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9161880 No.9161880 [Reply] [Original]

Who are the hottest 21st century female authors?

>> No.9161885

Thomas Pynchon.

>> No.9161895 [DELETED] 

i want to spread her ass cheeks and insert my tongue deep into her asshole

>> No.9161904



>> No.9161906

How deep? Like to where the poop is?

>> No.9161912

>reading female authors

>> No.9161981

Latin American here, stay away from women who dress like that, they are nothing but trouble, aren't even that good in bed to begin with, and are gold diggers.

>> No.9162011

Not a female.
Would taste like shit.
Not 21st century. Not a person.
Who said anything about reading?
You don't need to get married to every ho.

>> No.9162018


>> No.9162029


karen russel

>> No.9162045
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>> No.9162055

shit doesn't taste as bad as you'd think
the smell is much worse

>> No.9162059

Why is this important

>> No.9162063
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>> No.9162065 [DELETED] 

The pathetic /r9k/ virgin has probably never eaten a girl's shit

>> No.9162066
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>> No.9162078

tell us more about what shit tastes like, Mr Jodorowsky.

>> No.9163296

Catherine lacey
Shela Heti
Zadie Smith

>> No.9163475

yup I'm on /lit/

>> No.9163485
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Allen Ginberg

>> No.9163506


>> No.9163543

I have a better question.
Who are the best 21st century female authors, in terms of quality writing?

>> No.9163714
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I'd totally hate-fuck her.

>> No.9163730

>old hags

>> No.9163752

How to I detect a quality Latina ?

>> No.9163756
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Mega cute

>> No.9163757

Who is this muscle-milk mama?

>> No.9163766

Why do they look like ex drug addicts?

>> No.9163770

Gee, I fucking wonder.

>> No.9163777

Ben marcus' wife heidi julavitis.

>> No.9163782

Gross, inside and out.
Now that, is cute.

>> No.9164538


>> No.9164938
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You probably want the youngest author then.

>> No.9164958
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Also I hate this Chad and he just got a movie deal now. He will cuck me out of all the authors I like.

>> No.9165207

>not white and too young

>> No.9165266
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voice of a generation, lads.

>> No.9165273

>Hugh Mungus what? HUGH MUNGUS WHAT!?

>> No.9165279

a face for poetry if ever there was one, amirite lads worrr hehehehe

>> No.9165282
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>28 unique IPs
>No Sasha Gray

>> No.9165316

>Not a person
what did he mean by this?

>> No.9165345

Here on mexico (and pretty much every spanish-speaking country, even spain) we have these weird talk shows for poor people. It's sort of like the propaganda machine in 1984. This harlot here is called Anel Rodriguez, and appears in 'Las Noches del Futbol' on the Multimedios tv network. You can find tons of clips on youtube

>> No.9165379


Nobody has ever ascertained with hard evidence whether Homer actually existed as a person or a group of people and the best we have is the hunch of obsessed nerds who consensus agree the writing style is at the very least consistent. The oldest written passage of Homer we have is from the 8th Century.

That's more or less what he meant.