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File: 24 KB, 550x499, mansplain manbun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9176951 No.9176951 [Reply] [Original]

If people are content to wallow in ignorance, is it ethical to try to educate them?

>> No.9176956

What is content?
What is wallow?
What is ignorance?
What is ethical?
What is educate?
What is people?

>> No.9176965

What is 'what is'?

>> No.9176969

It is ethical to give them the freedom to educate themselves.

>> No.9176970

Depends if they are interested.

Next question, loser!

>> No.9176992
File: 51 KB, 400x267, 201170f25dffc6cfacb6ad88bdbcb2df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, educate with *frying pan*

don't be ignorant

>> No.9177000

>Is it ethical to try to educate them?

Do you mind burning bridges? Some education involves bringing a mirror to their faces. Sometimes it's best to leave them in ignorance and let the next person take on the duty. Or pray for them to realize on their own.

>> No.9177004

>visual art
>"what it (((means)))"
fucking gay

>> No.9177031

Women love to not know. They would rather 'wonder' then listen to somebody else's opinion.

>> No.9177090

You know I don't even care that much about the concepts themselves. It's more the awful portmanteaus crit. women come up with for the fancy ideas of their world.

Mansplaining, why not sexsplaining? Manspereading, how about manandering? Jfc these people make themselves so uncompelling with the quality of their containers.

>> No.9177096

hur hur I need to do things about stuff

>> No.9177107

You should be a politician, you have the right temperament.

>> No.9177128

being dumb is trendy anon

>> No.9177217
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Not if they're women apparently.

>> No.9177230

shut up socrates

shut up heidegger

>> No.9177337

>If people are content to wallow in ignorance, is it ethical to try to educate them?
>i.e. Should Public Education exist?

If you are certain you are correct, and you are certain your education will absolutely benefit them?

>> No.9177346

>what be people

>> No.9177419


>that hair
>that gut

Oh god I'm that guy

>> No.9177431
File: 58 KB, 636x674, stirner4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normative ethics

>> No.9177488

No. Trying to give something yo someone who isnt asking for it dooms the pupil who is ready and shows the insecurity of the teacher. At that point it becomes not about their ignorance but rather your dubious motives

>> No.9177924

The joke isn't that she doesn't want to know, the joke is that hipsters are pretentious asshats who talk a lot without saying anything.

When people say "I wonder what it means" it means THEY want to find/figure it out.

You ignorant fuck.

>> No.9177937

Whether or not it's ethical is beside the point- the key thing is that it's pointless and will ultimately depress and frustrate you, and they will think you're a wanker.

>> No.9178006

They most likely won't change their opinion despite facts existing to counter them.

My grandma is a diehard televangelist loving, church going, feet dragging, mouth smacking (chewing food), climate change denying Trump supporter and o matter what I tell her or show her contradicting whatever she brings up to me (after hearing about it through a televangelist or Alex Jones) she will keep believing it.

Even my mom thinks she is retarded. I used to think she was smart.

>> No.9178043
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>My grandma is a diehard televangelist loving, church going, feet dragging, mouth smacking (chewing food), climate change denying Trump supporter and o matter what I tell her or show her contradicting whatever she brings up to me (after hearing about it through a televangelist or Alex Jones) she will keep believing it.


>> No.9178094

What do you mean by ignorance?

Knowledge is so specialized that you can be called ignorant, unless you're highly trained in every field?

>> No.9178105


No, it's exceptionally bad.

>> No.9178108

pic related. if you are talking about the ingnorance that is lack of selfobservation, then telling someone about their flawe ideology or whatever might help them, but tey won't like you for it. so it depends: do you value "being liked" over "educate people"? and then there is also the problem that whatever you want to "teach" them is just, like, your opinion, man
just because you think something is true doesn't make it a truth set in stone. just think back on what you considered "set in stone" 10 years ago...

>> No.9178112
File: 138 KB, 875x776, IMG_2702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damnit, forgot pic

>> No.9178125


>No one is more hated than pedophiles
>Therefore, the pedophiles are onto something...

Plato, you hack.

>> No.9178130

I hate mansplaining white guys

>> No.9178131

since when do pedophiles speak the truth?

>> No.9178174

Its aaall a social construct, remember!

>> No.9178179

>in art gallery
>looking at abstract expressionist painting
>woman also looking at it
>she says I wonder what it means
>say "who gives a rat's ass what you wonder you narcissistic roasty. It's not my job to educate you."

And that's the way to properly handle the situation my fellow anons.

>> No.9178191

>When people say "I wonder what it means" it means THEY want to find/figure it out.
When people say "I wonder what it means" it means they wonder what it means. They want to know what it means. How they find out is not mentioned. The fact that they said it out loud is a good indication they'd like to be told.

>> No.9178196

Get out of your basement once in a while, >>9177924 .

>> No.9178200

I suggest that the best response the man in the image could give to her would be "And I didn't ask what you said. What makes you think I was even talking to you? Get over yourself."

>> No.9178217

>I hate mansplaining white guys

I do admire that about niggers,they're very upfront about the fact that they don't know much.

>> No.9178269

>actually mentioning 'feet dragging' and 'mouth smacking' along political views when talking about an old woman
My condolences to your grandmother. It can't be easy having offspring like you.
Hey, at least she's not a leftist. It could always be worse.

>> No.9178273

good post
hard 8 to a soft 9 desu

>> No.9178287

You're coming from what Freire called banking education. The idea that education is about empty-headed ignorant people that must be filled with the knowledge that is brought up by the teacher. This would be indoctrination and it would be so even if you feel very much in the right with what you know.

When you affirm something, put some information or knowledge out, it's not like giving it to someone. In order to learn it, the person must in some sense identify themselves with it, must feel a personal pull to receive this information. You can produce that pull through rhetoric or even by physical force, which is what makes a soldier just answer yes, or that makes people go out of school reproducing what the teachers told them.

No one is "content in ignorance" because no one thinks of themselves as ignorant, even if you think that of them.

>> No.9178339


>> No.9178340

>No one is content in ignorance because no one thinks of themselves as ignorant

1. That's the point, that's why ignorance is bless: you dont understand shit, so you dont have to face harsh realities AND you dont even know how stupid you are.
2. >No one thinks of themselves as ignorant
This is just clearly false.
>People usually dont think of themselves as ignorant
is fairer imo.

>> No.9178553

That's pretty much what the Socratic method is all about.

>> No.9178558

tell them to take psychedelics
then they'll understand

>> No.9178560
File: 28 KB, 360x328, 1477427401563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top spooks m9

>> No.9178583

i don't see how ethics plays into it at all unless you're some mega-autist.
either way, it's a complete waste of time and energy unless you're running a cult where they give you their money and women.

>> No.9178662

>If people are content to wallow in ignorance, is it ethical to try to educate them?

It is not possible to educate people. People are educated because they have an internal desire to learn, not because someone else decided to.

Ergo, since your proposition is impossible, the question of the ethics of it is irrelevant. Class dismissed.

>> No.9179345

One has to fool them by some trick to think they want it, lest they stay ignorant.

>> No.9179347

The joke is the New Yorker in this situation

>> No.9179352

>People are educated because they have an internal desire to learn
You can force some of it.

>> No.9179388

A person only says "I wonder what it means" in two cases a) they're actually curious or b) they're pretending to be curious to impress somebody.

In case a) a person doesn't want to be lectured, they want to learn. Learning is an inherently personal thing- everybody absorbs information differently, so the chance that the person wants to hear some smug asshole tell them what they're supposed to think or feel is astronomically small. Yes, there are times when they'd actually like to hear your opinion, and in that case, they usually follow up their statement with: "what do you think?"

In case b) yes, they probably do want to hear you prattle on, because they want into your pants. But the chances of that happening to anybody on /lit/ is also astronomically small.

Stop reading about how normies act on 4chan.

>> No.9179473

Cant tell if thats an adams apple or a collar but either way its great

>> No.9180480

It's a spook.

>> No.9180741

Not if it's against they're wishes...but what people wish depends on what you say. So if you have a good enough hook, then no it's not unethical at all.