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File: 28 KB, 260x302, 260px-Portrait_of_Friedrich_Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9176207 No.9176207 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any games based or inspired by the philosophy of Nietzsche?

>> No.9176213

Fuck off, loser


>> No.9176221

GTA San Andreas

>> No.9176224


>> No.9176226

I have NOTHING to do with /r9k/

>> No.9176229

Far Cry 2

It achieved what Spec Ops: The Line tried to achieve.

>> No.9176276

Beyond Good and Evil

>> No.9176417

>and Zarathustra proceeded to murder hookers

>> No.9176588

remember when zarathustra cheated in a hydra and flew into las venturas

>> No.9176666


>> No.9176671

Crusader Kings 2

>> No.9176695
File: 219 KB, 747x1070, super_nietzsche_by_arcanvm-d3f5ihv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask icycalm

>> No.9176702

90s JRPGs that aren't medieval.

>> No.9177251

Xeno series

>> No.9177253

MyFaRoG lol

>> No.9177260


>> No.9177273


>> No.9177284
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>> No.9177285


>> No.9177287


>> No.9177291
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>> No.9177293

this isn't funny

>> No.9177311

Portraying Nietzsche like a petulant child because most people who use his name without ever reading his works act like petulant children is a stale, stale meme. My johnsons are a tad rumbled.

>> No.9177316

reductive as fuck

I don't even like any of their philosophies, I still don't go around burning straw men

>> No.9177336

I always thought fighting games are very Nietzsche because they require a self-improvement mindset to enjoy them.

>> No.9177340

Schopenhauer only good character as usual

>> No.9177349

If your response to a joke is to criticize its philosophical foundation, humor might not be for you.
This is fine.

>> No.9177365

>If your response to a joke is to criticize its philosophical foundation, humor might not be for you.
If you make a joke predicated on philosophical ideas and then misrepresent those ideas, it's not a funny joke. There's room for a funny joke in the comic's premise, but it certainly doesn't deliver.
If you don't want your joke criticized on philosophical grounds don't make it a philosophical joke.

>> No.9177369

>If you make a joke predicated on philosophical ideas and then misrepresent those ideas, it's not a funny joke.
I have never met someone who didn't understand jokes as badly as you don't understand jokes.

>> No.9177371

Nonsense. It's not a joke about Nietzsche's philosophy if the philosophy represented is literally not Nietzsche's. If he replaced Nietzsche with Anton LaVey, or Rand, I may have chuckled

>> No.9177388

>It's not a joke about Nietzsche's philosophy
Correct. Nietzsche serves as the set-up. The punchline belongs to Schopenhauer and Epictetus.

>> No.9177392

Superman 64

>> No.9177397

Right, but it's a false set up. My point still stands, he could have used LaVey and it would have been a funnier joke, i.e. the set up would have made sense. How can the punchline be funny if the set up is tasteless? Do you think dead baby jokes are funny?
>inb4 yes i do

>> No.9177409

you must get invited to a lot parties

>> No.9177410

>video games

Don't you brainlet manchildren have a board about jerking off to your toys?

>> No.9177417

There were few people funnier than Kafka, who didn't go to a party in his life.

>> No.9177421


>> No.9177436

Dead baby jokes are funny until the novelty wears off, usually when you're about 16.

The punchline straight-up does not require Nietzsche to be accurately portrayed to be funny - it just requires him to be antagonistic towards Epictetus and Buddha, making Epictetus explain his technique of anticipation and opening the way for Schopenhauer to interject with his anti-natalism. There's nothing about Nietzsche's philosophy in itself that meaningfully contributes to the joke, his beef with the other three clearly just made him convenient to use. But even if it did contribute, it would still be valid to use a caricature of Nietzsche. Imagine a joke with the setup relating to Abraham Lincoln's legendary honesty. Pointing out that Lincoln did in fact lie is not a criticism of the humor, it's just pedantic autism.

>> No.9177451

triggered NEETzche fags btfo

>> No.9177470

But Lincoln possessed that representation of honesty. That is a quality we commonly attribute to him. The only reason that joke makes sense is because it could *only* be about Lincoln.

Whining over the outcome of a board game has absolutely nothing to do with Nietzsche's work, or reputation. He could be replaced with any generic douchebag fuckboy who misunderstands Buddhism and Stoicism (i.e. any hedonist). Putting Nietzsche in the joke literally contributes nothing to it, as you said yourself. He could put Epicurus in the place of Nietzsche, the joke would make sense.

You have actually agreed with me, you've said it doesn't need Nietzsche to be accurately portrayed to be funny. That's why it's not funny; the set up is garbage. It's the philosophy joke equivalent of "So what's the deal with airplane food?"

>> No.9177472

>Each individual part of the joke is not irreplaceably neccesary for it to function
>therefore it isn't funny

At this point I'm just gonna stop, because you're either on more layers of irony than I can conceive of, or you're hopeless.

>> No.9177490

Unironically the Dark Souls series. Particularly number 2.

If you want me to explain further I will, but you should definitely play it if you want to experience it properly

In b4 >ds2 is bad memery

Get the SoTFS version. It has what you're looking for

>> No.9177495

Hello BRAINLET. Your intellect is as minute as your PENIS

>> No.9177513

Let me put it this way; does anyone doubt Schopenhauer would be a terrible board game player? No, literally N O B O D Y would think it fun to play games with Schopenhauer.

If you start with vague set up, like "Nietzsche only wanted to win," you'll end with a trivial observation like "It wouldn't be fun to play Monopoly with Schopenhauer." This is, again, something that anyone who has read Schopenhauer would understand.

It's not really a difficult concept: set up precedes punch line. If you start with a poor set up, you'll have a poor punch line.

>> No.9177516

The first game is way more Nietzschean, and in a large part Jungian as well if you ask me.

>> No.9177529

Unsure about this. Second game has you literally becoming the ubermensch in a futile struggle against destiny

>> No.9177531
File: 118 KB, 500x600, iPhone 847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fallout New Vegas
Very ubermensh in that you can be a mixture of cunt and cool dude at your will

>> No.9177534
File: 77 KB, 1068x617, socrates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so an Irishman, a Frenchman and an Englishman walk into a bar. The Englishman offers to buy the Irishman a drink. "No thanks, I'm straightedge," says the Irishman. The Frenchman mistakes this for a threat and runs away.

The joke is that the French are cowards, and if you don't think it's funny you don't understand humor.

>> No.9177541

>Second game has you literally becoming the ubermensch in a futile struggle against destiny

This is literally all the Souls games dude.

>> No.9177542

That joke is, literally and figuratively, not funny.

Try telling that to a crowd and see how many laughs you get, fuckwit.

>> No.9177546

Comedy is 95% delivery

>> No.9177549
File: 236 KB, 1920x1080, BBQbB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a great picture.

Anyways, aren't most roguelikes pretty Nietzschean? FTL?

>> No.9177550

The Kings aspect makes it much more competitive though. You're just another bearer of the curse, and oh shit! There's more like you. 1st and 3rd are more like climbing a mountain, as opposed to winning the race

>> No.9177552

The joke is that no Irishman would turn down a drink

>> No.9177565
File: 71 KB, 1200x675, pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you read the thread friend - the joke does not require the Irishman to be portrayed accurately. It just requires him to open up the way for the Frenchman to run from an imagined threat.
t. humor pro

>> No.9177577

You delivered it like a miscarried turd on 4chan. Do you really think it will come off better when you verbalize it?

>> No.9177591

Far Cry 2
Planetary Annihilation

>> No.9177594
File: 239 KB, 1600x1200, STREETS Of RAGE Ikari no Tekken action fighting arena scrolling ....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9177598

icycalm picks are easymode, use your imagination

>> No.9178137

I Am Setsuna, Dragon's Dogma

>> No.9178145

>Dragon's Dogma

That's an interesting choice, could you explain?

>> No.9178147

All Dragon Ball games

>> No.9178152

Nietzsche seems like the kind of kid who would have filmed himself trying to go Super Saiyan and screaming
SAD loser

>> No.9178159

Exactly. But I found this one a bit funny tho, made me smile >>9177291

>> No.9178160


If you laugh at jokes which are false in their representation of the figures they depict and don't understand any of it then you might be fucking retarded.