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9177322 No.9177322 [Reply] [Original]

who is "your" writer?

>> No.9177345
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Ayn Rand

Ironically, I do enjoy her books. Not for the philosophy, but for the stories.

>> No.9177378
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unironically: david foster wallace

>> No.9177390
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We're both atmosphereheads
Eat drink sleep shit atmosphere

>> No.9177442

william Gaddis

>> No.9177518


i feel like dfw won't be remembered as a master of literature or a hart crane, as someone with a huge amount of talent, but it sure is comfy as hell reading someone who you can identify with in some way who is genuinely pretty good at what theyre doing.. i wish he was my dad kind of..

>> No.9177535

Crane is a GOAT-tier poet, but I do have to say that during their respective times and after DFW is way more well known

>> No.9177554
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Taleb because of his disdain for academics senpai

>> No.9177607

Probably Brett Easton Ellis. He's like Elliot Roger only he published his bloodthirsty Day of the Rope fantasies instead of trying to act them out. Much smarter.

Does anybody else think that if Roger just changed some names and published My Twisted World he could have been the next BEE? He's the voice of a generation of unwanted and disillusioned young men of the first world.

>> No.9177620


>> No.9177658
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Grant Morrison.

>> No.9177665

Have you considered getting into meteorology?

>> No.9177674
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Julius Evola. Awakened my spirituality

>> No.9177676

I imagined Cy from Ancient History: A Paraphase as DFW

>> No.9177764

Leo Tolstoy.

>> No.9177784

Cormac McCarthy.

>> No.9177811

Hunter S. Thompson
Between drugs and a truly American view of life, the man ruined any potential I had as a human being

>> No.9177920
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This relative madman.

>> No.9178089

Oscar Wilde is the ideal, Bulgakov is the reality

>> No.9178239

>but for the stories
Jesus, that's even worse. I could somewhat understand if you were drawn to the stupid, reactionary philosophy while enduring her god-awful story-telling, but for you to endure her shitty philosophy because you enjoy her god-awful story-telling makes you the ultimate plebs.

>> No.9178572
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Daddy Marcel

>> No.9178794

Aren't BEE and Eliot Rodger more like opposites? Reading about BEE's personal life, he could have everything he wanted in terms of drugs, sex, clothes, but still felt alienated. Meanwhile Rodgers was a rich kid who felt resentful because no one would have sex with him.

>> No.9178804

This. Narcissists make good novelists. Shit, they might be the best qualified to write them.

>> No.9178819

Henri Bergson

>> No.9178826

Hermann Hesse

Sometimes I feel like I could be him, he has the same points of view and works the same themes and questions that plague my mind. I think we have similar temperaments too, and coincidentally (or not) we are both from the same zodiac sign.

>> No.9178876
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The true American outcast's hero, along with Zappa.

>> No.9178967
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>> No.9178970

michael crichton

>> No.9179016 [SPOILER] 
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c-c-c s l-l-l-lewis

>> No.9179026
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Baudrillard of course

>> No.9179030

Jim Davis

>> No.9179053

Gene Wolfe

>> No.9179057

Good call. That passage isn't one of my favourites, but now I've been re-reading Cool Memories because of it. That man could write his balls off.

Cheers anon, thanks for the reminder.

>> No.9179206

Zappa was a cunt, Pynchon is my daddy.