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9160141 No.9160141[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Chan culture’s shitposting and crapflooding shares more with the Paris ’68 slogan “It is forbidden to forbid!” than it does with Phyllis Schlafly or William F. Buckley. Its dark obsessions with cruelty, rape, humiliation, suicide, murder, race, and genocide taboos have led chan culture to an avant-garde antimoral sensibility not unlike French dramatist Antonin Artaud’s theater of cruelty: “There can be no spectacle without an element of cruelty as the basis of every show.”
is 4chan literature?


>> No.9160145

>not understanding why a site dedicated to anonymous discussion would contain cruelty
>misunderstanding human nature that much

>> No.9160163

>not understanding why

But that quotation doesn't offer an explanation. Were you referring to the full article or are you just bad at reading?

>> No.9160170

Don't link an article here ever again.

>> No.9160185


Man I remember why I stopped lurking this board

So much unnecessary anger

>> No.9160202

>misunderstanding my motivations as anger

>> No.9160207

that guy wasn't me

>> No.9160209

>“It is forbidden to forbid!”
Reframed in a satirical voice, as they are here, these words could well btfo all of 4chan.

>> No.9160217

I appreciate this article, despite being written by female marxist (albeit one from the 60s) in that it actually attempts an academic discussion of a cultural trend.

>> No.9160224

>The alt-right mourns European culture’s decline but has itself created the most degraded and degenerate forms of culture the West has ever seen in its own fetid forums. It romanticizes the West but hates its Christian “slave morality” and the best of its intellectual traditions. The alt-right uses the now completely bankrupt language of counterculture and transgression when they talk about being “the new punk,” which should serve as a reminder of how empty those ideas have now become.

Sick takedown desu

>> No.9160225

way, way off the mark to call us paleocons, though, but you couldn't really expect a marxist to open their minds to the idea of a rightism that comes from a 'new' or futuristic place.

>> No.9160226
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a bit younger than that

>> No.9160229

I mean she isnt a post-structural """"cultural marxist"""", her tradition is more mid-20th century French or Italian than 2010 Tumblr

>> No.9160237

>way, way off the mark to call us paleocons, though
that's the point of the article genius

>> No.9160246

You'd imagine it was the point of the article, yeah, but then actually, it's in the fucking title. They couldn't brook the implications their own analyses turned up.

>> No.9160358

You'll be back, trust me

>> No.9160362


Is this image calling me a fedora horsefucker dumb frogposter because I go on 4chan?

>> No.9160497

4chan is fully of a lot of people who are actually just closeted leftists.

Even people who believe edgy alt right shit are actually just being edgy, and if they look in theri hearts, most of them are just leftist cucks.

>> No.9161024

Terribley slanted article written by some pol-tard attempting to shine a decent light on the culture espoused with this shithole. Perfect for your average "intellectual" alt-right character (like those even exist). /pol/ can come back when they stop saying shit like "Cultural Marxism" or "Hegelian Dialectic", maybe they won't sound like such callow buffoons.

>> No.9161065

this is about the level i expect from /lit/

>> No.9161080

How so?

>> No.9161088

If I want to watch my wife fuck an Arab who are you to look down your nose at me?

cucks > chantards

>> No.9161092

>you’re more likely to find these young men posting diaper porn, My Little Pony hate, and swastika-laden Pepe memes than listening to Wagner or reading Alain de Benoist.

What if I do all of those things?

>> No.9161095


>> No.9161103

>diaper porn
>listening to Wagner
I wonder if she knows how long Wagner's operas are?

>> No.9161114
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>publish your magnum opus
>become the literal modern day Goethe
>biographers start flocking to you
>yfw they begin to uncover your history on 4chan

>> No.9161132


Not really.

She's playing devil's advocate, which in reality is self-defeating.

Do we seriously expect a Marxist to care, for example, about "Christian morality" anymore than those who apparently "hate" it?

Are we supposed to take a Marxist seriously when they unironically use such moraline language as "degraded" and "degenerate" to describe and diagnose forum culture? Surely they should be happy with this increasingly licentious world, with its hedonistic libertines?

>The alt-right uses the now completely bankrupt language of counterculture and transgression when they talk about being “the new punk,” which should serve as a reminder of how empty those ideas have now become.

The thing is it's clearly not "bankrupt", particularly if it elicits this sort of response. Marxists are merely mad that they are no longer "the new punk" - or counterculture/etc. The West is socially liberal and economically neo-liberal. Marxists such as the author have now become "the establishment" - socially at least, which is probably enough.

>> No.9161137


>Terribley slanted article written by some pol-tard

It's in the fucking Jacobin, which is a New Statesman-tier leftie rag.

>> No.9161143

New Statesman is pseudo left at best

>> No.9161144
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>> No.9161147

Any good HARD RIGHT magazines?

>> No.9161153
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>> No.9161164

alt-right is done for holy shit

leftypol is counter-culture now

>> No.9161166

No. Any good HARD RIGHT culture in general?
It's aim is to dumb down the bewildered herd which has the knock on effect of lowering the quality of cultural endeavors.

>> No.9161171

I really don't care if someone's a Marxist when the opposition is wehraboos and federalists

>> No.9161175


The Spectator is good at being further right than it seems.

Other than that, you'll have to rely on blogs, kid.

>> No.9161181


Sick takedown of sick takedown desu

>> No.9161190

The american conservative

>> No.9161201

Fascism is and has always been the true counterculuture, leftists are just posers. What's more punk than being an hypermasculine fash dudebro, praising Hitler, might makes right and openly advocating for genocide? Everything else is PC bullshit. Leftists want bigger government, mud people gays and trannies and more PC trigger warnings, that is, what we already have but more so.

>> No.9161206

>Fascism is and has always been the true counterculture
>Leftists want bigger government

Confirmed for fucking moron

>> No.9161230

I think that journalism about the culture of 4chan is getting slowly better, and the writers are getting closer to the truth. But there's just so much history there to get through and even then to process it would be a monumental task.
I want a "Complete History of 4chan".

>> No.9161253

Just wait for moot to publish his memoirs

>> No.9161270

"Lurk Moar: A Decade and a Bit as the Administrator of the Most Evil Site Online"

>> No.9161275

>Fascism doesn't require a powerful central government

>> No.9161298

The problem with leftism is that it forces the strong to bow down before the weak, while fascism allows natural superiors to rise to the top. It's not 'big government' but a natural organic order, in a way the most radically libertarian form of government

>> No.9161320

Put down Nietzsche and look in the mirror. I'm sure you'll find that you are no natural superior.

>> No.9161344

Stop LARPing as some tribalist strongman. You're posting on 4chan. In a govt like you described, you'd be down there with the tumblrinas and otherkin. Don't delude yourself.

>> No.9161349

>in a way the most radically libertarian form of government

That's the most retarded thing I've ever had the misfortune of reading.

>> No.9161357

Don't worry, you'll never get that far :)

>> No.9161370

I work out, i'm swole, I have good anglosaxon genetics and an above average IQ. Maybe I won't be the fuhrer, but I have no problem obeying rightful authority, cause i'm not a snivelling leftist child. Basically I think the weakest members of society are really holding us down with their demands for more apologies and trigger warnings and stuff. They are never going to be satisfied. What if instead of mollycoddling them, parading them around for 'diversity' points and extending their suffering we just gave them a third option? Assisted Suicide. It's humane, painless and completely voluntary. They don't have to take the big leap till they are ready. If you think about it it's really the most humane, the most rational and merciful option.

>> No.9161371

Marxism is nowhere near the establishment, socially or otherwise.

>> No.9161373

I don't think he understood what he'd created. He endorsed tripfags, for example, and while he liked the edgy humour, I think he much more wanted it to be an open space for nerds and outsiders, not the thing it is now, coordinated around a kind of central party that is /pol/, the West's most rightwing force for change since ~the 60s. He wouldn't be able to explain how the community full of queers and twelve year olds and marginalised nerds speaking their thoughts freely turned into a quasi-neo nazi hub central to 21st century politics.

>> No.9161375

Talk about 10 years late to the party. All this attention this site gets is annoying. It was annoying back then when we are portrayed as evil anarchic loli watching hax0rz and its annoying now when we are portrayed as evil fascist ponyfucking neckbeards. This article is banal.

Magazines are for psoodz.

>> No.9161376

Sure you are, sweetie.

>> No.9161378

This is your brain on edge.

>> No.9161381


The Left has completely hijacked society as far as culture/morality is concerned.

Sure, they didn't kill capitalism, but they take what they can get.

>> No.9161389

>You're posting on 4chan
Tbh 4chan stopped matching its stereotype ages ago. Most of the people I know who post on it are likeable white dudes with normal social lives. In fact the only real consistency is they tend to be brighter than most, and quicker with jokes.

>> No.9161392

I literally see more SJW activity from the right, which makes perfect sense given they are so "individual"

>> No.9161403

And what does that have to do with Marxism? Unless you're retarded enough to believe anything to the left of Reagan is Marxism, which you probably are.

>> No.9161404

American right-wingers are the true social justice warriors. Equality fags can't even compete with their fixation on how society should be.

>> No.9161413


Don't play dumb. There's obviously a social/cultural element of Marxism that involves the subversion of traditions/norms/etc.

>> No.9161415
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>He's never been on a college campus

Jordan Peterson got popular for a reason.

>> No.9161422

It makes sense. I've never met any gays or transgenders irl, but from what I can tell from my 4chan experience, these people are not happy and they will never be. What if instead of tormenting them, forcing them to assimilate to a society in which they will never belong, we just gave them the chance to have a peaceful exit?

>> No.9161423


>when Fascism is the strongest way to govern but you've lost every war you've ever fought

>> No.9161425

Would you mind explaining the reason for his popularity?

>> No.9161430

>from what I can tell from my 4chan experience

>> No.9161441


Like Milo/etc, he exposed the politically correct lunacy that exists within insulated university/college campuses. In Peterson's case, by extension, he also exposed the aforementioned lunacy with respect to Canada in general - namely in shining a light upon a proposed law that would criminalize the act of not referring to trans people by their preferred pronouns.

>> No.9161455

Most of the socially progressive stances the left defends are firmly rooted on classical liberal principles, from gender rights to drugs or sexuality. Don't delude yourself into thinking your fighting marxism, you simply hate liberalism in its classical sense. Hell, most people within the alt-right and with a good grasp of its basic tenets acknowledge that.

>I've never met any gays or transgenders irl, but from what I can tell from my 4chan experience

I couldn't make this shit up.

>> No.9161459

Thanks, I must admit I have no knowledge or interest in college campus politics.
Who are the other people you are thinking about when you write Milo/etc?

>> No.9161481



lol fuck off with that malarkey, you're she or he and that is the extent of that

you have a dick or a pussy and identify with one of these qualities there is no fucking middleground

>> No.9161488


>classical liberal principles
>gender rights to drugs or sexuality.

1) You're wrong.

2) Even if you weren't, I still wouldn't disagree. Classical liberalism is just as bad.

>> No.9161495

stopped right there

>> No.9161504

>maximising and protecting individual freedoms is somehow not the basic principle of liberalism

>Classical liberalism is just as bad.
I expected as much.

>> No.9161517

Yeah you preach to that choir. Go get em tiger

>> No.9161545

Nah, I was there when he deleted /r9k/ and /pol/ for awhile. He eventually wrote a post I read on his blog that he linked to on the top of the page explaining that his personal view was that deleting /pol/ was a decision that didn't respect the users.
I think it really took to the right counterculture during the obama years, and I'm still waiting for lefties to gain traction but it hasn't happened. /pol/ to me is simply a place where people believe they can actually discuss their beliefs in a culture where it's become perceived as 'wrong' to not hold the newest, most accepting views on diversity and 'immigration'.
I don't think it's a coincidence that they have joe rogan/alex jones threads on there. The youth of today is drifting towards these edutainment jocks that remind them of their early days with Jon Stewart and Colbert. We're watching a generation of malcontented liberals age.
There's proof of this in the latest election numbers, the democrat turnout was higher but Trump still won by converting those districts. The mainline complaint of /pol/ has always been the jews/globalists, and we can see on /pol/ today a counterculture against this 'establishment globalism', environmentalism, government supported illegal immigration, and racial/diversity programs.
It's the new face of the common people to me, who are letting out steam on /pol/ because they feel so incredibly ineffectively in modern society.
I think that people who try to interpret this is older terms like 'marxism' and 'socialism' are missing the bigger points of the day, which is global interests versus national/personal interests, and that has never been out of the conversation as long as I've been reading /pol/. Otherwise, how could there have been such a high tide of support for a canidate like Sanders?
My conclusion being, I don't think we have politics anymore. It's more of a debate over who gets more of the government programs or more of the taxes, and the /pol/ type seems to believe that somehow if the mythical jew is rooted out of society that all their problems disappear and we have some sort of glory era of the past return or some nonsense like that.
Both of them are proving themselves wrong in different ways. Nationalists won't be able to do away with the growing corporate networks, and Globalists won't be able to rid themselves of the rabid common man underclass. This is simply the new state of things for humanity, and I think we're going to see it more and more in the future as the arguments on both sides of any issue become further removed from any basis in reality and we just have the "I feel this so give me that".
It's going that way on the right as well as the left, so I want to make sure that people keep in mind that as the old supposedly evil repubilican guard falls that we'll have no one left to support but a bunch of democrats hiding under the banner of nationalism.

>> No.9161560

>alex jones
he's been a 4chan staple for years
even before people moved on from Colbert/Stewart

>> No.9161575

that angela nagle girl is pretty good

too many alt-right thinkpieces give way to hysterics about nazis, or if they're more nuanced "misogynistic nazis", they feel as they're written more for the author's sake than anything else

angela's writings on 4chan culture feel like legit journalism, it's interesting to read a left wing perspective on this stuff that isn't eye-roll inducing party-line-following nothing as per usual

>> No.9161578

moot was in a strange position once the retroactively-deemed altright began to consolidate on 4chan. He was clearly uncomfortable with what /new/ slash /pol/ represented, but at the same time doing anything about that conflicted with the site's 'anything goes' ethos. When it was all said and done he chose to maintain that ethos, but it was at the expense of his connection to the community he created. Kind of tragic, really.

At least we might get a solid biopic out of it.

>> No.9161585

Is Alain de Benoist what leftists think an "intellectual right-winger" looks like?

>> No.9161587

>i'm swole

my sides.

>> No.9161598
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>not unlike

>> No.9161619

I'm on Jordan Peterson's campus. The reaction is overblown and repetitive.

>> No.9161625

>The alt-right mourns European culture’s decline but has itself created the most degraded and degenerate forms of culture the West has ever seen in its own fetid forums.
4chan existed before the alt-right though

>> No.9161643

>not being a weak nietzschean intellectually backing your own destruction

>> No.9161645


>At least we might get a solid biopic out of it.
>tfw imagine A-list Hollywood actors playing teenage weebs and fyad neckbeards in an oscar bait biopic with swelling dramatic music and all that jazz

>> No.9161649


>I'm on Jordan Peterson's campus.

See: pic related.

>The reaction is overblown and repetitive.

Sorry, but SJWs are one nut to which you take a sledge hammer.

>> No.9161653
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Here's the pic.

>> No.9161655

And how likely are you to come across the browsing habits of extroverted cool guys compared to isolated hikkis?

>> No.9161666

It would certainly be an interesting challenge for a filmmaker to try to depict online interaction. Have any films attempted this yet? Excluding cyberpunk-esque works that show digital interaction as a virtual reality realm.

>> No.9161687

>you’re more likely to find these young men posting diaper porn, My Little Pony hate, and swastika-laden Pepe memes
Why do these idiot outsiders conflate every poster and board together? They never seem to realize that the people posting on /pol/ aren't necessarily the same who are posting on /a/ or /b/ or elsewhere. It's like everyone must partake in every single interest discussed in the entire site.

>> No.9161726

yet another article by retards who don't understand this site at all, despite apparently being convinced of its great importance

>> No.9161757

>expecting journalists to not be subhuman

>> No.9161771

> When liberals are no longer in power, the philosophical irreconcilability between its paleo-conservatism, which aims for a return to traditional marriage while disapproving of porn and promiscuity, and the amoral libertine Internet culture from which all the real energy has emerged, will soon begin to show.
an idiotic point on which the entire article is centered. do these people seriously believe every man was a saintly celibate in Victorian Britain? it doesn't take particularly rigorous personal probity to be in favour of traditional forms of marriage, nor was 4chan's "amoral libertinism" ever an ideological disposition. it was apathy directed towards social conventions which didn't benefit these people, just like it's self-interest that makes them favour anti-feminism and right-wing politics now

>> No.9161788

I see your point but let's be honest, /pol/ generates more traffic in an hour than two thirds of the other boards put together over an entire day. And the spill to the rest of the site is obvious, just take a look at /v/ or /tv/

>> No.9161792

tl;dr, dumb journo still doesn't understand internet meme site despite trying her hardest, does her best to convince herself and her readers that "t-this reaction against our ideology can't possibly last, guys, it's contradictory"

>> No.9161817

>despite trying her hardest
i really really doubt it

maybe trying her hardest for an hour or so, but I doubt she would even recognize something like the costanza meme even only through knowyourmeme

>> No.9161825

>/pol/ generates more traffic in an hour than two thirds of the other boards put together
that doesn't contradict my point

the big boards get most of the site's traffic, it's disingenuous to claim every 4chan poster jacks off to porn of that pony show

>> No.9161844

Journalists are dumber than highschoolers.

>> No.9161856

Wouldn't this board's vehement obsession with Nietzsche and Schopenhauer also be direct influence from people who also frequent /pol/ ?

Most people find Philosophers to be phony and the few others are attracted to a stumbling comic like Diogenes only because he seems witty or the High school go to Philosophers like Plato or something as boring as Freud.

Even if /pol/ almost never directly talk about Nietzsche they would definetly pick him up because they certainly would agree with much he has to say.

>> No.9161863
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>Not explaining your motivations.
>Expecting others to UNDERSTAND your motivations.
>Insisting that Misunderstanding and Cruelty are necessary.
>Getting upset when people misunderstand that.


>> No.9161866

The cuck phenomenon is obviously just the frogman's acute awareness of his own inadequacy

If he ever got a girlfriend literally any other dude would be an upgrade and that terrifies him

>> No.9161892
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>Meanwhile in reality

>> No.9161899

Technically, Pepe is fucking Wojak, not cucking him.

>> No.9161903

it's just young white college males
acting like elliot rodger online
they should all be killed imo

>> No.9161909

It has an argument, it has citations, it has evidence, so why don't I find it convincing?

>> No.9161919

>The alt-right mourns European culture’s decline but has itself created the most degraded and degenerate forms of culture the West has ever seen in its own fetid forums


>> No.9161923

I find it interesting how, just when all of these theorists and activists think they've got a hold on what 4chan's all about, we've already left behind and resemblance to their painstakingly drawn portraits. Plus, they seem to have fallen into the general trap of thinking that every poster believes in everything posted on this site- no one's that schizophrenic, not even us.

>> No.9161933

They don't mention that leftists have been posting with more and more frequency over the past five-ish years.

>> No.9161946

what reality do you live in?

>> No.9161953

One where I've been on 4chan for longer than you. The 'right' got more extreme but the views were more ubiquitous than they are today. There is a much stronger left presence.

>> No.9161959

many in our society are overcome with anxieties bout how replaceable they are; a superior robot is going to replace you on in the workplace, a superior man is going to replace you in the bedroom etc

the jacobin left attribute this to capitalism and stop there but maybe this anxiety is a perverse way of enjoying your own inferiority, regardless of how degrading being a cuck or a beta male is, at least you can say you are those things and for certain types of people/everyone these days it's better to be [bad identity] than to be [no identity]

to me it feels like personality is the problem, not politics

>> No.9161963

>The 'right' got more extreme but the views were more ubiquitous than they are today
completely wrong, 4chan wasn't remotely political back in the day

>There is a much stronger left presence.
not really. in large part, what you call a stronger presence is just people getting annoyed at /pol/fags and trolling them because they post political shit everywhere. it's barely ideological

>> No.9161978
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>not being a decentralist facist in the current year

>> No.9161985

>4chan wasn't remotely political back in the day

I'm talking about the past five-ish years (maybe less, I can't remember), at least the time when SJWs were called SRS

There are people calling out /pol/, which is in part ideological, but there are people arguing against the right. I would have noticed that I wasn't the only person arguing with literally everyone else in a thread at a time.

>> No.9161986

I've been here for ten years and couldn't disagree more.

Most of the userbase took a turn to the right, not just the extremists. 4chan was largely apolitical and, while highly inconsistent in its idea of "liberty", tended to lean towards the "do whatever mang" 420-libertarian position albeit with an emphasis on edginess and contrarianism.

>> No.9161987

With good reason. Before the election of Trump, there was a general naivete around this area about just how important we actually are. There was also a element of hopelessness, as in "this place has gone fascist, there's not much we can do, any dissenting post will be drowned out and forgotten in the sea of right-wing shill posts". But, I think that there is a significant amount of leftists on this board who see the importance of speaking out; not only that, but their opinions are changing the culture somewhat: I've seen people quoting from books I've recommended in the past, that where never talked about before that.

>> No.9161989

>completely wrong, 4chan wasn't remotely political back in the day

people will call you out for this but you're absolutely correct

back in the day people on 4chan may have expressed political views that resemble what we would call liberalism but that has more to do with it being a lazy, default way of approaching things that could only be thought up by a politically unconscious mind

>> No.9161991

>Most of the userbase took a turn to the right

Yeah and when it first did there was barely anyone speaking against it. That is what I'm talking about. Now people do far more frequently than at that point.

>> No.9162015

In his FIRST post he made his point that it was human nature, you fucking retard.

>> No.9162030

Everything has become more political it seems. At least ever since Obama I feel and the last year especially has been the worst.

>> No.9162034

Ok, maybe you have a point. I think no one spoke against it precisely because, other than /pol/, 4chan continued to be mostly apolitical/apathetic for a while. I for one couldn't have predicted the monster /pol/ would become and the massive influence it would exert over 4chan at large.

>> No.9162037

this is true and it's fucking awful, everyone has a massive chip on their shoulder because of it

>> No.9162038

With regard to 4chan's early years, I think insofar as it had a political ideology it would best be described as anti-bush rather than pro-anything-else (there was always a Ron Paul faction, but they were never anything more than a vocal minority).

>> No.9162039

then the de-cucking started

>> No.9162048

Most articles about the "alt-right" really, really miss the point. This one didn't, and got closer to the truth.
I'm not a lefty but Jacobin seems like a decent magazine, judging by this article alone.

>> No.9162054

The fact that there are people on 4chan now that support the government, any kind of government, is truly embarrassing.

>> No.9162067

you will go back!

>> No.9162072

>there was always a Ron Paul faction, but they were never anything more than a vocal minority
they were more than a vocal minority back then

>> No.9162127
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>> No.9162149

this is beyond pathetic

imagine being so autistic you put loyalty to political party above loyalty to your family

>> No.9162156

I don't buy it. I bet if we had the numbers, we'd see that a majority of this site's userbase in '08 voted for or at least voiced tentative support for Obama. Which, admittedly doesn't preclude a preference for Paul, nor does it totally account for pre-'08 political convictions, but I don't know, it means something. I feel like Paul is one of those guys destined to perpetually have a vocal minority following regardless of where you look, except maybe on a college campus's Libertarian Club.

>> No.9162159

trump is embarrassing the usa tb hh lmao

>> No.9162175

Let me rephrase: a majority of this site's userbase that professed even mild political convictions would have backed Obama. In other words, if the avowedly apolitical were excluded.

>> No.9162185

>majority of this site's userbase in '08
most of this site's userbase was probably underage in 08. the majority of those who weren't didn't give a shit about politics and likely didn't even vote

obama support was scarcely vocalized. the truth is you're imagining it to fit your convictions

>> No.9162186

It represents the hatred, misogyny, racism, the unwarranted sense of persecution, and the violent backlash of such paranoid fantasies

It is very much of the right, it is of what lurked in the back of the minds of the Buckleys and Schlaflys as they justified government intervention around the world and refused to accept social improvement at home

>> No.9162205

>most of this site's userbase was probably underage in 08
And most of /pol/ in '17 isn't? Maybe that precludes informed political opinion, but certainly not political opinion itself. Also see >>9162175

Maybe I am just imagining all of this, but imagination and remembrance aren't always easily distinguished, and this seems to me the latter. I certainly remember plenty of tentative support for Barry O.

>> No.9162220
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>social """"""""improvement"""""""""

>> No.9162225


>> No.9162239

I'd say it's more of a scene than literature. Hopefully this cesspool will produce some noteworthy literature, music, and film.

>> No.9162254

wood berry

>> No.9162268

Nice try left shill but People are wising up to your lies and your propaganda. Your shrill attempts at guilt tripping and emotional manipulation no longer work on us. Communism works in theory but in practice, it means slaving away you life at the communal farm while an obese blue haired commissar of indeterminate gender shrieks RACIST! BIGOT! WHITE OPPRESSOR! At your face til the day you die. I won't tolerate that humiliation. It is a question of honor. I rather live a day as a lion than a hundred years as a sheep.

>> No.9162271

>And most of /pol/ in '17 isn't
who knows? the truth is it was already very large five years ago, and had essentially the same opinions as now.

>I am just imagining all of this

>> No.9162275


Imagine all the degenerate stuff she must have seen when she was doing her research. I wonder if any of it "worked" for her if you know what I mean.

>> No.9162290

Oh look, another condemning 4chan article made by a normie.

>> No.9162291

you go u of t? me too.
what college you in?

>> No.9162302

Probably. A lot of outsiders still seem to think /b/ is a particularly important board despite it being culturally irrelevant for years, so she probably went there.

>> No.9162308
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>you go u of t? me too.

>> No.9162320

someone should invite her into the thread


>> No.9162335
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>le false flag maymay
love it anyway desu made my bad day a little better

>> No.9162336

And how do we know you're not mentally exaggerating the Paul-ites? I would actually contend that 4chan's largely apolitical bent back then seriously implies that they were merely a vocal minority, since whatever political consciousness a largely apolitical collective can attain seems like it should be limited to the traditional Dem-Rep binary, something Paul generally transcends. I don't deny they had a presence, I just can't buy that they informed anything resembling a majority of our inchoate political ideology.

>> No.9162337

Just did.

>> No.9162363

Most of /pol/ doesn't literally believe the jewish thing.

>> No.9162387

>retweeting zizek, mira gonzalez and pjw

can you help me get better at irony

>> No.9162400


>implying we have any dignity to lose at this point

>> No.9162411

It's just a bullshit account.

>> No.9162414

Angela Nagle@AngNagle 7m7 minutes ago
@fedallaz /pol/ was much funnier and more coherent about it
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lmao lit pseuds btfo

>> No.9162424

Hi Angela

>> No.9162435

Not that hard to be funnier than /lit/.

>> No.9162463
File: 36 KB, 778x512, 1481315062174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angela will you be my girl friend ???

>> No.9162519

>And how do we know you're not mentally exaggerating the Paul-ites
You yourself admitted they were a very vocal minority. I wouldn't say they were the majority, but there certainly were a lot more of them than Obama supporters.

>> No.9162554

Don't post here ever again.

>> No.9162583

I would speculate that the intensity of Paul support outweighed the intensity of Obama support, but that in terms of sheer numbers the Obama camp (or, more accurately, anti-Bush by way of Obama camp) won. But, I guess we have no way of knowing that.

>> No.9162655
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Mfw you think you are a lion...

>> No.9162739

ikr i havent talked to the usa in over year now lmao

>> No.9162992

>tweeted 10 mins after being notified about this thread

wtf angela i bet you didn't even read the full thing