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9171322 No.9171322 [Reply] [Original]

How does /lit/ cope with loneliness?

>> No.9172588


>> No.9172608

God is always at our side

>> No.9172653

opiates, amphetamines, hypnotics, deliriants, masturbation

>> No.9172886

become a christian
this guy will kill him self one day dont follow his path

>> No.9172898

by watching shows about hitler but i mute them to avoid the jewish lies and play this instead


>> No.9172900

It's been so long since I've had friends that I've become accustomed to being alone.

>> No.9172927
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>> No.9172947

I've tried dogs and Hitler but not cats. Redpill me on cats.

>> No.9172949

Through God and labor.
And also reading.

>> No.9172959

why does doing this give me so much hope?

>> No.9172966

mostly by dedicating my free time to music, literature, and film. partially by drinking more than i probably should.

>> No.9172971
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I don't, it's killing me

>> No.9172973

Aren't they awful?

>> No.9172978


read essays by montaigne or johnson or hume

>> No.9172981

I don't. I mostly try to ignore it by reading, watching films, listening to music, playing vidya, etc.
that image gave me a chuckle, so thanks for that.

>> No.9173091

we all kill ourselves when you really think about it

we all walk into our own deaths

you should for sure get rekt at every op. it rules

>> No.9173095

Went to live in a community, now I have lots of friends and people who appreciate me.

>> No.9173117

i talk to/flirt with coworkers. i'm tremendously introverted though so that's enough interaction for me. i don't want a girlfriend right now.

>> No.9173137

heroin does wonders for loneliness.
it wont fix it, but itll make it bearable at least

>> No.9173321

Volunteer for charity works. It's a meaningful use of your time on this Earth and it will allow you to build bonds.

>> No.9173386

I talk with random girls, mostly Latinas they I met on omegle. I Skype with some of them and masturbate to each other, one of them is sort of addicted to it and sends me nudes all the time, videos of her stripping and that kind of stuff, it's pretty cool. Sorry for bragging.

>> No.9173393


>how do you cope with being something you are for a vast majority of your life


>> No.9173523

going to restaurants alone
going to cinema alone
going travelling alone

its pretty great desu

>> No.9173526

fantasizing about boyfriends

>> No.9173531


Me too. Only the kind in skirts tho

>> No.9173563


>> No.9173605
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Me too anon.

>> No.9173614

pigeons and herrings desu

>> No.9173615
File: 62 KB, 800x600, falloutvaultboythumbsup[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alcohol and masturbation

>> No.9173619

I can't travel alone, I devolve into just laying in the hotel. Want to come to Rome with me next month? We can look at churches, eat pasta and give each other blowjobs.

>> No.9173730

This. I remember fondly the days when I could do all this by myself. Now that I have a wife and kids, all that's gone. Be mindful what you wish for.

>> No.9173948

I am living on comfortable cushions of irony.

>> No.9174143

because you're a dumb asshole?

>> No.9174147

I don't, really. Maybe it's why I'm so tired all the time.

>> No.9174148

are you a girl with a dick?

>> No.9174151

that pictur is really funny btw
thanks anon

>> No.9174152

I go out and socialize.

>> No.9174157

No, I am a skinnyfat nerd with a beard.

>> No.9175526
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>Bulius Ebola

>> No.9175576
File: 181 KB, 476x633, julius_evola_by_anton_giulio_bragaglia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would that help?
Nobody can relate to what ever problems he faced and it was certainly not loneliness.

>> No.9175597

>being a cuck beta bux provider
Enjoy hating your life

>> No.9175620

I feed off it.

>> No.9175638

Used to go to the Thai place alone a lot. That was fun. Haven't done it in a while though. On some level I want to start going out to restaurants again but on the other hand my body hatred has been particularly potent recently so IDK. I guess I can justify it as a once / week endeavor.

>> No.9175639
File: 245 KB, 1465x1209, 1487926278501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read books to escape from my feelings
>Accidentally pick a book that just makes me feel even more.
>Finish it anyway because it's really good.

I'm really upset now, that wasn't fun at all.