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/lit/ - Literature

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9163360 No.9163360 [Reply] [Original]

hey, /lit/

so, I was thinking about starting a skype group chat. i guess there's no real purpose for this group, in the sense that this is not strictly like a book club or exclusively for literary discussion.

I have a vague feeling of what it used to feel to talk to strangers over the internet. this is an attempt to recreate that.

it's easier to make a list; in this group we'll:

o pick some (short) book at random every once in a while and talk about it,
o discuss other pretentious stuff like art, kierkegaard and being ironically depressed but not really
o share music and playlists
o talk about anything else, really, as long as it is beautiful in some way or another

that's basically it, or more correctly, that should give you an idea of how time will be spent in this place. the whole point of this thing is that you get to be as pretentious as you want about the things you are choosing to consume, as long as you do it honestly.

I only wish for one requirement: please, no politics. no real politics, anyway: if you feel that some political thing that's happening has some aesthetically interesting point of view that only you, the great aesthete, can see, then by all means share it.

this thing will be a complete success if even once it makes someone want to create anything.

anyway, I think I went too long. add me on skype: edward.leve@gmail.com and I'll add you to the group.

here is some of the books I like: the recognitions, franny & zooey, a man asleep, moby dick; my favorite movie is paris, texas; i've watched all 9 seasons of seinfeld at least more than 40 times; I once spent a month listening to nothing but elliott smith's 'roman candle' and animal noises CDs from frémeaux nature.

>> No.9163450
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>please, no politics.
Politics are everything.

>> No.9163471

sure, I know.

>> No.9164381
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so far I've received a couple of replies, I'll bump it one time and let it die afterwards

>> No.9164384

Sounds gay

>> No.9164389

there's a god damn irc channel on rizon called /lit/. fuck sake.

>> No.9164395

i'll even talk to you. just connect to mibbit.com
then press "launch mibbit client"
in nick type "junkietown" or something like that.
in channel, type "#/lit/"
on the "connect" dropdown menu, find Rizon
that's it. there you go, you've learned how to use irc.

>> No.9164421

>no politics

Why are so many millennials so fucking afraid to discuss politics?

Stop being a beta bitch who needs a safe space. Some people in life will disagree with you and you need to find a way to deal with it.
Politics is like 90% of everything worth talking about.

>> No.9164428

guy won't even get on #/lit/, he's just lazy and doesn't want to read, he wants to "talk", the fucking pleb.

>> No.9164805

I didn't know there was an irc channel, I would've gone there if I did, thanks I'll check it out.

I'm not afraid to discuss politics and I know that people hold different opinions, I'm okay with that. the point was not to create a safe space, but rather to avoid the topic altogether; almost all of our opinions on politics are boring as fuck and almost always you end up regurgitating the thoughts of whatever body of opinions you respect or align to.

of course we'll read, I wouldn't be posting this here if that weren't the case. I may have been unclear on this, the idea was that we'd be reading and discussing texts unattached of a rigid schedule or framework.