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File: 16 KB, 363x391, jesus-bleu-mauve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9180383 No.9180383 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9181079
File: 50 KB, 609x370, Hubbard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, that's MY scam!

>> No.9181139


>> No.9181164

Well a 10% tithe but whatever.

>> No.9181189

What will you do with my money? help the poor?

>> No.9181786

Only bad churches say that

Unless it's such a small church that they have no other way to keep the lights on

>> No.9181816

>he hasn't read levitivus

>> No.9181825
File: 93 KB, 949x715, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9181878

>tfw my old church would say that if you don't agree with what they're using the money for them give to a different church
>tfw as a teenager I made more at my job as a custodian than my youth pastor
>tfw my dad is a pastor and gets paid literally gas money to get there and back
>tfw all three of those churches literally feed their communities, clothe them, build youth centers, and accept phone calls to encourage them through tough times/visit them in hospitals etc.
never in the whole of my life have I even dreamed that I would tell someone to check their privelage and apparently I can't even spell it but holy fuck check that shit

>> No.9182534

Actually, he wants you to give all your money to Caesar. Makes it pretty obvious who invented him.

>> No.9182547

sounds like you live in a failed state if the church has to provide all that basic shit, but anyways keep up the good work anon

>> No.9182714

Jesus needs no money.

>> No.9182725

Good thread

>> No.9182980

in Acts Of Apostles thaat was a story about family that literally died instantly, because they decided to secretly save some of their money, instead giving all to st Peter

>> No.9183012

>tfw you want to be Christian but don't want to share your NEETbuxxx.
It's mine, cucks.

>> No.9183036

Church is literally free

>> No.9183042

Not if you want to go to heaven, my dude.

>> No.9183051

Find me that verse in the Bible

>> No.9183056

and answer of Jesus toward rich man "it is easier for elephant to go through eye of the needle, than for rich man to go through gate of heaven"

>> No.9183059

That's a George Carlin quote bruh.

>> No.9183060

I can respond to that if you actually find the verse instead of paraphrasing

Elephant? The quote is "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God." And I don't see how this proves that Christianity is a money making scheme or a greedy organisation. Jesus is commanding people to commit themselves to charity. He's saying it is difficult for somebody who keeps their excess wealth to go to heaven.

>> No.9183858

ananias and sapphira
i havent read it in english so i dont post quote

>> No.9183873

IKTF, anon. Keep fighting the good fight
failed state of West Virginia here, government won't help us so we help each other. There's a lot more love in rural communities than in urban ones. Probably why state-mandated charity efforts like welfare are necessary in cities.