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/lit/ - Literature

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9160020 No.9160020 [Reply] [Original]

Why most of the male booktubers in booktube are homos? And most of them "review" the same YA shit.
Booktuber these days is like 80% female 10% homos and 10% trans and i would like to know if /lit knows some nice male booktubers

>> No.9160029 [DELETED] 

Seriously, what is it with the /lit/ userbase and their obsession with booktubers? Why would you ever give a flying shit about something so inane?

There are multiple threads every day lamenting the women, faggots, and liberals that seemingly make up booktubing community. WHY GIVE A FLYING SHIT?

>> No.9160034

reading books is a feminine activity

homosexuals have feminine brains go figure

>> No.9160039


That guy is like 40/45 years old and still behaving like a fucking 15yo girl. Booktubers are just fucked up, they didn't grow and they don't want to.

>> No.9160151

because people like to see the things they like on youtube to learn more about them and waste time. calm down faggot.

>> No.9160162 [DELETED] 

>because people like to see the things they like on youtube to learn more about them and waste time
But these threads are invariably about people who they hate

>> No.9160165

>likes books and reading
>likes booktubers

these are not the same

>> No.9160179



Just watch scat porn instead, it's more refined and dignified.

>> No.9160193 [DELETED] 

So why shit the board up with this nonsense? Why actively seek it out and post it here?

>> No.9160196

>Booktuber these days is like 80% female 10% homos and 10% trans
As opposed to good old 70s when all the tubers where straight white men.

>> No.9160213

like I said: youtube is such a thing these days and people look to it for guidance, validation, information, recreation, etc. I agree that booktubers are shit, but I also understand the problem of why people are frustrated by the fact that they cannot seem to find a person who isn't a complete affront to their idea of what a bookish/learned person should be.

>> No.9160223

>coming to /lit/ for literature

this board (and this site) are shit and have been for a while now. if you still come here, you have no self respect and do not deserve a fucking thing, so don't act like an entitled little shit.

>> No.9160235

It takes a special kind of faggot to look to youtube for opinions or reviews. Do you seriously not have friends to discuss these things with?

>> No.9160245

>worldview and political stance entirely formed by Youtubers

>> No.9160519


Nobody here has friends, anon. This is /lit

>> No.9160524

are there any qt /lit/ approved youtubers?

>> No.9160528


You know literature is generally read by way more gays and women than straight guys.

We're in the minority in the literary community.

>> No.9160542


While women and homos are reading, real men are ...

>> No.9160560

... getting gender-reassignment?

>> No.9160573

>While women and homos are reading, real men are ..


>> No.9160611


Because the deepest readers are ugly as fuck, and know not to step in front of a camera.

>> No.9160624

The deepest readers are serious, actual academics, and they prefer to publish essays rather than becoming booktubers (wich can seriously harm your reputation in the long run).

>> No.9160631


>Why most of the male booktubers in booktube are homos?

Think about it: what kind of guy would want to excitedly talk about books in frenetic jump-cuts? The questions answers itself m8.

>> No.9160649


Despite doing a phd in english lit he's still a pleb, but he's way better than the rest.

>> No.9160675


Dude can be a bit cringy but at least he starts with the greeks and isn't a chick, a fag, or a tranny

>> No.9160696


It would be better if he stopped behaving like an idiot

>> No.9160716

Why do people watch "booktubers"?
Does the format allow you to pretend you have friends.

>> No.9160902


he was a geeky high school kid doing those video so I cut him a ton of slack for being a dork. At least he was working through books that aren't just popular/YA.

>> No.9161219


Only 70s kids will remember this.

>> No.9161273

>and have been for a while now.
stop this meme please. 4chan remains the same, you change

>> No.9161323


That's basically why i don't consume booktube. Pretentious, simple-minded faggots and trannies with 15yo behaviors that sold themselves to the publishers and talk about how great are the YA books while doing the most superficial analysis you could imagine about the last YA shit published.

They all should just die.

>> No.9161541

Tried Better Than Food Book Reviews?

I'd like to know the /lit/ approved opinion of him.

>> No.9162823

Decent taste but his videos are devoid of any actual commentary. He just describes the book, reads some passages, and stares off into the distance. Since he has nothing of substance to say about the books it's probable he doesn't actually "get" them.

>> No.9162955


Academics, hermits and erudites have traditionally met on /lit

>> No.9163103


Any examples? Are they cute at least?

>> No.9163144



>> No.9163158

>that arab comment
This looks nothing like a female but at least I laughed.

>> No.9163196

>he believes that anyone browsing 4cucks has friends
>he tries to imply that he has friends

>> No.9163220

There are nothing but positive comments saying everything is amazing, sharing enthusiasm for the books, saying things are great, expressing very little negativity or criticism towards the booktuber or the books. The bit of criticism - "I didn't enjoy it that much!" - that does exist is perfunctory and pathetic. Frankly, as a 4chan poster, I find it hard to have a conversation about any subject without bursting into hateful abuse or irreverent mockery, and I find the twee booktube carry-on absolutely sickening.

>> No.9163250

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.9163269


jesus christ

>> No.9163279

>not watching the Bookchemist exclusively

>> No.9163415
File: 446 KB, 1918x1116, literary_aesthetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purging heresy

>> No.9163425

homosexuals have internalized a desire to dispose of the male in favor of the female. Showing yourself off to others is essentially female.

>> No.9163429

The new carliclaire

>> No.9163461

>wants to read more books by disabled authors

It's like he's trying to collect all the different "marginalized minority" authors?
This whole SJW outlook on life is so bizarre.

>I'm only going to read books by queer authors, next year I'm only going to read Mexican authors, but only if they have been disfigured in accidents, then the year after that I'm only reading books by Trans-Muslim-Quadriplegics

Why does it matter so much who the author is in their personal life? Just read a book because the back cover sounded good or your friend recommended it to you. Not because you are actively trying to collect every "oppressed" perspective.
Also why does this make me so mad?

>> No.9163793
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None of these booktubers have good taste. It's all superficial /lit/ level at best. You should stop watching them desu.

>> No.9163800

There are a few good ones. Although if I added up their sub totals itd be < 100 and I'm not stupid enough to tell lit

>> No.9163818
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>There are a few good ones.

Honestly there aren't. Bookchemist appears to have the best taste of the lot (that I've seen posted here, anyway) and even he is kinda pleb.

I don't get the interest anon has for these people.

>> No.9163832

yea you seem to not be understanding that I'm implying that you haven't seen the same ones as I. Bookchemist is indeed a plen and it is really disappointing that he's the type of person who goes into grad school nowadays.

>> No.9163884
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>yea you seem to not be understanding that I'm implying that you haven't seen the same ones as I.

Why are you getting passive aggressive over booktubers? Are you serious? Just post the other ones you're talking about then.

>> No.9163920
File: 248 KB, 480x400, thugnotes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sparky Sweets, PhD. from Thug Notes. It's a fun show, and he does have legitimate, insightful commentary on the books he discusses.


>> No.9163944

Nigga like
Who has ever watched a single booktube video and been like
"Shit I need more of this"

>> No.9164027

PaperBird is nice. His videos are less reviews and more just unstructured little talks though. He's been great for recommendations that I otherwise would've never known about. Some of my favorites:

Anne Carson's Float: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDmab6obCCw
Evan Dara: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzwZR-mWcgc
The Calamari Archive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAhYFpFWEzQ

>> No.9164086
File: 529 KB, 802x657, nooooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's lost her purity and university is turning her into hipster millennial trash

she is lost

>> No.9164338

I guarantee Bookchemist is more knowledgeable and well read than the vast majority of /lit/, including (you)

>> No.9164352


>including (you)

Nope. I don't think he's a shitty person or anything - he seems pretty chill, actually - but this isn't true.

>> No.9164367


>> No.9164382

What's your background then? What do you read? I'm not even trying to shit on you, just curious what you see as patrician taste.

>> No.9164385


>> No.9164387

Probably a pleb show but it's really comfy

>> No.9164388

I need a specific background to read books. Nice brain you got there.

>> No.9164391

it is sad

she was chill before now she looks like she's turning into a sjw

>> No.9164396

The only patricians i've met were some teachers from college (classic and medieval literature)

>> No.9164400

men have better thing to do or are too shy,lazy, full of anxiety

>> No.9164401


Booktube has almost no male booktubers because they tend to read more tech/academic books, and realized that booktube doesn't give them what they need.

>> No.9164405

Nice question dodge, pleb.

>> No.9164409

I don't know if someone posted this before but better than food is the only one I follow, I think he is the Fantano of Book reviews


>> No.9164412
File: 342 KB, 1280x960, 1483617328666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she has hyper-autism and is appropriating the current environment to try and fit in. she just wants people to talk to at school.

>> No.9164444

I love that guy. His commentary is not very insightful but it does not have to be, its as good as it needs to be. its short and a good summery

>> No.9164455

Different anon. I just thought that was an incredibly stupid thing you said.

>> No.9164466

Busy playing CS on Twitch

>> No.9164498

Wanting to know someone's background in reading does not imply a certain background is needed.
misrepresenting a question in response and then not answering it gets me hardcore triggered.

>> No.9164518

I believe you to be disingenuous in your intentions. Why make it the first thing you ask if it is immaterial to the question? You give the background a certain importance, you're not asking out of curiosity.
I could believe you if you framed the question differently. As it is, you look someone asking "well, are you a chef" after insulting a meal.

>> No.9164552

You are doing it again, misrepresenting.
It's not immaterial, it's a valid question, there is just no wrong answer. Not everything is a trap, I'm not trying to get you.
And as for the format, I guess that's just your opinion, man.

>> No.9164554

my fucking god you fucks are bickering like lil bitches.

>> No.9164572

>back pedalling hoping no one notices your clearly hostile intent with saccharine belated efforts.
Why are you even posting?

>> No.9164577

to exercise my disdain, of course.

>> No.9164581

Post more homo booktubers

>> No.9164594



2º - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxpblEpEj5synu03E6yjyyA

3º- https://www.youtube.com/user/SavidgeReads

more? lol

>> No.9164600

Third guy hasn't caught the jump-cut disease yet, that's something.

>> No.9164602

You know what anon, you got me. I did actually have bad intentions and was planning on calling out that anon after he answered. I was going to ridicule him for being pleb, probably regardless of his answer, then I was going to find out where he lived, break in at night, and strangle his parents.

>> No.9164603


4º- https://www.youtube.com/user/welldonebooks

5º - https://www.youtube.com/user/Benjaminoftomes

6º - https://www.youtube.com/user/jessethereader

there's no hope, homos and plebs will anihilate everything

>> No.9164686

Thanks for linking this guy. He's like the Green Ham Gaming of literature. Not very stimulating but entertaining and like-able.

>> No.9164688

Why does #2 behave like a teenage girl.

>> No.9164697


Brain chemical imbalance lol

>> No.9164727

I watched his analysis of institutional racism in some (Picoult?) book. The book was essentially an SJW strawman fantasy.

>> No.9164846



>> No.9165104

He seems to like the smell of his own farts a bit too much.

>> No.9165162

what is that?

>> No.9165178
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>open link
>instantly close tab

>> No.9165183


A trans girl fucking around with his/her LGBTQ shit

>> No.9165200
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>tfw i'm an erudite academic hermit

>> No.9165281
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>focused on books written by black people
>didn't read a single thing by Achebe

>> No.9165556

Women and Gaybobs have narcissistic tendancies

>> No.9165649


This so much

And that's men fault. We should have never let her having rights

>> No.9165824

Why do so many gay men have an irritating style of speaking?

>> No.9165875

We don't really know. I don't think there has been any conclusive study.

>> No.9165948

give me something worth talking and making a video about and I'll do it.

>> No.9166053

Grampa Steve