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/lit/ - Literature

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9170391 No.9170391 [Reply] [Original]

Questions that don't deserve their own thread.

Lotta shitposts today.

Ask questions here that shouldn't be their own thread.

>> No.9170726
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I own this book

does anyone else own this book

>> No.9170752

Should I read the entire divine comedy or just inferno as a prerequisite for a portrait of the artist

>> No.9170760

Have you read the greeks?

>> No.9170820

I suggest you follow this gentleman's wisdom, >>9170760; what else haven't you read? Are you really qualified to embark on 20th-century literature?

>> No.9170826

holy fuck I just realized I'll be like, 55 when I've read 10k books wtf kill em

>> No.9171310
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I have a question: why have we gotten something like 3 awful new namefags in the past two weeks?

>> No.9171493

If I keep posting and changing my name each time can I make the board worse severalfold?

>> No.9171548

I can't remember a word. It means something like "reaching the same conclusion through different methods".

>> No.9171629

Must I read Siddhartha before reading the Alchimist?

I'm not really excited for both of them.

>> No.9171632

you mean either of them

>> No.9171639

Should I read the Tractatus before Philosophical Invesigations, or vice versa?

>> No.9171773
File: 95 KB, 800x978, 800px-Thomas_Robert_Malthus_Wellcome_L0069037_-crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend me books relating Malthus' Essay on the Principle of Population with contemporary economics and environmental issues?
I'm reading the essay, but much of it answers directly to the laws of his time.

>> No.9171914

im a fan of her blog, though i havent gotten the motivation to buy her book yet

>> No.9171968

How can I understand classical music after Mozart? I know nothing about music and I'm a total fucking pleb, but I love Mozart and I want to understand why I can't move past him.

Mozart's 17-24 symphonies by Rubinstein are like a religious experience to me, I can feel every single note and movement with perfect precision and it's like everything is absolutely perfect. I can listen to two hours of it and get hypnagogic imagery and all kinds of cool stuff like that.

But if I listen to mid-late Beethoven, let alone any impressionists, it's just like a sloppier Mozart to me. It feels clumsy and top-heavy, all costume and no heart.

People keep telling me it's more emotional and dramatic, less predictable, which I sort of get? But it feels "fudge-y" or something, like instead of having beautiful precision and clarity and careful depth, it's just a guy confusing a giant blaring sound-smudge out of left field for "drama."

I love some Rimsky-Korsakov, and a few other later things, but it just feels simplistic compared to Mozart. In some big, "macro-level" way, it's more complex, I'm sure the gigantic smudge movements are musically complex to produce, but underneath it feels like the internal complexity has been lost. Mussorgsky, too, is pleasant but too atmospheric, too diffuse, doesn't have that Mozart-y precision I seem to want. Tchaikovsky comes the closest to being dramatic AND interesting but I can't really say why?

Hayden is like a simpler Mozart to me. Inoffensive but not as satisfying. Early Beethoven is the most tolerable, in symphonies mostly, because it's close to Mozart. Why can I only fucking listen to Mozart?

I have similar problems with enjoying guitar in contemporary music. I like "clear and complicated" songs, but not metal or rock that has "fuzzy" guitar. Am I just autistic? What is the secret to enjoying the romantics and onward? I've had music majors and lifelong pianists tell me Mozart is boring and I'm crazy.

Help pls

>> No.9171979

Sorry, meant Mozart's concertos and Beethoven's early concertos.

>> No.9171986

Does there exist any serious analysis on the Hypersphere (or any /lit/ books)? I'm considering citing it in a paper, but I would rather link to an analysis than the book itself.

>> No.9172694

Planning on reading Dubliners.

I've heard Joyce's prose sounds better if read in an Irish accent.

Would you recommend it?

>> No.9172698

is art worth the rape of a child?

>> No.9172724

Nonsense question. What does art have to do with child rape? Even in the case of Polanski, his creation had nothing to do with his sexual tendencies.

>> No.9172743

fable of the bees

>> No.9173085

If I text a girl after we decided to go separate ways because she needs to stop having feelings for me but I miss her and she doesn't respond, should I text her again?

>> No.9173129
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>> No.9173138

never text twice

>> No.9173150

I think he means both of them, or else why would he even read The Alchemist?

>> No.9173157

How good is your Irish accent?

You're better off getting someone Irish to read Dubliners to you.

>> No.9173819

Cheer up, lad: you might die long before that.

>> No.9173831

No art can succeed at achieving perennial fame without self sacrifice or the sacrifice of a child. I, much like Nabokov and Tolstoy, prefer the latter, thank you very much.

>> No.9174073

Anons, i am in desperate need of the mixed up version of the "avid reader" pasta that someone posted on here months ago. I haven't seen it since, but someone mustn't have saved it. It has amazing phrases in it, pls halp.