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/lit/ - Literature

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9175566 No.9175566 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Novels that cannot be fully understood unless the reader has inhabited the place in which the book is set.

Pic related. I don't know what non-New Orleanians must think about the people in this book unless they've experienced the people in this city for themselves.

>> No.9175578

Lord of the Rings

>> No.9175813

I am sorely disappointed in the amount of replies I am getting to my --what I thought was thought provoking--thread.

>> No.9175821

You're saying we have no imagination. And to that I say, WRONG.

>> No.9175823

Anything by Thoreau in my opinion. Anglos are different from other Europeans, Americans are different from other Anglos.

>> No.9175828

yes but consider how a blind man imagines a tree.

He can grasp the basic notion, feeling the bark of the trunk and picturing the outreaching branches, but he cannot possibly conjure the image in his head of what the tree looks like in reality without actually seeing it with his own eyes.

>> No.9175837

lol most of books imo. Yo may read "st Lucas from greek to romans to jew" and those placing seems like namedropping unless you know where are they and how look

>> No.9175873

I reject your exclusivism i have a very wild imagination

>> No.9175879

Could you give us an example of a nuance you noticed in ACoD that someone wouldn't pick up on?

>> No.9175886

Im sad now.

>> No.9176098

Well, for one, you don't know what neighborhoods that come with all the street names mentioned. You don't know, for example how greatly different the French Quarter of New Orleans is from the Garden District that Ignatius lives in. You can google pictures of St. Charles ave, but you won't get the full feeling of taking a quaint forest green streetcar down the grand lineup of victorian mansions and still being bored because of how many times you've seen each house from that same little car.

You also haven't met any Irene Reillys or heard the accents that are so crucial to the dialogue in the book. You haven't stayed at a boring house like the one the Levys occupy up in Bay St. Louis (not saying that every New Orleanian has been to Pass Christian, but most have made the drive through southern Mississippi at least).

You haven't been surrounded by the air of laziness and carelessness that looms throughout the novel that makes every character behave this way. Everyone here at least slightly does not have their shit together in some way. There's people who you talk to who don't seem like real people, but merely automatons that you'd encounter at a theme park, dispensing their words in brief spurts of personality that you can;t quite understand. I can give examples of these people and what they do if anyone is still curious

>> No.9176419

I'm curious, do it.

>> No.9176442
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this, desu

>> No.9176458


You are making a objective statement about the perception of trees. Not possible. Try again.

Try again.

>> No.9176629
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This. I grew up in Wiltshire.

>> No.9176887

There is the guy across the street who seemingly never leaves his yard, leaning on the chain link fence and greeting everyone when they pass by, no matter what time of day

And the man who lives alone and feeds my dog an infinite line of treats while whispering to him sweet nothings when I walk by (he is also the best example of a New Orleans accent I know)

The "okra man" who drives around in his truck yelling lyrically over a loudspeaker about the produce he has

These few may sound like mundane characters you might have encountered but they all factor into the "dilapidated theme park" simile I made in my previous post. Pretty much everyone who isn't one of the transplant millennial hipsters that shitted up the marigny and bywater is a nutter and the whole town is like a roadside attraction where everyone is absurd.

The thing is, there are nutters in every big city, like the people who shout on the public transportation in bigger cities, but the nutters here aren't really the "mental illness" type nutters but are really just eccentrics, products of the city itself

>> No.9176911

i lived in metairie, post katrina

didn't really get the true experience, saw some of it

made me wish i had been there 30 years beforehand

>> No.9176983

At least you actually admit it and don't just lie and say you're from New Orleans like most Metrarians

>> No.9177893
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>> No.9178378

Definitely Notes From Underground. Still essential Dostoevsky but you'll only really empathise and understand the Underground Man completely if you're near to becoming him.

>> No.9178380

Neat post.

>> No.9178485

The blind man would know the tree better than you do.

Fucking idiot.

>> No.9178499

More like 'NEET post', amirite?

>> No.9178517
File: 281 KB, 965x947, ulysses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm stating the obvious here.

I thought I got most of the references, until I heard Frank Delaney analyse the book in Re:Joyce. So much that you wouldn't get unless you grew up in Ireland.

>> No.9178694

You are a contrarian faggot and should leave my thread immediately

>> No.9178771
File: 33 KB, 316x475, PetersBurg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is possible to "understand" Petersburg, in the sense of traditional forms of analysis. It is possible to grasp the symbolist program. But it is not possible to feel the sense of the city that Dostoyevsky was afraid might dissolve with the morning mist unless you've been there.

It's also high time to acknowledge who is in whose debt. The Russians claim to have invented everything, but in this case, if no Petersburg, also no Ulysses.

>> No.9178786

gross misuse of "contrarian"

implying the only way to know something is by looking at it kekk

>> No.9179076

I didn't say "know something" I said "know what something looks like." Do you really believe that a blind man knows what a tree looks like better than you and I do?

>> No.9179216

Nonsense - Joyce hadn't read it when he wrote Ulysses. The similarities are a coincidence.

>> No.9179225

Have you read it in Russian? Are you from St. Petersburg? If not, then shut the fuck up, you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.9179316

/lit/, everybody

>> No.9179327

ok, you are special for living in new orleans

>> No.9179337
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Пapaшa yнылaя твoй Пидopcбypг, тaщeмтa.

>> No.9179339

that is not the air I wished to portray, I actually very much dislike the city and hope to move out soon. I was just making the point of nuances people wouldn't get about the book without having lived in the city, which was the entire point of the thread

>> No.9179475

>I would really like to elucidate Nabokov's unpublished thoughts on this topic with a pair of petulant masturbators like these two.


>> No.9179488


Do you really believe that because you can see that you have the better perception of the tree? What makes your image of the tree superior to the blind mans?

Even if you can see what makes you so sure that your view isn't incomplete? Or that the blind man doesn't have a very intimate knowledge of the tree?

>> No.9179499

>т. ayтиcт из Myхocpaнcкa

>> No.9180010

Bleeding Edge requires a decent sense of New York but New York is such a universal city that most people understand it

So I guess this post was just worthless then

>> No.9181705

I'm not replying to the bait post, I am merely posting a comment acknowledging that I know his post is bait and therefore I am not replying. He knows that his poor attempt at bait serves no purpose for the conversation, so I tantalize him by passively allowing him to know that I see his bait for what it is while simultaneously depriving him of the (you) which he so desperately craves.

Fuck you, bait man. You have not bested me today.

>> No.9181968


>> No.9182486

Has /lit/ ever organized a Bloomsday meetup in Dublin? Just imagine, all of us getting pissed and cavorting from landmark to landmark

>> No.9182545

Pinchy Tomato fucking SUCKS!@!!!!!!!!!! lol solvin techno crimes in new YAWK LOL notice how i have an accent ALSO USB DRIVES POWER CORDS TECHNOLOGICAL JARGON A FIVE YEAR OLD WOULD UNDERSTAND my names tickle my penis and welcome to jackas: new YAWK city, fucking TRASH memed OUT son of a bitch literally take the biggest meme of all time skewer it on a stake and SHIT GLITTER upon it there you go it's nu-noir a la memetarian NEW YAWK IS THE GLOBAL CITY OH YEAH BRUH MAJOR BLACK CHARACTER GOT AN ESTRANGED EX GIRLFRIEND WITH HIM CHILD (babbymomma) and even Quequeg got some goddamn cosmopolitan in him BUT THANKS FOR THE TIMELY PISSANT TO FOR MAKING ME REMEMBER NEW YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWK IS A PLACE OF PEOPLE WHO DONT KNOW 9/11 IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN THE MEME CHANGED IT ALLLLLLLLL THE MEME CHANGGED IT ALLLLL NO MORE BLACK MEN GOTTA TALK IN EBONICS!!!!! NEVER AUTHENTICALLY HEAR A DARKIE TALK WORDS IN YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE MEME CHANGED IT ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.9182553
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