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9172286 No.9172286[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some books for people with a high IQ?

>> No.9172290

The Talmud.

>> No.9172296

my diary desu

you need 10-15 more points though

>> No.9172300

infinite jest

>> No.9172304

I have a very high IQ and I don't read books.

>> No.9172309
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The Crying of Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.9172321
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>perceptual reasoning
>only 127

what a dummy

>> No.9172335

please i just submitted the first draft of my great great novel now

I am FAR more intelligent than you, degenerate
i bet you didnt even finish high school

>> No.9172340

How does one go about taking an IQ test?
If I go to a MENSA one will they give me a full read out like OP's pic?

>> No.9172341

The difference between Verbal and Working Memory was apparently enough to qualify me as relatively retarded in the latter scale. The person doing the evaluation had a good laugh telling me that, but I didn't feel as happy about it.

>> No.9172347


Books created people.

>> No.9172348

must be all that LoL you play :^)

jhin your fav champ? xD

>> No.9172352

Did you have to pay for that test?

>> No.9172379

I took this IQ test as part of a full psychological evaluation last summer. Yes, I had to pay for the whole thing, as it wasn't covered by insurance. The IQ test itself took a total of maybe like, 5-7 hours to complete. Some parts were fun (obviously, the parts I did well in, which included writing out sentences with obscure topics as fast as possible, forming analogies between unrelated concepts, and other lingual tests) Others I hated (MEMORIZING FUCKING DIGITS). I don't know if Mensa itself offers testing, but I'm sure they would direct you to authorized people who do.

I'm also not OP, btw, I posted this picture (it is my report) in an earlier thread and somebody decided to use it for this one.

Yeah, he guns down degenerates and has both edgy and artsy-fartsy voice lines that really appeal to my ego.

>> No.9172386

You're a big guy

>> No.9172392

Obviously not as smart as you think you are, if you had to PAY someone to give you an interesting puzzle. The oxford tution itself is probably enough to put you in debt for the next decade. At least you know you'll be able to properly appreciate how much you suffer in the coming years.

>> No.9172395

If I get a full psychological evaluation will they take away my right to get guns? I just want to masturbate to my official IQ score.

Grow up poorfaggot, your envy is showing.

>> No.9172399

What do I care for money? I have a laptop, know c++, and have an internet connection. Any media I want to consume, I can have for nothing. I honestly feel pity for someone who wastes currency on something as trivial as a puzzle

>> No.9172403

let us know when your shitty book flops you pseud cockmongler

>> No.9172406

more like infinite duress, when you're reading it, cause it's so bad, and you want to quit reading it

>> No.9172415


Well it came with a full psychological analysis as well, the IQ report was more of an added bonus to help out my fragile self-esteem. In fact, the IQ report itself was only a hundred or two hundred bucks extra. That's like, a day or two of work at a standard internship.

Also, my home college (I'm only at Oxford for a year) is paying most of my tuition here. I've got it bretty gud, lad, but keep going.

That's really only likely if you tell your psych that you're going to go buy a gun and kill people. Or, like, if you're REALLY psychotic. Doctor-patient conf and all that.

>> No.9172419
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Anything highly discursive like the big meme novels on /lit/ and Moby Dick. Reading, making sense of, and enjoying those in a timely fashion is probably off-limits to brainlets.

t. guy with extremely similar scores to yours

>> No.9172428

Hundreds of dollars? Fuck that, seriously, I'm astonished.

I'm guessing that self esteem comment was sarcastic, since you've got it so good.

>> No.9172433
File: 19 KB, 400x373, ha ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two-hundred dollars is a lot of money

>> No.9172435

Two works come to mind, to exercise your incompetent tiny brain, content with a fucking number in place of doing great works, making breakthroughs, purifying philosophy, etc.

Anatomy of Melancholy and Faerie Queene.

>> No.9172446

For a packet of paper? Yes. Two hundred dollars is much too much money for a packet of paper. Why not just make a packet of paper out of dollar bills glued together? It would be more useful

>> No.9172447

In all seriousness, Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.9172458


No, it actually wasn't sarcastic. One of the things that the psych diagnosed me with was "Narcissistic Personality Features," surprise surprise. Not at the level of a "disorder," but enough to be noticeable by the person doing my evaluation.

The common misconception about this type of thing is that it means you feel really divine about yourself. In reality, it means that your self-perception is so fragile, and yet so important to your entire psyche, that you constantly seek things to prop it up.

Yes, there is something sad about how terrible I can feel sometimes, when I think of how good I have it. I really wish happiness and self-fulfillment were simply measures of net worth, accomplishments, or good deeds, but they aren't. I believe there are a lot of books written about this kind of thing, shouldn't really be too hard to imagine.

>> No.9172462
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>tfw don't wanna take iq test because i don't wanna confirm my brainlet status

>> No.9172468

you know all books used to cost this much right? much more in fact

>> No.9172474

wow dude we really care about your fucked up brain

tell us about your nigger mother with a pegleg next

get a friend

>> No.9172488

You are the one who is trying to grill me and find something to poke at to make yourself feel better.

I've been nothing but honest and open, and I've tried to keep the self-pity to a minimum.

You're just an ass. Realize that this is the first mean thing I've said to you.

>> No.9172495

>t. cuck who's not even here for book suggestions but rather to stroke his fragile (and rightfully so) ego
what a fucking pleb.

>> No.9172500

LMAO what a fucking soppy little cunt

weak and soft

can I fuck your boy pussy if I come down to oxford? put me in your gay book; call it "/lit/ raped me: a sob story"

>> No.9172502

I'm not OP, dude. As stated in my earlier post here. >>9172379
I had enough fun shutting you up the first time.

Samefagging is obvious, friend. There's a little counter at the bottom right, see?

>> No.9172506

You make me dokidoki, glad to know I'm not the only one with similar issues. I got into Oxford for my PhD program but I'm kinda going through a lot of anxiety about relocating. How much longer are you there?

>> No.9172510
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>y-you're a s-s-s-samefag

boi pussi plz

>> No.9172513

OP (who's clearly lying) rekt

>> No.9172523

I think I'm going the narcissistic way too, desu. I've never been too impressed by IQ tests, but recently I've been considering getting one just to make myself feel better. I got one when I was 4 and I was 140, and even if I got the same now I'd feel good.

>> No.9172528

You're a fag, dude.

>> No.9172532
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>used to
What the fuck do I care what they used to cost? Money is totally manipulable, it inflates, it deflates, it's nothing but a placeholder for resources.

I'm not >>9172474, I'm >>9172428

Your problem is that you're self perceiving. That something totally psychologically unhealthy. Don't perceive yourself, be yourself. I prefer to say "am yourself," it has a greater connotation of animacy even if it isn't grammatically correct. Anyway, it really sounds like you could do with some Eigenheit and Eigentum.

>> No.9172536

what a fucking trash thread

>> No.9172557

Unfortunately only two weeks longer. I decided to compress my third term into my second, because to be honest I really miss the States. Also third term lets out in the middle of June, making it hard to find a serious internship, when bigger companies want you starting at the beginning of June.
Thank you for the recommendations. I do agree with what you're saying, which is very much in line with what the psychologist recommended. For all the shit bee urself gets as a meme, it's really essential. I also found a lot of help in my Byron tutorial, as he's almost the opposite extreme of my issue at times in his work.

>> No.9172577

>tfw took IQ test while credit card thief
>tfw broke the curve
bitches can't even remember their mom's telephone number now. kek.

>> No.9172579

Just out of interest because you're a unique and rare demographic, so to speak, what do you think of the current political climate? Like Trump? Brexit bad? etc

>> No.9172594

not intelligent enough to take a joke apparently

>> No.9172597

probably reading classics in the original language. Like if I were a genius I'd just learn German and read Goethe, Kant, and Hegel. Then I'd learn Greek and read the dramas, epics, and the two homos. And then Latin and so on and so on

>> No.9172605

>the two homos

bottom Aurelius and catamite Furius?

>> No.9172606

Learning Greek before German is a good idea. Same for Russian and most of Slav land. It's like learning Latin before the rest of the Romance ones.

>> No.9172607

...wrong language. He probably means Plato

>> No.9172613

wouldn't a catamite categorically be the bottom in a homosexual relationship

>> No.9172619

Wanna go on a date?

>when your score got lower as an adult
What was it like being a CC thief?

Ancient Greek and Latin weren't nearly that troublesome though. They were a breeze compared to Chinese.

>> No.9172623

no order intended. I'm actually studying Latin right, or should be at least...

>> No.9172634

>taking an iq test as an adult
Are you actually retarded? The point of iq is to try and find constants in young children. The findings are scientifically invalid into adult, especially if thats when you take the test.

>> No.9172636
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>claims to be studying "chinese"
>doesn't specify the branches

lying pleb gwailo detected

>> No.9172641

I highly recommend putting this in sci. Especially if you're a humanitard rather than stemfag

>> No.9172648

Here's a quick rundown:

Before college I was super pro-globalism and egalitarianism and all that. Freshman year got my eyes opened to a lot of issues surrounding those worldviews. By sophomore year I was some odd mix of libertarian and nationalist.

I supported Brexit, but did not think it could happen. Half of my family is from France, and from my understanding, they are getting completely fucked in the ass right now by globalist politics. My main interest regarding Brexit is the collapse of the EU. I am watching the French elections closely, but I'm a bit skeptical given the run off system (A coalition forms to defeat the populist euroskeptic. See Houellebecq's most recent novel).

I will admit that I was a Trump supporter within a month of his candidacy. At first it was for the laughs, as I was in a very "just fuck everything" kind of phase in my mentality. A month after that though, was when I started developing my nationalistic views, which Trump obviously appealed to. I grew disillusioned with Globalism, the final straw being the Paris attacks where one of my (admittedly distant) family members was in the same stadium where a suicide bomber set off his vest. Needless to say, my views are pretty unpopular in most of the environments I inhabit.

I put 600 pounds on Trump to win at 11:3 odds. I'd post a pic of the fat stacks of 2200ish pounds I got back but I don't want somebody to take it and go start a thread like "what are some books for rich people?" If you REALLY want to see it, I can post it. Or I could also post pictures of the slips.

My mother's is the only number I actually can remember because she took my old phone number and plan when I left for Europe. JUST.

If you're a female and by "date" you mean you sit, easily identifiable, at a coffee shop, allowing me to walk up and decide whether to consider it a "date" at that precise moment.

>> No.9172657

Nah. There appears to be an IQ threshold as an adult for certain professions, and IQ can be brought up or down during development by factors like diet and stimulation.

Example: the LSAT is highly IQ-correlated and is an excellent predictor of who will pass the bar exam despite not including any of the bar exam material, to the point that even the top-tier law schools will consider an otherwise outstanding student a potential liability if their LSAT score is weak.

>> No.9172664
File: 140 KB, 208x206, hey kid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no thanks on the £ proof, just stop playing league of legends.

that game is absolute cancer, literally the devil's work and funded by the globalists you're talking about and hate for social engineering.

and also stop being a fucking retard on lit thanks.

>> No.9172672

Mandarin is pretty fucking simply.

>> No.9172678

This desu. I also don't want to take a dna test to find I am 1% Ashkenazi Jew and other races. WHITE POWER!