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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 431 KB, 1280x1772, 1479079976528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9175053 No.9175053 [Reply] [Original]

I'm seeing zizek speak tonight. Is there anything I should know?

>> No.9175058

He's trying to destroy whiteness
Choose right wing

>> No.9175059

1. How do you find out when he is speaking?

2. Please ask him very quickly his thoughts on Ludwig Wittgenstein.

>> No.9175060

Why does he wear the T-shirt?

>> No.9175072

Ask him what it's like to be such a Slovenian that he can L I T E R A L L Y never clean his beard properly

>> No.9175078

>2. Please ask him very quickly his thoughts on Ludwig Wittgenstein.

I second this, I listened to a ton of his lectures and I struggle to remember his name ever even coming up

>> No.9175084

How to write and pronounce Žižek.

>> No.9175105


>> No.9175109


>> No.9175110

Capitalism is a spook.

>> No.9175141

tell him to watch this


>> No.9175142


>> No.9175152

He gonna talk about the same topics he always talks about, using the same jokes and anecdotes. Don't if youve seen any of his previous work.

>> No.9175157

The sound isn't in English it's like the French J

>> No.9175188

He's going to be talking about object based ontology in architecture. Not anything I've seen him talk about before.
He's speaking at sci arc in LA.
I follow their lecture series.

>> No.9175192

>The sound isn't in English

Literally what is the s in "pleasure"

>> No.9175209


>> No.9175213

Please ask him about Wittgenstein if you can.

>> No.9175312
File: 48 KB, 600x300, 1477405323919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing.
The lecture will eventually be posted on sci arcs website.
If y'all wanna email them that their video archive is broken it might get it fixed faster.
I'd sure appreciate it because there's a lot of architecture lectures lost in there.

>> No.9175320

Just remember you'll never be more embarrassing than this spastic


>> No.9175333
File: 682 KB, 1280x1772, hair_stacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that Wittgenstein believed the most serious and profound problems and questions and issues could only be discussed in the form of jokes.

>> No.9175350

Also, show Zizek the building that Wittgenstein designed and ask him what he thinks of it seeing as it's an Architectural talk:



>> No.9175378

Ask this. Obtain video footage. Link to it in this thread.

As for what you should know, just watch one of the Pervert's Guide films, and you'll have a decent enough background.

>> No.9175383


It's really remarkable how obvious it is that that house is the work of early Wittgenstein - autistic, devoid of aesthetics, generally atrocious.

Imagine what beauty late Wittgenstein could have constructed.

>> No.9175385

shut up dfw

>> No.9175387

Don't like Minimalism, pleb?

>> No.9175424
File: 249 KB, 1023x682, depositphotos_11547034-stock-photo-american-house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine what beauty late Wittgenstein could have constructed.

>> No.9175721


>> No.9175725

He's ugly

>> No.9175808

You zee... *sniffs*

>> No.9175814

Knee cha

>> No.9175815

Thee Zack

>> No.9175838
File: 58 KB, 400x291, zizekandwife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Objectively wrong

>> No.9175849
File: 452 KB, 2500x1667, 711slavojzizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"In thish moment *sniff*, by means of pershonal feelings and sho on *swish*, I am in what Lacan would call the jouissance. But not becauje, you know, of any phony liberalism and totalitarianist ideology. Political, buddhism materialism and sho on. No, no *snort*... But becauje, you see, *swallows fly* of marxshist dialectic in the sense of the foucaultian genealogical method, *tugs shirt* there is this *sniff* enlightened shuffering that comes with tolerance, genocide, *unintentional voiced linguolabial trill* anti semitism, analogous to *wipes nose* some religious prophecy *sweats profusely* and sho on! *snort*"

>> No.9175884
File: 324 KB, 658x1050, Zizek_Less_than_Nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He already wrote a book about what you need to know to get the most out of him.

>> No.9175900


I feel like all his other books are just pop cultural takes he wrote about his own idea. Something you'd usually delegate to some third tier author and interpreter of your work.

This is the only book you really need of him.

>> No.9175904

Serious question: what's with /lit/ and leftism? What turns you away from Austrian school economics and libertarian morality?

>> No.9175908

Don't sit in the front

>> No.9175924

nice oxymoron you've created there

>> No.9175928

>What turns you away from Austrian school economics and libertarian morality?
The ability to read.

I'm actually a lolbertarian, but that's pretty much a predefined, solved worldview, so there isn't much to discuss unless someone wants to directly challenge the axioms or do a libertarian analysis of fiction. Neither of these things happens very often.

Looking at things through a Marxist lens is fun, because you can appreciate Marx's insights while simultaneously rejecting his ultimate conclusion. Marxist literature also tends to be much more complex and interesting than libertarian literature. Again, neither of these things make Marx right, but they do make for good conversation.

>> No.9175934


Austrian school economics and libertarians rarely integrate ideas from novels into their works.
Unless it's like a court minstrel of theirs, like Rand.

They're some sort of timeless thing that just detatched itself from all of humanity and formulates precepts (and the very market itself) that aren't grounded in history or contemporaneity.
I guess that's why Nick Land likes it somewhat. It's a positively Shoggothian.

>> No.9175935
File: 63 KB, 538x413, 1487697809541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's open to the public yeah? Let's do a meet up

>> No.9175941

Probably modern age commies and marxists. Or maybe perhaps the amount of idealism needed to think that communism can actually work.

>> No.9175947

Le everyone i dont like is a commie

Back to >>>/r/eddit

>> No.9176011

It is. You can walk straight in.

>> No.9176028

ask his opinion on imageboards

>> No.9176037

I'll be wearing a cock hat and either an orange denim jacket or a mil surp overshirt.
I'll buy dinner for anyone who comes in recognizable DFW cosplay.

>> No.9176058

We must know his stance on the Trap Question

>> No.9176065 [DELETED] 

Damn, I wont have time to do that.

I'll be the person with a Thrasher tee, round frames and the Book of Disquiet. Don't be afraid to say hello anons.

>> No.9176072


>> No.9176080


Damn, I wont have time to do that.

I'll be in a Thrasher tee, round frames and holding the Book of Disquiet.
D-don't be afraid to say hello anons..

>> No.9176631

Decided to go to the Zizek USC lecture tomorrow instead of this one. Hope it's good boys.

>> No.9176975

Tell him he's a pseud.

>> No.9177368

I tried boys. I've had my hand up for the last 30 minutes. The fucker with the dumb ass Hume questions got the mic instead.
These fucking Californians care more about politics.

>> No.9177400

Try looking less like you browse 4chan

>> No.9177478

it would look like "zh" if it was more common

>> No.9177574

Is Traps gay?

>> No.9177603

Did you at least go up to him at the end and ask?

>> No.9177606

ask him about zootopia

>> No.9177758


Is there a bigger sized version of this pic?
Really want to see her belly very badly.

>> No.9177824

You're a fucking failure and you should feel bad.

>> No.9177834


>tfw OP got BTFO at a zizek concert

feels good man
Love when /lit/ ventures into the real world

>> No.9177892

They whisked him away pretty quickly.
Shit sucks.
I wanted to talk about architecture at an architecture school and they wanted to talk about society.

>> No.9177895


Answer my question about the pic you fucker

>> No.9177945

Are you new to the internet? Someone posted a color pic. Use either one to reverse Google search ya bish.

>> No.9177950


Did you even read my question?
I don't want to find that exact picture, I wanted to know if there was a more complete version because I want to see her belly. Reverse image searching wouldn't help with that.

>> No.9177989

Ask him if he wants some fucking fruit joosch or something.

>> No.9178051


I saw a lecture he gave where he uses the Lacanian abstractions of masculinity and femininity to describe the early and later Wittgenstein philosophies. It was a pretty interesting insight but I don't think he developed it further.

>> No.9178178


I thought zezij was dead


>> No.9178212

Anyone else going to see the sniffy meme man in Amsterdam?

>> No.9179598
File: 56 KB, 600x696, 1488096516729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you made this, didn't you?

>> No.9179606


>> No.9179608

Ask him what he thinks about Infinite Jest.

>> No.9179639



In the video he says he likes The Ice Storm and that the director called him to tell him it was partially inspired by a book of his.

>> No.9179645

God fucking dammit I drove right the fuck through LA twice yesterday for a doctor's appointment, I would've gone had I known he was here.

>> No.9179729
File: 134 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2017-03-02-11-24-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's do this /lit/
Seriously want to meet one of you fuckers

>> No.9179924


>> No.9180600


I don't know why ppl add this to his words. They did the same thing with the "verification principle." He just said that many jokes are philosophical. That's why he liked Lewis Carroll.

>> No.9180615

I totally would if I lived nearby

>> No.9180627
File: 44 KB, 569x506, 1487192698518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>psychoanalytical philosopher

>> No.9181335

I'm wearing a Pursuit of Happiness beanie and a blue shirt. I've already met up with a few Zizekheads.

>> No.9181415

You will win $1 000 000 000 if Zizek spends more than a couple of minutes talking about what the poster says.

>> No.9181422
File: 127 KB, 997x853, 1488314815470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I?

>> No.9181444
File: 9 KB, 480x360, zizek_harman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hear ye hear ye

speculative-sniffling class is now in session


>> No.9182860

as opposed to amount of idealism required to be libertarian?
lmfao libertarians are basically the cucks of political spectrum next to liberals

>> No.9182927

I would, since incidentally I'll be there at the same time he is, but I don't want to pay the 35 euro entrance fee. I'll watch the lecture on the internet later and buy some weed with the money saved.

>> No.9184005

I want to, but I have nobody to go with :(

>> No.9184125

Why can't you simply go by yourself?

>> No.9184621

Because, if you order a diner, you get the second one for free

>> No.9184922

Are a local le Amsterdammer?

>> No.9184938

Under-rated post