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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 21 KB, 478x338, gtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
918335 No.918335 [Reply] [Original]

>Go to Barnes and Noble to buy Infinite Jest and Windup Bird Chronicle.
>Start conversation with kinda cute cashier.
>Cashier says she's never heard of the first but has a recommendation based on the second.
>I say alright, what is it?
>She recommends Glenn Beck's new book
>My face.

>> No.918339

She has never heard of Haruki Murakami and wants you to read Glenn Beck

>> No.918341
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>> No.918342
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>> No.918343

I like Infinite Jest. Halfway through.
I have ordered Windup Bird Chronicle and am waiting for its delivery.

Feels good man.

>> No.918344

You got expertly trolled, as both Beck and Murakami write bullshit.

>> No.918345

If you're dumb enough to like books by japanese authors you're dumb enough to like Glenn Beck.

>> No.918350


>> No.918359



>> No.918366
File: 81 KB, 500x366, haters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't care if you like Murakami or not. I just want to know where the hell you get the idea that someone buying those books would like to read the new Glenn Beck zomg Amerika conspiracy bullshit that just came out. Neither of those is even in the same neighborhood. What a worthless recommendation.

>> No.918381

Glenn Beck also writes novels, he's pretty good actually

>> No.918391
File: 17 KB, 262x313, successful_troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, you were trolled successfully by the recommendation. The picture of the cute cashier is attached.

>> No.918393

The cashier is either being encouraged by the store to promote Beck's book or she really wanted to end the conversation in a hurry.

>> No.918397

>Cashier at Barnes and Noble
>Has never heard of Infinite Jest
What is this? That book even got praised in woman magazines.

>> No.918408

fucking ho bag. I've applied for jobs at borders before and they wouldn't take me unless I was pursing an english/lit degree or something of that order. What hick fucking town are you hailing from op?

>> No.918419

Where are you from?

>> No.918420


But she works there. Unless you were the one who got the fuck out.

>> No.918423

/lit/ - Illiterate Snobs.

>> No.918445

that does not mean that every cashier has heard of it before.

>> No.918490

has anybody read that book? I came across it when I was at Borders yesterday, I read the synopsis, and I am utterly convinced it's riddled with metaphorical propaganda. Amirite? Like the "attack on US soil" is obviously 9/11

>> No.918496
File: 92 KB, 500x377, overton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Um Seattle.

I was surprised that she hadn't heard of Infinite Jest either. Makes me think I should work at Barnes and Noble part time.

Pic related, it's the book she recommended. Any good?

>> No.918538


>> No.918544


I suspected as much

>> No.918556


Based on your reading selection she could tell that you were are a flaming liberal and probably a communist who needed to be redeemed by some good-old-fashion-homespun capitalist wisdom.

>> No.918570

So, is Glenn Beck the Ayn Rand of a new generation?

>> No.918579

don't you mean "right wing drivel and paranoid ramblings"? that fits better
even rand was better than Beck. Beck is actually insane

>> No.918644

LOL, i'm guessing you have never read ayn rand or watched glenn beck.