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9179306 No.9179306 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the peak of rhetoric? I've been reading Aristotle and these ladies seem to nail every one of his pointers


>> No.9179315




>> No.9179369

I was a high school debater in the US, and later judged debate while I was in college.

This shit was endemic even then, you hate a fuck-ton of Kritical Affirmatives that had nothing whatsoever to do with the topic that people came to debate and everything to do with ever more creative ways to employ variations of the race card, the woman card, or both. Coupled with speed reading, which was another procedural bullshit strategy, it poisoned the sport of debate.

The strategy behind a Kritical-Affirmative is two-fold: you're bringing a case to debate that most teams are not fully prepped for the way that a topical affirmative is prepped for, and any judge that would normally vote you down for an extra-topical case will hesitate to do so because you're playing to racial and other Kritical issues. The strategy behind speed reading is that any dropped argument is considered to be lost by the team that dropped it, so cramming as many non-eloquent words as possible into a speech to make as many arguments as possible, no matter how weak, has become standard across many teams.

What you wind up with are "debaters" who have little to no rhetorical skill who can only use procedural strategy and some who turn every issue into a racial issue. It's fucking sad to see, and anytime I saw it I downvoted it.

>> No.9179371


I wish in HS debate you could go full 1488.

It would be just as offputting as their tactics.

>> No.9179380


Can't do it. You'd shock and horrify rooms full of people far more than this would, and you'd face ramifications for it unlike these kids.

>> No.9179840

>an historic win

>> No.9179858

Please please tell me this was satire
I told think I want to live in a world in which this is rewarded or praised in any way

>> No.9179865

*don't think

>> No.9180125


It isn't. It's the coaches and judges fault though: competitive debate has only sunk to this level because coaches realized that if they directed debaters to make certain types of technical arguments that it would result in a disproportionate number of wins based on the rules as written.

Judges can veto this by stating in their paradigms "no speed reading" up to a point and strictly enforcing topicality on Kritical Affirmatives by buying topicality arguments, and coaches can direct teams to run topicality arguments on all Kritical Affirmatives.

When you're a young debater though and you think that you've shown up to argue about increasing military presence in sub-saharan Africa and the Affirmative team starts the 1AC off with a speech about black oppression in the sport of debate you have no fucking idea what to do the first time.

>> No.9180156

Her IQ temporarily rose by 20 points by virtue of being next to such intellectual behemoths
She went back to talking like a non-autist after this video.

>> No.9180161

What's the point in all of this? I mean, all these debates are worthless.
Is it just a business, like college football?

>> No.9180169


No. It has a lot of merit as a place where future lawyers, politicians, and various other leaders are groomed, but the program has degenerated as a direct consequence of bullshit technical strategies that do not directly hone skills transferable to outside of formal competition.

>> No.9180175

So basically this is the current meta of the game?

>> No.9180185


Yep. The meta is shit. Don't judge the whole sport by it.

>> No.9180189

uh uh uh

>> No.9180234


It's just some stupid social justice shit. Blacks can't compete in real debates so they had to develop a new genre of debate so they can literally just make monkey sounds and feel good about themselves.

>> No.9180246


No no. Whites do Kritikal affirmatives too, though not as often, and everybody speed reads. Now you fuck off back to /pol/ and stay on your containment board.

>> No.9180387

>Whites do Kritikal affirmatives too

I never said they didn't. I think I'll stay here a little longer and comment on every single thread.

>> No.9180421
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>surprised by anything from the US

not me
not ever