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9172229 No.9172229 [Reply] [Original]

In highschool creative writing class they told me to "show not tell" but in many classic novels the author tells and doesn't show, what do?

>> No.9172233

you are not a classic novelist.

>> No.9172236

Show not tell means you should draw rather than write.

>> No.9172337

showing takes way more words. Show the compelling/important stuff. Tell the dumb details that no one wants to wallow in.

>> No.9172521
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I remember my middles cool English teacher told us not to ever use "said" when writting diolouge because it's too "booring" and to instead use words like "exclaimed" "questioned" or "muttered".

>> No.9172542

Brandon Sanderson is not a classic novelist, OP.

>> No.9172545

That's why he/she was a teacher and not a published writer.

OP, why do you listen to these people?

>> No.9172578

They are trying to get you to show evidence of writing techniques so that they can grade you.

>> No.9172587

these are the same people that bitched about math class "lol never gun use this"

>> No.9172612

>implying they ever used it

>> No.9172616

you aren't learning math you are learning critical thinking and problem solving dummy

>> No.9172792

Idk there wasn't anybody else talking about writing in my life when I was a teenager and the only books I read back then were assigned to me or were genre fiction

It wasn't until I started reading books like The Time Machine and Heart of Darkness later on that I realized that narration was more common in books considered to be "classics"

>> No.9173433

You got meme'd.

>> No.9173482

We JK Rowling now.

>> No.9173491

Do whatever the fuck you want as long as it's good. I swear to god I'm fed up with these kinds of posts.

>> No.9173539

This. For all those who've been wondering what comes after pomo, it's not popomo, or even mo' popo, or unironic metasincerity. It's this. We shall call it pictural representationalism. Imagine the future, lads; nay, draw the future!

>> No.9173623

Just somewhat ever the fuck they want you to do in each class. Be flexible.

Don't be *that kid* that thinks highschool is the appropriate time to be rebellious, and fuck up your future.

>> No.9173626

i can't register your gentleman review