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9154957 No.9154957 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to do a thought experiment /lit/,

I'm trying to write about the dangers of orthodox Marxism, but I feel like I'm talking in circles because my own knowledge seems to have been stunted. This is where I came up with a new idea, I'm going to spend 1 week up to a month reading nothing but Marxist literature, even pretending to be one, looking at life through the eyes of a Marxist.

What books should I read to get in the proper mindset, I have Communist Manifesto, Conquest of Bread, and Das Kapital so far.

>> No.9155007

Lenin - The State and Revolution.

>> No.9155290

>starting with a preconceived notion and working to reaffirm it

Good start anon

>> No.9155351

No that's my point, I'm going to approach it by becoming a Marxist, that's why I'm doing it.

>> No.9155358

>No that's my point


>> No.9155360

I am going to pretend to be a Marxist for about a month, I'm going to try not to aproach it from a preconceived notion like you said.

Any tips?

>> No.9155368

>I'm trying to write about the dangers of orthodox Marxism.
So, no preconceptions right?

>> No.9155372

>Conquest of Bread

That's an anarchist book. Anarchism and Marxism are profoundly different, especially when it comes to their "mindset" and underlying philosophy.

Also "orthodox Marxism" is a really vague term. What is usually referred to as orthodox Marxism (Kautsky and co) is actually a vulgarised, determinist interpretation of Marxism as Lenin and many others pointed out.

I'd recommend reading these.

>> No.9155382

Is there anything sadder than basing your whole pursuit of knowledge around wanting to disprove some theory which tickled you wrongly.
>as Lenin
it's shit

>> No.9155385

Most current Marxists don't even read much Marx. They read current literature. If you want to be a Marxist in the contemporary sense, then read Laclau, Eagleton etc.

But the problem is, you won't be able to work through them in a week. You still won't have a clue. You'd have at least some familiarity with the theories they base their work on and refer to.

And if you really wanted to act like a Marxist, you'll just be reading, working at a university, and that's about it.

You can't have enough experience and knowledge to adequately critique most schools of thought that have as deep of a well and as long of a history as Marxism within a week.

>> No.9155390

Sorry, just realised you said orthodox Marxists.

Anyway, orthodox Marxism doesn't really exist anymore. What's the point of critiquing it. It was a school of thought that critiqued the economic structures of its time period. But those dynamic don't exist anymore and just about everyone knows it. Marxism has move on.

>> No.9155506


The three component parts of Marxism are Scientific-Socialism, (a political ideology, that started as an offshoot, of what Engles &co. called "Utopian Socialism", [basically Anarchism]), Marxian-Economics, (a school of Economics, that shot off from "Classical Economics"), and Dialectical-Materialism, (A school of Philosophy that started as an offshoot of Dialectical-Idealism, which in turn spun-off from Transcendental-Idealism), so I will be sorting my stuff into those categories.

For Economics:
Kapital Vol. 1
Kapital Vol. 2
Kapital Vol. 3
Theories of Surplus Value

For Philosophy:
Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right
The German Ideology
The Dialectics of Nature

For Politics:
The Communist Manifesto
Critique of the Gotha Programme.
Socialism: Utopian, and Scientific
The Conflict between Marx, and Bakunin.

You should also at some point read, "Origins of the Family, Private Property, and the State", it's an anthropological work that doesn't really fit cleanly into any of these categories, but that is essentially required reading nonetheless.

If you want to get versed in the three sources of Marxist theory, before reading Marx himself, then I would reccommend:

For Classical Economics:
The Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith
Principles of Economics - Ricardo
Principles of Economics - Althusser

For "Utopian" Socialism
Conquest of Bread - Proudhon (as >>9155372 pointed out)
What is Property - Proudhon
On Anarchism - Bakunin
God and the State - Bakunin

For Transcendental, and Dialectical Idealism
Prolegomena to any Future Metaphysics - Kant
Lecture Notes on Logic - Kant
Critique of Pure Reason - Kant
Metaphysics of Morals - Kant
Critique of Practical Reason - Kant
Encyclopedia of Philosophy - Hegel
Phenomenology of Spirity - Hegel
The Science of Logic - Hegel
Philosophy of Right - Hegel
Philosophy of History - Hegel

>> No.9155583

Thanks Anon, I'll start with the philosophy

>> No.9155633

can communism work without everyone switching to it?

>> No.9155647

you mean countries or people?

>> No.9155710


>> No.9155726

Actually read Das Capital and realize Marx was right about a lot of things and didn't claim half the things that uneducated detractors peg him with.

>> No.9155730

give us some examples

>> No.9155738

Grab a copy of the marx-engels reader
Great selection in there

>> No.9155746

ignore all the other blue pilled cucks

the only book on marxism you need is by Thomas Sowell

>> No.9155784

His thinking wouldn't have supported 20th century communist regimes but it has accurately predicted the irreversible development of welfare states.

>> No.9155785

The only writer who does justice to Marx is Marx

>> No.9155795


>> No.9155804

Ah, the B&S girlbot. Not Engels too? Althusser: For Marx.

>> No.9156229

was a faggot

>> No.9158022

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.9158029

your grandmother

>> No.9159720

Lady Godiva. It applies to post, obviously.

>> No.9160022

>by becoming a Marxist
You can't "become a marxist for a week". It's not a lifestyle or something.

If you're interested in Marxism just read Marx. This will take longer than a week.

>> No.9161686

>..and Das Kapital so far

>> No.9161729

>doesn't know anything about Marxism
>has already decided Marxism is dangerous

What's it like being this stupid OP?