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9170291 No.9170291[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Anyone else read this? It really hit me pretty hard. In some ways it's an oversimplification of the history of 4chan, but the sections on gender and isolation make a lot of sense to me. I can identify with the author's position that, if it weren't for the privelege of attending a school where I read Baudrillard, I might very well be an alt-right frogposter over on /pol/.

>> No.9170309

Yes there was a big thread about it when it was published

>> No.9170316


>> No.9170323

Can't be bothered to read it all, but anyone who realizes 4chan was fucked by 2011 is good in my book.

>> No.9170327

Not literature

>> No.9170330

4chan is the "cultural marxists" of the buthurt democrat voter

>> No.9170386

Its vaguely correct but they've made so many sweeping generalizations its obvious they've never spent much time on this site before

>> No.9170395

honestly 4chan has been a "boogeyman" for these sorts of sensitive hyper-social types for years now.
this article grabs a few broad points then runs with them when its obvious they don't understand anything. its all an attempt to demonize those who don't fit they oversocialized world view.

>> No.9170406

Spreading your pretender article again?
Do you still not get it?

>> No.9170410

I'm not all too long on 4chan but even I noticed errors

>> No.9170452

>everyone I don't like is a virgin who lives underground
All I have to say is that a solid third to a half of my elite private university varsity sports team are 4chan addicts and various shades of ironic Trump fans. This site has a gestalt rooted in the point of view of failures, but it's far too large to be composed of only failures.

I agree with what you're saying about taking the alt-right stuff seriously. I can't imagine anyone with much of a liberal arts education falling for that.

>> No.9170474

trash. egregiously inaccurate in precisely all of the ways you would expect out of an ideologue. if you actually took anything from this then you're literally retarded

>> No.9170510

Who here /gf/?

>> No.9170532
File: 755 KB, 1200x1744, tumblr_okajnb5JzX1rbzmqco2_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy unironically draws cartoons of donald trump as poop

>> No.9170533

>This site has a gestalt rooted in the point of view of failures, but it's far too large to be composed of only failures.
True, 4chan pools the personal shortcomings of all anons, thus creating the impression of the neetbux-collecting lonely virgins who masturbate to anime in their mother's basement and then go on and vote Trump. I'd say this 4chan archetype is only very seldom completely incarnated in one single person.

>> No.9170554

That's because poop is hilarious you virtue signaling cunt

>> No.9170573
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>"Technically, he shouldn't have won! Someone else got a million more votes!"
>"This is the best system ever devised for picking a leader!"

>> No.9170602
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>> No.9170603

*backflips into his Lamborghini*

>> No.9170615

The guy who wrote that looks like the typical numale with cuckolding fetish.

>> No.9170633

How does this kike not see that the gender issues and the all these problematic permavirgins are not a major failing of society
And that a website is not the source of all his problems in life

>> No.9170638

>oh, whoops, it turns out that someone misfed the machine data and it falsely gave the other candidate three million extra votes
>oh and by the way only three sevenths of you assholes actually voted
>it's a good thing this isn't the machine we use to decide on choosing our leader, THIS machine correctly tabulated the votes and chose poop as our leader

I've found that every analysis of 4chan that isn't by a channer, or someone who has spent long periods of time on this website and across multiple boards, is complete and utter horseshit.

If you want an analysis by a fellow anon who regulars multiple boards, try this guy's:


>> No.9170642
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>the majority will always elect the best possible leader

>> No.9170679

>Seeing Pepe on Italian newspapers
what a time to be alive

>> No.9170704

My friend said that some guy whipped out a giant picture of pepe on some talk show (in Croatia) and started talking about how ridiculous the entire controversy is

>> No.9170725

Epic. Is Pepe the new Anonymous mask?

>> No.9170746
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No, he's even more than that, as the Guy Fawkes mask still stood for and lionized anonymity. Pepe stands for NOTHING. He is a large sign that says "Grow up" and "Chill out, dude" while a large crowd laughs at you for taking things so seriously. And that is why he is so absolutely despised by Leftists and Liberals (and people who cling to ideology of all varieties). When all the crowds go away they're left with a cartoon frog who poops and pees his pants and he's rubbing his poop and pee on their ideology with a smug smile.

Pic related is a good example.

>> No.9170754

This 100%, pepe is just smugness personified

>> No.9170756
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it's drivel from a sore loser

>> No.9170767

>I can identify with the author's position that, if it weren't for the privelege of attending a school where I read Baudrillard, I might very well be an alt-right frogposter over on /pol/.

i was basically a miserable alt right kid in highschool. if pol in its current form existed then i would have probably continued down that path somewhere ugly.

>> No.9170780

I think it gives us a chance to laugh at our individual failures instead of desperately trying to cover them up as with facebook, or inflate them until they take over your personality and you begin to think they are not failings after all as with reddit.

I know people who are openly avid redditors and you can see what disgusting sorts of creatures they've become.

>> No.9170784
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Sort of. They're both important symbols, but you don't see protestors wearing frog masks (yet). The Alt-Right is definitely the new Anonymous though.

>> No.9170791
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>Trump is 4chan.
>Trump is steering into the skid embodied.
>Trump is Pepe.
>Trump is loserdom embraced.
>Trump is the loser who has won, the pathetic little frog on the big strong body.

Imagine being this buttblasted of a pseud

Pro-tip: if you think reading Baudrillard makes you smart, you are just as pathetic as the writer of the above passage

>> No.9170796

The article presents an ignorant outsiders essentialist perception of a boogyman 4chan but there are elements of something there. I myself have taken a perverse pleasure in seeing trump humiliate the likes of Shiliary and the liberal establishment but Trump is closer to these fools own ideology than they're willing to acknowledge

>> No.9170809
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>huh huh huh, fools! *huffs cheeto dust*
>I am far above you all, know this!
>swishes Ben 10 cape

>> No.9170813

kek'd at Ben 10 cape

>> No.9170823

More to the point, anonymity allows one to gracefully FIX a failure.

If I'm wrong, I don't have to admit it to anyone. I can even say "No, I'm right, you're a nigger" and in the future disagree with my current incorrect belief.

How many people got /fit/ because of 4chan? How many people did Zyzz inspire to stop being (as) worthless (as when they started out)?

Trump isn't nearly as much of an extremist as Leftists would like him to be. As Ted Cruz astutely pointed out, he's a real estate developer from New York, and his anti-abortion stance is clearly lukewarm at best.

Even Bannon isn't THAT much of an extremist when it comes down to it. Ron Paul said that Trump and Hillary were two sides of the same coin, and to some degree he is right.

>> No.9170841

I find Angela Nagles work interesting to a level, but again all these academics who dedicate their time to casting a critical eye on chan culture are most often opposed to it at a personal and ideological level. I'll read her book "kill all Normie's" when it comes out but I doubt I'll find it a visionary insight

>> No.9170846
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>> No.9170849

The ideology (or the existential-philosophical attitude) behind all that is basically nihilism. Cool, of course, but is it really healthy? At what point does it stop, where's the line between desecration and irretrievable degeneration?

>> No.9170851

4chan, depending on the anon, is either the best therapy or the worst enemy

>> No.9170854

I'm more a Spenglerian pessimist akshully

>> No.9170868

>How many people got /fit/ because of 4chan? How many people did Zyzz inspire to stop being (as) worthless (as when they started out)?

>> No.9170872

Thank you so much, that's really interesting

>> No.9170875
File: 98 KB, 825x631, boinie colorised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice post

rectum rumpled leftist detected

8 years and then we will win again

>> No.9170879

I'd say that's an irrational worry.

Pepe says chill out, calm down, stop taking yourself so seriously. And then the crowds disperse, and you clean the poopoo and peepee off, and examine yourself and your surroundings. Is your ideology really correct? Why are you believing in an ideology at all? Are your observations correct? Why do you CARE? SHOULD you even care?

If the poopoo and peepee smeared on these things damages them that much and removes the necessity, the truth, or the meaning behind them so easily then perhaps it's best that they be discarded.

Perhaps the cartoon frog taking a dump on something you loved was right? Or maybe it doesn't fucking matter, because he's a cartoon frog on the internet, and you're taking things way too seriously.

>> No.9170890

It disgusts me that liberals are still trying to criminalize Pepe.

>> No.9170893

If somebody in '06 told me this particular website or a certain meme would be held responsible for the outcome of the US presidential election, I would have tried to get them into an institution.

Today I just don't bother anymore.

I don't think the president's opponents will ever acknowledge that there are people living in the countryside, who reproduce and also happen to vote, and start chasing them as opposed to cartoon frogs.

In three to four years I will definitely enjoy the amount of money and energy ideologues will spend on... well, insulting some of the most insulted individuals on the planet.

I couldn't come up with a more potent distraction if I tried. Money ablaze smells nice.

>This site has a gestalt rooted in the point of view of failures, but it's far too large to be composed of only failures.
It's just that we simply choose to view things from the bottom, and unlike someone, we're not completely out of touch with the youth.

According to their own narrative we're all failures, and one should never interact with us lest she becomes a failure, too. We're contagious, apparently.

Yet people did go out of their way to interact with imageboard users, and surprise surprise, failure ensued.

To avoid giving some folks a platform to speak, they colored the world in green. Brilliant.

They only had to listen to their own propaganda; it wasn't telling the truth, that's in the job description, but there's the thing about a broken clock being right twice a day.

>> No.9170895

I agree with this
with reddit you have this history of posts stretching back and a reputation tied to you meaning you're always forced to "defend" them from attack or be labelled a hypocrite.

here if your thoughts on something change or you learn something new you are not bound down by the weight of history to carry this ideological refuse around

>> No.9170939

I get the feeling that Bannon operates more out of a sense of duty than traditional ideological conviction. As if he feels that Trump and the movements he inspires/taps into is simply what has to happen to pave the way for a new prosperity instead of something he supports as an endpoint. He's fascinating really.

>> No.9170940
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4chan is a death-cult - the Internet ISIS. Men whose failure at life has transfigured them, who with spiteful, avenging spirits gamified by decades of video games pursue nihilistic keks through the informational superhighway. Think Crash Bandicoot except instead of apples these bandicoots collect outrage and infamy. Who can reason with them? Who can stop them? O brave new world, that has such people in it! Anything you respond with, whether reason or emotion, is met with a chorus of mockery and loud laughter. My God, who can stop the infamous hacker 4chan? *yellow vans exploding everywhere*

>> No.9170957

this is literally the article's argument.

Pepe is simple satiric debasement of any ideology, imbued with a smugness so complete and irony so unflinching that its posters never have to think. It's "E unibus pluram" era DFW's worst fucking nightmare -- nihilism masquerading as intelectual superiority.

the extrapolation to Trump voters is interesting but tenuous. it is clear to see however how this site can so affect one's mind as to actually turn into /pol/. I've been here for 10 goddamned years and seen it happen

>> No.9170961
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You literally can't make this shit up

You just can't

How does your mind become this warped and contorted, this utterly detached and aspergic?

I've always thought that modern liberalism was a mental disorder.

>> No.9170968

It feels like western society is on the precipice of a Ballardian dystopia within a Gibsonian setting, and I'm learning to love every second of this bomb.

>> No.9170970

[mockery and loud laughter]

>> No.9170985

OP here

I'd agree that what I like most about 4chan is it's anonymity.

I'm a published journalist. Anything I might write online can come back on me negatively. Even pseudonyms get traced. While I do engage on a few websites where my name is tied to my posts, I find writing such posts to be exhausting. The risk of such posts outweighs their use.

Pretty much any 4chan user would highlight anonymity as a reason they like this site, but that doesn't explain why 4chan has transformed, /pol/ being the epitome of that transformation.

I think the author of the article I posted hit's the nail on the head when he discusses the difference between Gamergators and their equally destitute counterparts in arts.
"If the U.S. were in fact what it pretended to be, that is to say, the best way to become either the playboy or the family man, Anon would not exist. But it is this gap between ideological expectation and cruel reality which created him. Instead, Anon resides in the very opposite of bachelor pads: his mother’s basement...."

"We can see now why several weeks ago 4chan went to “war” with artists and their “safe spaces”, trying to shut down music and arts venues across the country... The artists themselves are young people on the fringes of the economy who are also immersed in romantic fantasy. The main difference is that the artists have learned different ways to cope with the same problem. Instead of residing in their mother’s basements, they created ways to live together cheaply in warehouse spaces."

"By contrasting 4chan with their self-proclaimed enemy, their counter-culture counterparts, we can see that, though demographically they are so similar, the real difference is introduced here—at the thorny of issue of the girlfriend. 4chan’s self-described “beta” males are trapped in this ideology, hating their counterparts whose key difference is a willingness, like the beatniks of old, to slough off the “gender binary” and live how they please."
I think this is a pretty fair assessment. The largest thread on /lit/ right now is about how none of us have gfs. I don't have a gf. I haven't been on a date in a year. And while this does get me down, I don't have any resentment about it. There is no one to blame (maybe myself?), and I have no feeling of entitlement that I should have a gf, or that I should have a ton of money or a fancy bachelor pad. Why should I deserve any of those things?

In this sense, I humorously identify as a "cultural cuck". I've certainly been called a cuck on 4chan enough, why not accept the label? I deserve nothing, I do not care if my country is "taken from me by immigrants", or if all the white girls are taken by black boys. Or if "the money I deserve" is taken by jews. Even if any of this were true, it makes no difference to me. It was never mine to begin with, I had no expectation of receiving any of it.

>> No.9170997

>I'm a published journalist
>gamergators r bad!!!
>I am a cuck

kill yourself, nobody will miss you

>> No.9171009

Bannon is your garden variety neocon shithead that pretends he's more intelligent and radical than he actually is, just another apologist for global finance and corporations, that's called Business as Usual for career politicians

>> No.9171025

Maybe I'm just buying into the romance of it all, but all his talk of fourth turnings and dharma warfare and the inevitability of conflict in the South China Sea suggests he's using that cover in an accelerationist sort of way.

>> No.9171035

apparently no one
the real question: who hear resents women?

>> No.9171045

You're retarded if you seriously think that, meme delusion aside

>> No.9171047

The rabid Gamergaters and poltards constitute a small part of the wider population. I browsed /Pol/ and it's previous iterations before it's complete descent into crude neonazism and while the user base was certainly more diverse in view, the irreverence to political correctness and "Normie" conventions has always been there, the casual racism being the most obvious, it's just less ironic at this point. Even as someone interested in so called "far right" writing, places like /Pol/ today offer little I'm terms of real discussion and learning

>> No.9171049

>people still believing they can exist without an ideology

This guy gets it

>> No.9171051

all people resent women; women resent women

the problem is women are deluded into thinking they are equal to men and told not to be submissive, even though every one of their instincts tells them to

that's why so many of them are into degenerate bdsm submissive sex stuff nowadays- they attempt dominance in the real world but in the bedroom they take pleasure in reverting into their true selves

>> No.9171052

i lost interest when he switched from explaining history to simply demonising and insulting people who visit the website

I haven't really cared to be involved in any of the stuff he is attacking, but it saddens me that there is so much hate in this world and that people just lash out at anything they don't like rather than try to understand it

I don't condone the idiots on this website, but pointlessly attacking them isn't going to help change their minds

what a pointless article that does nothing to analyse the phenomenon in any meaningful way

>> No.9171064

>degenerated into crude Neonazism
I can tell you're new here. /pol/ and /new/ have always been full of crude neonazism. If anything it's better now. It used to be pure National Socialist wankery like on cripchan 24/7, with only intermittent libertarian spergouts and HAPPENING threads.