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9175381 No.9175381 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about this book? Personally i expected more.

>> No.9175407

I just finished it last week and was dissapointed as well. It seemed to be touted as a profound book that will wrench at your heart but i never got those feels

it was entertaining and i enjoyed the read dont get me wrong, it just was nothing more than that.

>> No.9175413

I didn't like Catch-22. After reading Gravity's Rainbow and being caught up in the brilliance of that infernal machine, Catch-22 seemed too staid and sober. I like it when my books are 'on' something, you know. If a book can be described as 'x on [drug],' then I'm pretty much on board immediately. Probably a result of doing lots of drugs and knowing how good a time they can be. Gravity's Rainbow is on acid for sure, and one could argue that many of Pynchon's other books were 'on weed.' Some novels are 'on wine' or 'on whiskey,' but Catch-22 didn't seem to be on anything. This didn't sit right with me, so after I got 100 pages in I had to put it down. Luckily Gravity's Rainbow was nearby (as I always make sure it is), so I opened that up to compare, but the difference was apparent immediately. I serendipitously opened it to the part where the man goes down the toilet, and within seconds of reading I was hooting and hollering and howling as only Pynchon can make ya do.

>> No.9175417

Exactly, i found it funny and absurd but nothing more than that.

>> No.9175430

I can't wait to put my hands on GR but i need to respect the order of books i need to read before getting the dessert. So i thought that catch 22 could be a lite version of GR.

>> No.9175541
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>> No.9175647

I'm Cormac McCartney you cunt.

>> No.9177014

I think it was really funny, nothing too profound or mind blowing.

And then The Eternal City comes out of nowhere.

>> No.9177094

Personally I think it's dogshit but I was expecting literature, not the same abbot and costello routine regurgitated over and over to the banal tune of "war is bad and religion is bad and the government is bad and people are bad." I got like two chuckles out of it. You could maybe splice a decent novella out of the first hundred pages and the last fifty.

>> No.9177117

what's a book on war you consider good

>> No.9177140

The Iliad and War and Peace are the first that come to mind. Not exactly controversial, I know.

>> No.9177161

>I like it when my books are 'on' something, you know. If a book can be described as 'x on [drug],' then I'm pretty much on board immediately. Probably a result of doing lots of drugs and knowing how good a time they can be.

ok you could be stating the law of gravitational waves in relation to anti matter
and I wouldn't give a shit about it because of this stupidity you just said

>> No.9177188

It is a good book. Witty humorous with some often times shortly mentioned but profound emotional moments.
Doesn't mean you have to put it on par with Greek Mythology, Shakespear or anything where deeper meaning can be interpreted.
Don't enjoy every book by saying it must uphold the same standards in the same fields as others.
Narcassistic 'philosophical thinkers' won't like it because of exactly that.
Fuck those pretentious cunts who are out of their time and element whose worthless thoughts are a waste of human brain cells anyway.

>> No.9177227
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>> No.9177404

Storm of Steel
To Hell and Back
All Quiet on the Western Front

>> No.9177799

Best book of the 20th century after Proust.

>> No.9177806
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>TFW I didnt read it in high school but managed to gather enough info from a day of in class discussion to write a ten page paper on it as a final project and got a 94%