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/lit/ - Literature

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9162684 No.9162684 [Reply] [Original]

>implying uTOOLitarians ever recovered from this

>> No.9162729
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>mfw I discovered dosto was the original cuck poster

>> No.9162733
File: 39 KB, 411x395, vladimir-nabokov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he took Dostoevsky's reactionary views seriously

>> No.9162735

>Constance Garnett translation

Kill yourself pleb.

>> No.9162742

>he listens to a childfucker that idolized a slavefucker
the serfs were probably children too.

>> No.9162755

OK, I will suicide by reading P&V random word generator output.

>> No.9162766

Literally nothing about that comment makes sense.

>> No.9162772

>he's that much of an idiot
cmon bud.

>> No.9162777

Have you actually read Lolita?

>> No.9162819

>reading a pedophile's manifesto
you can ruin your own mind's furniture with that trash, but I don't have time for that shit.
If you don't even understand what the above greentext implies, you're a fucking retard, and no amount of reading can restore you.

>> No.9162852

pls stop posting

>> No.9162886

>implying trashing garnett isn't the highest form of plebbery

>> No.9162913

Objectively the worst translations of Russian fiction to ever have been published.

'Plebianism' is the word you're looking for.

>> No.9162916

you're fucking trash, you along with all you fuckers drooling over a pedophile's quick wit. you'd let a serial murderer slit your mother's throat for a well written paragraph devoted to the act.

>> No.9162918

I hope this is bait, because it's really too embarrassing otherwise.

>> No.9162924

>you'd let a serial murderer slit your mother's throat for a well written paragraph devoted to the act.

Tell me about your mother, anon.

>> No.9162933

i have no concern for what you consider embarassing. it's really laughable that i would think anything of the opinion of a bottomfeeder sucking up the tightly coiled shit of a pedophile that idolized a slave rapist.

>> No.9162939

a nice enough lady to be sure, friend.

>> No.9162940

You aren't as funny as you think you are. Every post you make drains the soul.

>> No.9162962

as if you had a soul to begin with, you morally bankrupt filthy degenerate, unlike yourself, i am fully capable of exercising an opinion unique to myself, and do not simply rely on The Penguin Pedophile to dictate my literary tastes and pleasures. I do not find a story about a pedophile in any context to be remotely pleasing. You reserve the right to have your cathartic release by reading about the rape of a child, I prefer not to be a disgusting imp who delights in repugnance with the shade of irony to protect them.

>> No.9162969

Yes it's all too evident you don't care about embarrassing yourself. Out of interest, who is the slave rapist he supposedly idolized?

>> No.9162981

> has no idea that Nabokov considered actual crimes the opposite of true inspiration and even wrote a god damn novel about it
> posts on /lit/

>> No.9162988

boy you're a nitwit. i bet you think you're clever because you've read some of the fatass pedo's novels, don't you? well i'm sure you like puzzles, you tremendous faggot. figure it out yourself. my god, what a nitwit.

>> No.9162994

> pleasing

I see you are of a simple kind, the one who thinks of the children every single time he is told to.

>> No.9163001

>he reads the lies of a pedophile and believes them to be god's own truth
neck yourself. go catch some nymphs, you gargantuan chucklefuck.

>> No.9163011

ah yes, the simple kind that avoids the abuse of children. ah my friend what moral high ground you stand upon, roasting babes straight from the pap for the sake of your filthy ragged art. I'm sure your devotions are of such purity that would simply astound. Get thee hence, you rabid shiteater.

>> No.9163014

>implying the novel wasn't about a subhuman who flew to close to the sun

murder can be justified on utilitarian grounds--it just takes an ubermensch (eg napoleon, myself) to be stoic in the aftermath.

>> No.9163025

don't you wish there hadn't been an epilogue of redemption? a real shame that was.

>> No.9163026

I'll assume you don't know what you're talking about either then.

>> No.9163032

>miraculously predict the next 100 years
Nabokov, we get it, you don't want the fucking grapes.

>> No.9163033

ah yes, whatever comforts tou in your ignorance, a simple bit of critical thinking would lead you to your answer. i guess you pedophiles don't think all that much without strict assistance.

>> No.9163040
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Why don't you kids like the Tool?

>> No.9163042

I'm amazed how difficult it seems to be for you to distinguish between fiction and reality. Perhaps something you should discuss with a trained psychotherapist?

>> No.9163050

I don't see why being a reactionary means you are any less likely to predict the future.

>> No.9163051

you might be amazed at a great many things if you had the capacity to absorb the world around you without resorting to the taint of pedophilia for entertainment.

>> No.9163053

Is there some kind of medication you ought to be taking? These are like textbook schizoid ramblings

>> No.9163055
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>(eg napoleon, myself)

>> No.9163062

Because the events he is 'reacting' to have yet to occur you fuckhead.

>> No.9163066

ah yes, the pedophile questions my sanity, a prototypical act of pretension from the one who finds joy in the truly complex wonders of the world, like violating children. i hope you eventually figure out that incredibly simple puzzle, you dungworm. i have business to attend to, namely enjoying the company of my wonderful wife. farewell o simpleton!

>> No.9163067

Lolita is a femenist book about the way women are objectified from the second they hit puberty

>> No.9163084

>there is no wife - she is merely a product of his tortured imagination

>> No.9163107

> reactionary
> calling 19th century fedora tippers who were extremely edgy at being progressive about everything complete idiots means you are an oppressing conservative

>> No.9163127

That's not what 'reactionary' means dipshit.

It's hilarious how you are unable to talk about nineteenth-century writers without using terms like 'fedora tipper' and 'edgy'. Like, how does it *feel* to be that stupid? Does your mother dress you in the morning?

>> No.9163141
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Is this guy for real? He was asked if he even read the text he's calling a "pedophile manifesto" and he went into a full-blown psychotic tirade. Did he go off his Clozapine, maybe?

>> No.9163173

>Dostoevsky thread gets converted into a shitty Lolita thread thanks to poorly conceived bait and retards that take it
I fucking hate this place.

>> No.9163188


>who are the Bolsheviks?
>what is Soviet Russia?

>> No.9163190

I could do that, but, unfortunately, you are unable to read it any other way.

>> No.9163218

He's "trolling".

>> No.9163292

>have an opinion

you mental infamts really can't live without your pedophilic egos stroked. you're like finnicky cats, or the children you violate, i say you should be starved of this cycle of congratulatory backslapping. your echo chamber stops here, you clumsy degenerates who cannot even comprehend a simple statement concerning one of Nabokov's most beloved authors. the atrocities of your misshapen minds would be tragic if it weren't so damned disgusting.

>> No.9163736

Moralfag trash. Death Note did it better.

>> No.9163987

Do you take great pleasure out of this?

>> No.9164000

you fuckin betcha.

>> No.9164003

>Death Note
Do you even get Dostoievski to begin with? Death Note is baby's first nihilism manifesto. Meanwhile Dostoievski thinks that your life is fullfilled through JesusChrist.

>> No.9164117
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>> No.9164122



This is exactly like the people who think autism is a superpower.

>> No.9164289

A future classic

>> No.9164452

Not in power and a minority, non extant, respectively, during Dostoyvesky's time. Idiot.