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File: 200 KB, 800x1200, NoamChomskyFeatured[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9181391 No.9181391 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: intellectual black belts

The elites. The cognitive 1%ers. The kind of guys who have so much surplus IQ they could huff bleach for three days straight and still carve your arguments into Lunchable size portions

>> No.9181398

Everyone below this post

>> No.9181401
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>hasn't taken the redpill yet

Should've found a pic of Evola, Rodger, hitler, or Moldbug instead

>> No.9181405

Thanks man

>> No.9181425

I'm halfway through my second Chomsky book and feeling woke AF tbqh.

>> No.9181600

Ray Peat would disagree (but also refuse the belt)

>> No.9181625
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as long as living isn't a requirement

>> No.9181668
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Anyone read God and His Demons? Pretty good

>> No.9181683

in all honesty, all of those save evola are more relevant than chomsky

>> No.9181686
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>> No.9181691

You first OP.

>> No.9181697
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>> No.9181827
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>> No.9181898
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Tell me about David, why does he wear the bandanna?

>> No.9182267

To prevent his brain from splattering all over the place should it explode

>> No.9182288

I'll take it.

>> No.9182303

finally someone aknowledges it

>> No.9182315

thanks buddy

>> No.9182802

Thanks senpai

>> No.9182856

Is he wearing it right now in his coffin?

>> No.9182864
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>When we look outside of that on which we depend we ignore our unity; looking outward we see many faces; look inward and all is one head. If a man could but be turned about, he would see at once God and himself and the All.

>> No.9182888

Yeah you're a real pill alright

>> No.9183394

Chomsky is a scammer, and utterly disliked thought the linguist community:

His theory of the language module (innate ability in humans to use language) is a confirmed scam.

In order to test the theory a group of infants would have to be isolated and raised without contact of other humans.

This isnt allowed in any country becuase of ethical restrictions.

He knew that.

He still scammed millions promoting it.

He isn't welcome to participate in any applied linguistics projects now and Instead spends his time lecturing on morals and other time wasters.

>> No.9183398

Dude's fingernails are really fucked up

>> No.9183399
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Chumpski is a person who got his politics at 14 and hasn't advanced since.

He has the politics of a sheltered intellectual

>> No.9183454

nice politics of a sheltered idiot ;)

>> No.9183461

>He still scammed millions promoting it.

I don't think you know the definition of a scam

>> No.9183474


>> No.9183489
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>> No.9183497


yeah hes literally a genius, read 1k pages per hour in his youth and retains all of it, can recite huge amounts of poetry and prose by memory.

>> No.9183499

you know nothing about linguistics

>> No.9183516

I wouldn't be surprised if Chomsky has a high but not genius-level iq, like in the 120s. He works so much and he loces learning, and he routinely credits his success to how hard he works. I think it was Richard Feynman who had a 110 iq but achieved much more than many people with 140+ iqs because he was a hard worker and very intellectually curious.

Chomsky is an eye-opener the first time you read him, just don't turn into one of those people who cite him repeatedly during arguments

>> No.9183522

>loves learning

>> No.9183543

Sam harris

>> No.9183549

You're a true patrician

>> No.9183587

clown from UMichigan gets fucking thrashed by Chomsky


>> No.9183816

The bridge over the abyss. You are the true over-man

>> No.9183944
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>> No.9183952


>> No.9184028

thank you

>> No.9184543

Why is Chomsky's picture here? To contrast with actual thinkers?

>> No.9184555

this guy
is almost right.
Chomsky is a con man. His linguistics is OK, but the politics/economics/etc?
All bullshit he peddles for $$$.
He'll even admit it.

>> No.9185187

I heard that he wore it because he wanted to be some kind of literary rockstar. The Axl Rose of literature. I also heard that as he got more popular he began to hate it because the realised how pretentious and cringeworthy it was.

>> No.9185257

Does this mean that I'm smart now?

>> No.9185302


>> No.9185358

Joe Rogan
Richard Dawkins
Sam Harris
Bill Maher
Christopher Hitchens (science rest his soul)

>> No.9185374

Logicism is anything but intelligent. Intelligence is control.

>> No.9185401

>The cognitive 1%ers
Top 1% isn't even smart.

>> No.9185431

Feynman had an IQ of 125. He often talked about how he was only "above average" and most of his success was due to hard work rather than a supernatural intellect, but 125 is at the borderline genius level. The guy scored higher than anybody else in the country on the Putnam without preparation and broke Princeton's record score on their graduate mathematics/physics admissions test. He was probably a genius

>> No.9185492



>> No.9185525

feynman wasn't a genius in the same standards as einstein but he should be an inspiration to all the above-averages of the world. if you watch his documentary you'll see that he was genuinely curious and wasn't out there to prove anything. he also had sex with lots of women, pursued interests outside of science and seemed to lead a generally great life.

>> No.9185548

i know i come off as a bit silly, but deep inside i'm actually profoundly intelligent

>> No.9185758

He had an imagination immeasurable by this or that normie test. Wriggling around on his office floor, pretending to be, for instance, an electron.. truly, a shaman of Science!

>> No.9185785
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>> No.9185804

>tfw you finally make it

>> No.9185924

He won't admit it. He defends his positions vigorously
And in the theme of all Chomsky criticism on here, there's no proper or logical criticisms

>> No.9186094

what does relevant have to do with anything
lady gaga is relevant

>> No.9186125

nice trips
nice evidence

>> No.9186166

you've convinced us

some of these idiots I swear, imagine this poster and Chomsky on any topic. It's the equivalent of dogs barking at the moon

>> No.9186255

16.6 pages every 60 seconds
that's 1 page every 3.6 seconds.................

>> No.9186341

If Noam is an intellectual 1%er, this world is pretty stupid.

>> No.9186445

Strong analogy

>> No.9186474

mein gott. this brilliant plan to farm (You)s AND build good will??

you, sir, are the true intellectual 0.0001%.

>> No.9186481

>Chomsky book
you mean "collected interviews on topics of which I am no expert"? them book royalties must be nice for a state-pensioned north eastern lifestyle

>> No.9186487

>spends his time lecturing on morals
aka telling other people how they should live while deflecting any consideration of his own lifestyle conflicts

>> No.9186489

He's much more likely a .000001%er
and yes this world is pretty stupid

>> No.9186492
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>> No.9186493

Aaaa duuu

>> No.9186498


>> No.9186516

What lifestyle conflicts?
I don't know how you define morality but I'd argue writing over 100 books, teaching at MIT and giving speeches and debates across the nation (all which present a case with sources to cover him) is better "morally" than anyone else I know.

>> No.9186530

Chomsky isn't an expert on Linguistics? I'd argue creating an entire branch in the study of Linguistics would denote a certain amount of expertise.

As for his books on power, economics, foreign affairs - who are the experts in these fields in your opinion? What defines an expert in your knowledgeable opinion?

>> No.9186545

>work for the state
>asked "what is actual anarchism"
>kibbutzim bro!
>i lived there but quit it for working for the government
>but anarchism works!
>don't ask me about my family or personal life
>but this is how you should live

>> No.9186549

>books on power, economics, foreign affairs
just commentary of reading the NYT.

most of these "books" have no relevance other than the year or so after publishing.

>> No.9186561

how do you think lots of books and speeches show morality? being accurate may mean integrity but not morality.

>> No.9186595

I know a lot of people will disagree with this, I'm not even a big fan of him, but Ben Shapiro has incredible language and speech skills. Maybe it's just because he can talk really fast but there's something impressive about him in a debate situation.

>> No.9186608
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There's only one answer. And you know it.

>> No.9186616

Chumsky is a commie usurer (a slimy kike)

>> No.9186620
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Nassim Taleb

>> No.9186623

>Noam "Pol Pot did nothing wrong, Mengistu Haile Mariam didn't even exist, I never heard of Francisco Macias Nguema and have no idea what KGB means, but I'm sure that Pinochet and the CIA are the most evil entities in the history of mankind" Chomsky

>> No.9186627

Muslims are incapable of intellect

>> No.9186632

Great question. As there essentially is no clear answer as morality is essentially the same thing as love let's look at it as Socrates would. He would probably start by saying well it would depend on what the books were about wouldn't it?
Have you ever read a book by Chomsky?

>> No.9186636

He is a Lebanese Christian you ignorant twat

>> No.9186642

what is this a lifestyle conflict to?
>work for the state
MIT is a private uni
>asked "what is actual anarchism"
>kibbutzim bro!
>i lived there but quit it for working for the government
>but anarchism works!
I think you have anarchism and anarcho syndicalism confused. Furthermore this would make a whole whole whole lot more sense to you if you were to read even one of his books - which you have not obviously
>don't ask me about my family or personal life
...what does this have to do with anything
>but this is how you should live
He's doing pretty fine

>> No.9186644

Arabs are incapable of intellect.

>> No.9186652

>just commentary of reading the NYT.
it's amazing how much commentary, backed with evidence and sources and models he can come up with just out of his ass

most of these "books" have no relevance other than the year or so after publishing.
I'd love to hear you expand on this

>> No.9186669

Yes, the government is pure goodness, major multinational multi-billion dollar corporations are here to help, they don't care about maximizing profits, they'll take a cut to help you out, and how was the news today? Learn anything? How's the kool-aid?

>> No.9186680

im .0000000001% tier

>> No.9186701

muh ebul usa

the start and end of Chomsky's.commentary

>> No.9186703

Lebs aren't capable of sapience

>> No.9186709


>> No.9186710
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neck yourself socialist

>> No.9186715

Oh fuck checkmate motherfuckers this shit is that irrefutable profound shit

>> No.9186776

Why do you have to be so defensive and build a strawman just because I mentioned Chomsky notoriously downplaying of communist crimes?

>> No.9186971

Because he is a useful idiot, much like Cucksky

>> No.9186998
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>If men lack knowledge and desire, then clever people will not try to interfere.
>If nothing is done, then all will be well.
-Tao Te Ching, ch.3

>> No.9187436

If you kill your enemies you lose
t. Ching Chang Chong

>> No.9187466
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>> No.9187472


>> No.9187494

He was a schizophrenic and thought that his head was going to explode because he incorrectly diagnosed what was actually the damage of a fungal infection in his brain from eating mould when he was a child as his consciousness expanding outside the parameters of his skull, it also fucked up his endocrine system and made him sweat heaps but he misdiagnosed that for himself too. Schizophrenics/psychotics have immense difficulty understanding physiological symptoms as the relationship between their conscious/unconscious mind is completely fucked.

>> No.9187506

Yeah, sophists usually are quite impressive.

>> No.9187649

"Due to failing his exams in three successive years, Sar was forced to return to Cambodia in January 1953."

>> No.9187762

this all actually might be deceptively good when phrased in this way, but the one part (hilariously) that couldn't quite be glossed over so positively is
>The People love me except for the pseudo-intellectuals and radicals in my country
>Get rid of them through brutal means, ending their menace in my country

>> No.9187892

>by displacing the city people into rural areas
It fell apart here and became obvious "pic unrelated" was coming.

>> No.9187921
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he used to sweat a lot and then just got used to it. He's said so on tape

>> No.9187936

>and utterly disliked thought the linguist community
You know nothing about linguistics, Chomsky is still studied thoroughly, and his latest important publication in the field was released in 2015. He is STILL influential in both linguistics and political science (where with influential I mean that everyone who will get into these fields will surely read a few of his books).

>In order to test the theory a group of infants would have to be isolated and raised without contact of other humans.
Wich is something that is often aknowledged by Chomsky himself. It's not like he is hiding it.

>He still scammed millions promoting it.
Maybe because his theories are actually worth studying? Do you think that he scammed the accademics of every university in the world? Give me a break.

>He isn't welcome to participate in any applied linguistics projects now and Instead spends his time lecturing on morals and other time wasters.
Yes, he is.

>> No.9187949

the only people dumber than chomsky are the undregrad chomsky internet defence force

>> No.9188258

Yes I know, thank you.

>> No.9188296

wow thnks

>> No.9188481


>> No.9188504

There should definitely be a philosopher mtg-like, these are the only things that give me any joy these days.

Bonus points if all analytics are edgy black cards and frankfurters are all white - human ally just to keep /pol/lacks out of the game.

>> No.9188673

>I'd love to hear you expand on this

political analysis of current events doesn't hold relevancy. even if chomsky proves war crimes in Fateful Triangle, what impact is that going to have on the world? are we going to retroactively prosecute leaders from the 1980s?

the vast majority of books aren't deep at all. it's just him putting together shit he reads in the NYT while enjoying his comfy millionaire New England life working for the actual state while telling you and me how diabolical everything is and how we must revolt and change our lives. chomsky tells us all how horrible we are for being a part of this evil system while deflecting any and all analysis of his personal life and interested choices and avoidance of any personal sacrifice and lack of integrity. but yeah keep buying his "books" of collected ramblings from jet setting across the world.

>> No.9188755


If I take off that bandana, will you die?

>> No.9188788


>> No.9188806
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>> No.9188811


>> No.9188817


>> No.9188853

Them's interlocutory words

>> No.9189437


>> No.9189456

Why does /lit/ love this guy?

>> No.9189462

/lit/ loves suicidal people

>> No.9189908
File: 1.91 MB, 1045x1338, DBAAA954-3CB3-420A-9B6F-969D92EAE001-442-0000004AE6087B23_tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9189915

It's about time I get acknowledged

>> No.9190067

>Economic powerhouse


>> No.9190078

include me in the screencap

>> No.9190080

Not a chomsky-head but this is literally anti-intellectualism.

>> No.9190098

>Knowing about the past isn't useful

Is this what american schools teach?

>> No.9190205

>tfw when u trump(KEK) feynman IQ wise(tested!) but still make dumb posts like this and are a general piece of shit

>> No.9190301

jerking around books on current events aren't what changes the world. he's been publishing those collected essays/speeches for decades and they just keep getting pushed under the rug. reading a chomsky book from 1970 (besides MC) is a waste of time

>> No.9190318

nothing intellectual about a $15 100 page "book" about a topic in which he is no expert.

what other famous intellectual gets such notoriety? IMO that is anti-intellectual

>> No.9190329

if you run your goddamn mouth as much, you'd also be the "world's most quoted intellectual"

>> No.9190402

This is absolute horseshit and anyone who has any remote knowledge of pol pot and Cambodia knows he ruined millions of lives, destroyed the economy, and was directly and indirectly responsible for the death of 25% of the population in less than a decade.

>> No.9190472

But if not..? Something's already been done. I don't have much of a choice!

>> No.9190574

>tfw now I am to smart four /lit/

>> No.9190933

include me in the screencap

>> No.9191211

I really don't understand the term "intellectual blackbelt"

People who are just good at finding facts to support their opinions and then deconstructing and constructing language to annihilate someone elses?

So you mean debate blackbelts.

Intellectualism shouldn't be a primative competition, it involves an open mind and cooperation. Philosophy isn't a kung fu movie.

>> No.9191227


can't believed i got memed innto these guys years ago

oh well live and learn

>> No.9191236
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I appreciate your comment

>> No.9191237


>> No.9191624


>> No.9191641
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>> No.9191687

phew, I was starting to have doubts

>> No.9191714

You too buddy!

>> No.9191798


Is Joey one of the greats? Is not his disgusting consumption of trash analogous to our own everyday lives? Is he not suffering for us in an attempt to reveal the truth? We must imagine Joey as happy in this limbo of whooo whooo whooo and fast food wrappers.

>> No.9191822

this is unrelated to the image but pol pot ended up murdering all of the intellectuals in his country, so technically he was one of the 1% of intellectual black belts, at least in cambodia

>> No.9191843

He mopped the floor with Sam Harris

Listen to him trounce one of the intellectual 'heavy weights' of the neocons, Richard Perle:

>> No.9191852

>why are you looking at your own country? That's not nice, look at others!

>> No.9192756

He's defended holocaust denial

>> No.9193191


>> No.9193218

my genius has finally been recognized!

>> No.9193229


>> No.9193234


>> No.9193476


>> No.9193479
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If anybody knows him, ill be impressed.

>> No.9193518

I don't come here often, glad I stumbled upon this thread.

>> No.9193536

>reject modernity
whats it like being underage

>> No.9193642

nicest thread on /lit/

>> No.9193653

>Anony "I literally cannot think for myself I have never read a book in my life this is what they told me to say" mous

>> No.9193679

Jumped the gun there, but it started off well anyway.

>> No.9193706

B-But what does that make you anon?

>> No.9193734
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Fredric Jameson

>> No.9194818

I've heard from reliable sources that he "ruined a generation of grad students" and "is an idiot"

>> No.9194829

You heard wrong

>> No.9194874


>> No.9194895
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>> No.9194908

Everyone taking this as a compliment has me fucking rolling

>> No.9194973

I went to school with an Asian (I think she was Chinese) girl who read like this. It was fucking crazy watching her finger through pages in a book like there were only a couple words per page. She take tests on the books and ace them all. They moved her into some school for child geniuses after the 5th grade and I've never seen her since.

>> No.9196167
File: 16 KB, 263x395, 1488180168113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to browse lit
>type it in browser
>this thread pops up
>check to see how it ended
>it didnt.jpg

>> No.9196213

Hobbes, Hamilton, Jefferson, Immortal Technique Humboldt, Curie, Plank, Chauncey Wright, Joey Gibbs

>> No.9197437
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Chomsky has said
>'The pentagon is the most evil institution on earth; 'the military has no business on college campuses'; 'the US military is a menace to all human life on earth'; 'the military should be barred from offering the GI Bill because they corrupt campuses with money'; 'the military should not be allowed to fund research because they would corrupt the research'
>Chomsky has been a contractor and grant-recipient from the Department of Defense for decades earning millions of dollars from DoD grants and fees to make the military more efficient. He continues to work at MIT specifically to have access to the DoD project that mas made him a multi-millionaire while paying for him to write several of his books
Scammer. He tells you 'don't permit X' while he earns millions doing X for 40+ years.
Chomsky says;
>'I ma a Socialist'; 'The world is the "us" of the lower 90% of earners versus the "them" of the top 10% of earners'; 'The rich must pay a much larger share of taxes'; 'tax shelters and tax avoidance are immoral and should be made illegal'; 'estate taxes must be higher and stronger so that wealth cannot become generational within families'; 'the rich are morally obligated to pay taxes to help the poor'
>Chomsky himself is a top 2% income earner and has been for 30+ years; his home is legally owned by a family member to avoid estate taxes; the copyrights of his various books are owned by royalty trusts so that A) he pays no taxes on the income and B) the royalties will go to his heirs totally free of estate taxes. All of his personal wealth is in trusts and annuities designed so that he pays virtually nothing in taxes and everything is exempt from estate taxes
Chomsky says,
>'Personal property is a tool of the rich to suppress and oppress the poor'; 'intellectual property rights are evil and must be seen as an inherent negative'; 'copyright is just a form of pretectionism and is a bane to true free thought'
>'he places prominent copyright notices on his works, charges fees to download his intellectual property, and sues people who violate his property rights
Chomsky says,
>"Large dorporations are just private tyrannies'; 'oil company foment strife and violence while destroying the environment; the profits they mafe are literally blood moeny'; 'pharmaceutical companies are built up on the sickness and disease of the poor - their money is wring from the cancer, coughing, and death of the poor worldwide'.
>He is personally heavily invested in pharmaceuticals, oil firms, military equipment manufacturers, etc. and not in hedge or market funds, but directly
All this is public knowledge; anyone can track it down.
When Peter Scweizer asked him about all of this while writing a book Chomsky just said 'Do you expect me to live in a cabin in Montana?' as if it is one or the other.

>> No.9197448
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Noam Chomsky is a multi-millionaire that got rich as a military contractor. He invested all of his money in Big Oil, Big Pharma, and in Lockheed Martin to double his wealth. He put his cash, in property, his stocks, and his copyrights into various tax shelters and such to avoid paying any taxes and to completely dodge the estate tax. He lives in a multi-million dollar mansion in a 99% White gated community with private armed security on patrol.
Now he charges universities $12,000 plus first class airfare and 4 star hotel rooms to come on campus and tell students that Capitalism is bad, rich people are evil, everyone should pay as much taxes as possible, the military is evil, the DoD should not be allowed to fund research, Big Oil/Pharma/etc. are evil, and that tax shelters are immoral.
He's the greatest con man of the 20th Century.

>> No.9197467


>> No.9197478

blame the game, not the player

>> No.9197487

Learn than in the ghetto, did you?

>> No.9197488
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>Noam Chomsky is a multi-millionaire that got rich as a military contractor.

>> No.9198272

I thought I was the only guy that thought about Chomsky that way!

>> No.9198280

hey, it's literally me