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9159641 No.9159641 [Reply] [Original]

"What if you could manipulate people to do whatever you wanted? What comes first a blowjob from a supermodel or suicide?

It's life or death. I choose life"

Does this make sense or am I writing gibberish?

>> No.9159658

I can't 'make sense' of it if you mean following the logic, but I can understand it if I assume a context like 'the speaker is a pretentious idiot'.

>> No.9159665

>guy has godlike power
>second thing he thinks of is suicide
whaddya a pleb?

>> No.9159666

Is the point supposed to be that the speaker (like everyone) can't truly control himself due to the reality of primal urges and experience, and that such control would negate the need for it being that life would therefore become meaningless?

>> No.9159669
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>> No.9159673

Only two choices remained. Three if you counted God

>> No.9159678

>the speaker (like everyone) can't truly control himself due to the reality of primal urges
Thank mr saten

>> No.9159723


>the speaker is a pretentious idiot

I'm not, dude. Asking an honest question. I'm writing in New Sincerity. This is not a joke, this is not me trying to impress.


That's the point. I feel massively guilty at the prospect of manipulating humans as thought they're ants. What if they have consciousness I could get drunk and decide to give them the most conceivable level of pain? I can't take the anxiety that comes with this uncertainty.

I'm going to take the risk.


No dude, that's not Satan, it's God. God controls me. I am one of his infinite modes and my behavior is perfectly necessary. I can do whatever I want because I know I have no free will.


Yeah, I'll dump her after so that I don't have to look at those dick stained lips. I'll then collect my concubine of virgins and live like a king.



>> No.9159729

fuck sake, you don't have to exercise the power, you fag. you don't have to fucking kill yourself.

>> No.9159733

Stop talking about how much you want to kill yourself but can't. It's tired, and you're too stupid to do it well.

>> No.9159747

>what comes first benis in bagina or bloodlust?
>I choose benis in bagina
2deep lmao. Who cares what comes first if you can have both? Is this from a psychoanalytic standpoint or sth or did you not think this through?

>> No.9159823

it's fucking gibberish. 100% the first thing would be getting people to give you shit for free.
1) people are simpler than you think
2) what does a blowjob have to do with life?
3) why the fuck would someone think OH, I COULD GET A BLOWJOB, OR I COULD KILL SOMEONE? That's not how people think you lunatic, what is wrong with you?

>> No.9159831

>claims New Sincerity
>doing so only to get (you)'s

Is this the 3D chess /pol/ talks about

>> No.9159868
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Garbage. Away. Back to the drawing board with you. Make something good and do it, don't be posting bits on 4chan. Fucking finish what you start.

>> No.9159876

A very elaborate troll. 7/10

>> No.9159887

Easy, it's your choice to figure out the truth which is only one way. Those who have found it have life. We are called it is by choice and it is about the very basis of Moral. The Bible.

>> No.9159891


>what is wrong with you?

Dude, I swear to God, I'm looking through the world right now. Please respond and talk to me so that I can explain what I see. It's not gibberish I swear. With certainty, I've proved the truth I'm uncovering. I've realized the relationship between things as they appear to be necessitates existence .

>1) people are simpler than you think

I will test this by walking up to and getting a blowjob from a random 10/10. If I succeed in doing what many consider the be-all end-all of a man's existence, I will know that I'm not crazy.


>Is this the 3D chess /pol/ talks about

It's 4D chess, I could easily beat you at 3D chess, and it's a hyperbolic joke. In actuality Donald Trump is autistic and put on the most elaborate joke in human history by becoming president. Relative to today's cultural standard, this is the most ridiculous thing that's ever happened. He is proof that life is a joke.

>> No.9159898


Anymore advice you can give me will be greatly appreciated. I plan to start Nietzche on Monday and will write as I work through.

What else should I know

>Fucking finish what you start.

Like how do I know when I'm finished with something?

> Make something good and do it

How do I know what's good

What should I read to find answers?

>> No.9159904


Not a troll, 100% not joking. This is why people can't appreciate Donald Trump. His whole get up is done ironically, but his motivation is sincerely to save humanity from the Jews. What a brave man lol


>Easy, it's your choice to figure out the truth which is only one way. Those who have found it have life. We are called it is by choice and it is about the very basis of Moral. The Bible.

I don't believe you. Give me your very best argument for why I should believe, irrespective of God's questionable existence.

>> No.9159916

hey, guy. you're harshing my new sincerity vibe. i've been cultivating the meme quietly in long unrelated threads, like the fashion related one, in which i used new sincerity as a balm for the wounds of post-modernism. now, this stuff is just silly, guy. all that spacing, all this insincerity, it's all just so obvious.

This post is what true sincerity is.

>> No.9159921

Dear Mom

My ploy for attention worked. I got two yous by accident

Your Wife's Son

>> No.9159927

You've slipped to a 3/10

>> No.9159967


I was joking, I don't know what new sincerity is because I don't browse /lit/ and I don't read. On Monday I'm beginning the reading phase of my life. I came here to find which books I should start with and to talk to people before I completely isolate myself for the remainder of the winter term. I used "new scincerity" as a placeholder on a thought that I transcribed directly from my mind. I was on a very long train of thought and didn't want to get off in order to look up a better term. You criticized me over a meaningless, throwaway term. You're an idiot, stop browsing 4chan.

>> No.9159989

it's not meaningless, as i ascribe meaning to it. it's a shame that you're so powerless to not even be able to do that.
Don't try to mimic me, by the way. You can't handle my style, friend. Your malicious intent cannot be hidden when you copy the style of a truly sincere person. If you want some books, by the way, I would suggest Gil Blas and The Flounder.

>> No.9160110


I'm not copying you, moron. I'm pointing out how stupid you are for trying to correct me on a placeholder term. I posted a rough draft and you tried to correct me as though I gave a shit about the minutia of the language. How can you expect my unfiltered mind to have autofill, you fucking idiot.

>> No.9160116

so you have no control over yourself. what a thing to be proud of. you have a good one though!

>> No.9160133


No dipshit, I'm transcribing my thoughts, you know writing things down as they immediately come to mind. I capture ideas in their clearest, most pure form by doing this. If I were to stop and fix my transcription every time I needed a word that didn't match the definition of what I'm thinking about I'd have to stop transcribing. The quality of posts on this board is so low that I have no problem with posting my ideas in raw form, no corrections made to the transcription because anyone that can understand what I'm reading will recognize and ignore my typos and filler words as they truly understand what I'm saying with these written words. You're just a non-autistic pleb who can appreciate what I'm saying; I suggest you leave 4chan and never come back.

>> No.9160147

but you're not saying anything of worth when you use established terms incorrectly. i'm not sure why you're so hostile when you're the one who's misappropriating a culture that doesn't belong to you. anyway, to reveal to you how you began to copy me almost immediately. it's very simple. you changed your spacing scheme entirely. if you were merely transcribing, by the way, you would doubtlessly not take the time to press the enter key, if you had no concern for editing, it would all be one endless block of meaningless jibber jabber. but friend, you really gotta get over all that malice in your heart. you'll never be happy this way.

>> No.9160157

also, you're very imperfect in your attempt, if you were a true mindprinter, you would alternate capitalization in such a way that it is merely for your own convenience in the moment, and perhaps to accentuate moments of tension by capitalizing the word i.

>> No.9160457


>if you had no concern for editing, it would all be one endless block of meaningless jibber jabber

That's simply untrue. I've written for long enough that I automatically press enter and use as proper punctuation as one can without thinking.
Also, I copied your style unconsciously. When I was a kid my mom taught me how to connect with people. Copying their style is one of the things we do to achieve a closer connection.

>you would alternate capitalization in such a way that it is merely for your own convenience in the moment

This is precisely where your attempt at a rationalist proof fails. Out of habit, I write like this. I have been directly transcribing my thoughts for so long that I've gotten better at it than most people. As a kid I learned how to explore my mind more deeply than most and that's why I have such incredibly ability.

>but you're not saying anything of worth when you use established terms incorrectly

My writing as whole has more meaning than the sum of its constituent terms.

>if you were a true mindprinter

I am