 No.9183696[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I have a hope of being successful if I'm so damn lazy? I did well at university (until my hate for the subject overwhelmed things) and school but I am so fucking lazy. I waste almost everyday on 4chan and hate work. I REALLY fucking hate actual work (not just learning programming or academic stuff). I'm an ugly autist as well.

I hate all "systems". Hearing someone talk about working smart / working hard / focusing on one thing / focusing on many things / having a balanced life / having an unbalanced life or, in short, any life advice at all, makes me want to go crazy. It's like asking to be wound up and put on autopilot for the rest of your life. Intelligence is supposed to surpass heuristics.

I see preparation in all its forms as dishonest and inauthentic. Preparing for job interviews (not by doing research, I do that, but by answering questions out loud) is like pulling teeth for me. I avoid it so much I practically avoid avoiding it. It just doesn't happen.

Notes from the Underground summed up my life. I haven't had my first full time job since university but I'm sure that my utter laziness is a way to violently lash out at constraints.

I want to have a life philosophy of "just have fun" or something like that but I also want to be successful and do impressive things.

>> No.9183713

You're not very smart

>> No.9183723

read Guy Debord and enjoy the spectacle. drink.


>> No.9183748

Well you seem awfully infatuated with an outlook that's counterintuitive to being successful, so good luck with that

You hate all systems but are begging to be recognized by them at the same time

You want to create something but don't have the sense or modesty to listen to the advice of actual creators

You're doomed to the same life of mediocrity and unrealized dreams as all the others who are delusional enough to feel entitled to success

In short just kill yourself senpai

>> No.9183754
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are you me?
also you are welcome and shouldn't worry so much.
just read a fucking book and don't consume
or do lots of drugs and listen to house/techno
start skateboarding. fuck bitches. otherwise start a revolution. burn mcdonalds

>> No.9183769
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There's nothing wrong with systems. If you're average state of being is so that you can't accomplish your goals, then maybe you should try to find a system that might help you get there. After giving it a fair trial of a month or two, pick what elements you like and what elements you dislike, and then make it feel natural.

Nobody uses systems to autopilot their lives, and you'd be a fool to believe that the mind will automatically redirect you on the most productive path without any work or help. The most successful systems are absorbed into your behavioral habits and are no longer really systems at all, but just a starting point for organizing your responsibilities into something intelligible.

IMO, it seems like you value mastery and involvement the most. You don't want to forget things that you learn. Instead, you want to incorporate them into your life, naturally using what you've learned to explore the world. I don't blame you, it's an authentic and romantic view of intelligence. After covering all the self-maintenance basics, like exercising, meditating, sleeping well, and eating well, maybe you should just maintain a journal and a few Anki decks every day.

Just write about what's going in in your life, or more if that's what you prefer. When you learn something new, make an Anki flashcard deck, and review when it tells you to, which is based off of an irregular interval that works best with your psychology. If this doesn't start jumpstarting your ability to find direction and meaning in your life, then I'm not sure what else will except for a visit to a therapist.

>> No.9183804

What are these "systems" you speak of?

>> No.9183810

in short, do the opposite of whatever this guy says

>> No.9183853
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>tfw want to be successful and wealthy but absolutely refuse to work, study or suffer for it
I know your pain anon. The worst part is this underlying sense that everything will turn out alright, that I've some latent ability, some general superiority, that will manifest itself and finally distinguish my destiny from the commoners I am currently forced to bump shoulders with.

>> No.9183857

>You want to create something but don't have the sense or modesty to listen to the advice of actual creators
Genius doesn't need to study or practice, it's just luck.