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/lit/ - Literature

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9152996 No.9152996 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any out there /lit/ that are worth a read? I've never read one.

>> No.9153006

now fu k off

>> No.9153011


Sorry if you have shit taste in novella. Now get off /lit/

>> No.9153076

I read one of the Assassins Creed books once. the shame you will feel trying to discreetly purchase it and then hiding it from your friends and family make the entire experience not worth it.

>> No.9153129

Why would you feel the need to hide it Anon? That's so cool!

>> No.9153176

Some of the WoW ones were pretty good

>> No.9153182

tabletop games make for fairly fun lorebooks. i read halo once. that was fun i guess. pretty much what you imagine starship troopers is going to be based on its title.

>> No.9153198

Would you say some of the Halo novella is worth a read anon?

>> No.9153205

not him, but i think so, if that's what youre looking for.

>> No.9153215

Ok cool thanks. Now besides Halo is there any other original novella based on vg's that you could recommend? Thanks bro.

>> No.9153218

i mean for pure entertainment sake? sure, it's fun to see the origin of master chief i suppose. you might try dragonlance's children of the plains series as well. just kind of unabashedly juvenile entertainment based on d&d lore. you might also try the witcher series books, i hear the games were all lifted from that series.

>> No.9153232

mmm, not vidya, but predator and alien vs predator has some good ones.

>> No.9153247

Very interesting, thanks anon.

>> No.9153271

no problemo. hope you enjoy. you also might find a good supply in the sci fi fantasy general located on this board and frequented by those who may have similar interests!

>> No.9153518

Are the Dragon Age books good? Has anyone here read them?

>> No.9153835

>lego the hobbit for the wii

>> No.9154850

I heard there actually pretty descent books. When I was in high school I used to see some of my classmates reading them.

>> No.9154857

Halo books are better than their games.

>> No.9154918

The only ones I've heard a lot of good things about are books based on Diablo I and II. I haven't read any either, but I might pick one of those up some day.

I assume most are beyond bad.

>> No.9154972

Your fucking with me right anon? Reading the novels is more satisfying than playing threw the 5 games? Btw, haven't even touched 5 yet.

>> No.9155002

I didn't even know they had novella based on Diablo. If I'm not mistaken they also have a couple for Starcraft right?

>> No.9155036

The one I read seemed to be a tie in or something. it jumped around too much and assumed you had played the game. The structure was garbage

>> No.9155048

should have watched Halo Legends

>> No.9155059
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>> No.9155066

No, what you should consider doing is sitting down and actually read the Halo Novels.

>> No.9155075

reading is for fags

>> No.9155077


Only a true fag like you would say something like that anon.

>> No.9155090

sure. some people don't like fps. you're assuming everyone derives the same amount of pleasure from games, and if they don't like them that means they don't like anything about it.

I'm fucking awful at fps and i don't like multiplayer games, but the halo books are enjoyable for what they are.

>> No.9155093

That is what your mother said when I fucked your dad

>> No.9155095
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>video games novels
I'm not even that much of a snob but come on guys

>> No.9155097

you're all fags.

>> No.9155101

but can't you see, you are me

>> No.9155103

I know right. I mean I read star wars novels but come on, you got to have a limit.

>> No.9155113
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What its some Sci Fi books that goes in the lines of MASS EFFECT?

>> No.9155118

oh shiiiit

>> No.9155120


Fuck off /lit/

Seriously, if you don't novella than don't fucking respond. FUCKIN A!

>> No.9155139

Thanks man! I'll really have to check these out!

>> No.9155147
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you're... welcome?

>> No.9155156

>Video game based novels
>Sorry if you have shit taste in novella. Now get off /lit/

>> No.9155161

Where the fuck is this novella thing? Is someone forcing a meme? Do you know what a novella is?

>> No.9155164


What are you...a fucking grandpa??

>Only wants to read War and Peace and oldshit-tier to make himself look edgy and smart.

>> No.9155174

>if you don't novella than don't fucking respond
typical baby who can't deal. go back to defending your shit taste in movies and shows.

>> No.9155176

all you need to read:



>> No.9155184

>Only wants to read War and Peace and oldshit-tier to make himself look edgy and smart.
What do you think there are no new books in lit top 100 and why genre stuff is in a containment general.

>> No.9155186


>> No.9155199

anyone read that starfleet academy book Shatner wrote?

>> No.9155429


This will never fail to make me laugh and feel uncomfortable at the same time.

>> No.9155456

Nice bait

>> No.9155477

No. Are they based off of the Star Trek novels?

>> No.9155502

Answer meeeeeeeeee

>> No.9155510

All the Halo books. some of the Gears of War ones were good too I heard.

>> No.9155512

No idea. I usually avoid sci-fi tv show novels, star trek, star wars, dr who, etc, because you have about 800 of them and most of them are worse than just reading fanfiction. But I heard good things about it, and that he did the characterization of Kirk (being a big fucking nerd as a cadet) well.

But considering how many fans have no idea what they're talking about, and that Shatner has such a huge ego, I don't want to take that at face value.

>> No.9155532

>I usually avoid sci-fi tv show novels, star trek, star wars, dr who, etc, because you have about 800 of them and most of them are worse than just reading fanfiction.

I think you are in denial of there potential of actually being good reads. And NO anon they are NOT worse than fan fiction. Maybe you should actually give them a try for once instead of impulsively judging them out of fear or laziness.

>> No.9155561

eat me

>> No.9155576

With pleasure.

>> No.9155591
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>a special introduction from the game's executive producer

>> No.9155592

Ok thanks

>> No.9155601

I have read some of them, each one worse than the last, and I've read fanfiction better than that too. So how about you not be a presumptuous dickhole and get fucked.

>> No.9155612

The first two are absolute garbage with one of the worst main characters ever, while the other three are decent but nothing amazing. They're all very bland and Asunder is the only book that have companions from the games as main characters.

>> No.9155631

The ones that comprise the prequel to the games and the novelizations of Warcraft 2 are the best

>> No.9155702


thats a complete and blantant LIE. They are good and they are NOT as bad as fan-fiction. Where the fuck are you getting that from anon??

>> No.9155719

you've never read any fanfiction, have you, you fucking hypocrite.

>> No.9155736

Wow your getting really mad aren't ya?

I have read fucking fan fiction you twat. I use to role play online for 12 years straight. The novels are better than that shit.

>> No.9155740

wow, you're a real, bonafide faggot.

>> No.9155750

>The novels are better than that shit.
Wow really? All 300 hundred of them, huh.

>> No.9155776

You just proved to everyone that you were lying and that you clearly don't know what you're talking about.
Stop being a party pooper for the people that actual enjoy the pleasures in life. You just want to sit there and get mad at a thread that out of /lit/'s contempary box and style.

Sorry video game novels are making you butt hurt anon.

>> No.9155818

I think you're confused, way to show how fucking inept you are at basic coherent thought.

I asked if Anybody had read The Starfleet Academy novel by Shatner.

Then either you, or anon, asked if it's based off of the novels (of the show) then I said, I usually don't read the novels of sci-fi tv shows, because there's so many and being that there's so many, a lot of them aren't very good, and that I might as well read fanfiction.

Then you, or another anon said that's not true, ALL novelizations are better than fanfiction.

I said no, that's completely ridiculous.

Then he called me lazy and said I should read some novelizations.

I said I had, and what I said still held true.

He called me a liar.

I said he could fuck off.

Then he flashed his powerlevel and made a sweeping statement that the novels, as in all three hundred something plus novels of three different sci-fi shows are all better than all of fanfiction.

Nobody said anything about video game novels or not enjoying them.

Just to break it down for you. You stupid dipshit fuckface.

>> No.9155844

Just...stop trying

You are below me. Fuck off from /lit/.

>> No.9155851


>> No.9155859

Uh-huh, I thought so.

>> No.9156061
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Guilty pleasure. Limited vocabulary. Surprisingly competent otherwise.

>> No.9156142

Cool! Thanks for the tip anon. Ilove have to start that later. Lol, I'm actually reading Resident Evil: The Final Chapter by Tim Waggoner right now.

>> No.9156403

>>>9156061 (You)
>Lol, I'm actually reading Resident Evil: The Final Chapter by Tim Waggoner right now.
How is it? I read the beginning and thought it was awful. It pretty much embodied why I hate novelizations.

That ought to tell you how decent the S.D. Perry books are.

>> No.9156426

Are the witcher books actually good or is it just a meme because of the game.

>> No.9156441

well I actually took the time to read Keith R.A. DeCandido's Resident Evil: Genesis, Apocalypse and the best one Extinction. I than read Paul WS Anderson's Afterlife script (because theres no novelization for Afterlife) and than Retribution by John Shirley in complete succession.

Thats one of the main reasons im reading The Final Chapter to cap off the marathon of all the film novels I read. And I can say its at least better than Apocalypse and Retribution so far.

I can understand why you would dislike it but give the first 3 novels a go. DeCandido visually thanks Perry in his novels for most of his inspiration and influence for writing those books. Starting on The Final Chapter is so dumb. Start from the start with Genesis.

>> No.9156461

Extinction was probably one of the actually good movies, I'd be interested in that.

>> No.9156486

Yeah, Extinction was AMAZING anon. It's the best one by far!

>> No.9156519

I actually thought some of the Warhammer 40k books were alright.

>First 4 Horus Heresy books
See the Imperium of Man at it's zenith! Travel the stars and watch the the unstoppable legions of Space Marines lay waste to everyone and everything! Watch Horus throw it all away for an inferiority complex!
>Ciaphas Cain
Lazy Commissar just wants a quiet life and a cushy desk job away from the front lines. But he's so good at staying alive that the brass keep throwing his regiment into increasingly suicidal situations. Grimdark 40k meets Wodehouse, lots of fun.
Probably the only one of these I'd consider kind of literary. Deals with pride, arrogance and the ethics of using the methods of an enemy which are morally antithetical to your own, but more effective.

Also a couple of the Halo books were okay, I forget which.

Some of the Star Wars books were good. The ones with Thrawn were cool, he was a great character.

>> No.9156639

No idea. I just know the only video game novels I've heard good things about are from Diablo, and apparently they're quite good. I always forget to order one though, I've been meaning too for so long.

I would actually be surprised if there were no Starcraft novels though.

>> No.9156654

>>Ciaphas Cain
>Lazy Commissar just wants a quiet life and a cushy desk job away from the front lines. But he's so good at staying alive that the brass keep throwing his regiment into increasingly suicidal situations. Grimdark 40k meets Wodehouse, lots of fun.
ha. that actually does sound interesting. is it fun, or is it played straight?

>> No.9158054

who wrote the Diablo novels?

>> No.9158065

This. Day of the Dragon and the War of the Ancients trilogy are solid reads if you want to turn off your brain.

>> No.9159478

it's played kind of semi-serious, in that it's told from the point of view of the long-suffering Commissar Cain himself. You get chances to laugh at him for sure, and you can laugh at others because he deliberately picked the nastiest, rankest-smelling dude in the regiment to be his secretary so nobody bothers him because it means talking to Jurgen, the man who reeks like a shithouse.

He gets into actual serious trouble and wins because of pretty clearly defined plot armor (he's actually THAT GOOD when he duels a Hive Tyrant to a standstill, etc etc) but it's great because it always backfires when the lord of the segmentum is all "Wow way to go dude, you really killed a Sergeant of the Emperor's Children, you'll love this mission to garrison a Necron tomb world!" and the writing p much just gives you a sad trombone noise.

>> No.9159492
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This is probably good

>> No.9161317

Do you have to read the Diablo books in order for it to make sense? Or can I start with the Book of Cain and be fine

>> No.9161813

StarCraft: Liberty's Crusade