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9148946 No.9148946[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How true is this

>> No.9148950

all are respectable majors. FUCK off

>> No.9149003


philosophy is actually a difficult major but doesn't lead to many lucrative careers like the others, so it doesn't really attract brainlets.

>> No.9149048

>difficult major
Tippity toppity kek. Every philosophy teacher I've had was a dumb Marxist faggot.

>> No.9149057

>Computer Science better than Physics

>> No.9149062

Switch compsci with math.

>> No.9149067
File: 96 KB, 1200x630, Roberts-KurtGodel-1200x630-1467147373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably true, i'm a math major and i am petty stpuid

>> No.9149075

pretty bad, firstly maths is philosophical (maths ≠ arithmetic), secondly compsci and physics are largely applied maths, thirdly this meme has never been good

>> No.9149088

You need to do two things. First consider who made this picture. Obviously it was made by a philosophy major. The philosophy major, probably unemployed and therefore having plenty of time to pat themselves on the back and make memes, portrays himself as the greatest of all.

Then you have to ask yourself who entertains the possibility that this is true and/or accepts it as true. They are probably philosophy majors too, or even more likely they are high school graduates (at best) who read "philosophy" (read: motivational posters) and need to feel superior to make up for the disaster that their lives have become.

I say all this as a philosophy major.

>> No.9149091

This is why modern academia deserves to burn

>> No.9149097

non-meme it looks like this

>> No.9149106
File: 38 KB, 600x400, 4447-5085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finance major

>> No.9149111

Math and CS should be switched

>> No.9149112

I went to only a decent state school not known for its humanities departments, especially philosophy, and I had two brilliant professors. Unfortunately one was a complete douchebag, but the other was great in every way. The program was still easy as shit, though. You could pass with pretty high marks while not really studying much at all as long you were decent at writing essays and not a moron.

>> No.9149129

>be math undergrad with finance minor
>major exams are some intricate freeform proofs
>minor exams are highschool tier econ with multiple choice answers

>> No.9149131

it's funny because it's exactly backwards

>> No.9149176

invert it and there you go

>> No.9149192

nobody I know who majored in finance is making any money

it's literally the frat bro major for people destined for middle management

>> No.9149213

Should be:
- Comp Sci/Economics/Social sciences/English/History/Psychology
- Engineering/Medicine/Chemistry/Biology/Political science/International relations
- Physics/Math/Classics
- Philosophy

>> No.9149223

Pretty sure under no schema could computer science justifiably be higher tier than philosophy.

>> No.9149231

What about philosophical psychology?

>> No.9149244

if you go to a mediocre school it's probably pretty easy

>> No.9149259

The problem there is going to a school that has a finance major. If you want to make bank you go to a school that just has "Economics".

>> No.9149311

>tfw Law degree
It was the right choice?

>> No.9149315

It's about 5 true.

>> No.9149343

Exchange maths and computer science.

>> No.9149349

starts out not too terrible, but overall terrible


>> No.9149362

lets see yours then, smarty pants

>> No.9149385

From what I've heard law is 98% dependent on what school you go to. If you go to a top 20 law school then you have it made but if you go anywhere else then you're fucked.

>> No.9149468

As long as the philo is hyper sensitive linguistics and expression it is dope aye

when it's fuccibois whatiffing about shit like mind/body or free will or ethics then that shit needs to get the fuck got already, sheeses

>> No.9149471
File: 212 KB, 474x309, 1419885558129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have no idea what you want to do with your life

>> No.9149568
File: 106 KB, 765x638, 32423423423454353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How true is this?

>> No.9149583
File: 376 KB, 1280x720, 1487806253335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same senpai
I'm majoring in Finance right now but I feel like I'm just gonna end up teaching or some shit

>> No.9149590

As a chem major, very true.

Math major gives you the most opportunity to go into any field of work, whether it's business, science, comp sci. If you know math, you will always be wanted by employers.

>> No.9149639

>the mathematician is a girl
every time

>> No.9150027


I want to believe but we're actually pretentious kikes. Best fucking coffee of your life though.

>> No.9150029


t. phil major

>> No.9150041

Computer science

>> No.9150046

Philosophy is just applied religion and religion is just applied sociology.

>> No.9150054

Pure CompSci is a beautiful science from the cursory knowledge I have about it. Programming is pretty pleb tho.

>> No.9150063
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>> No.9150078

Fucking ridiculous theory.

>> No.9150083

As if. It goes sober, drunk, high, LSD. No question. This place on LSD is insane. I got trapped in a Borges thread once and it sent me deep into transcripts of ancient interviews that were significant in a way I could never explain except with the help of that final picture.

>> No.9150087

I like much philosophy and literature but the abstraction, concentration and mental clarity level required in pure sciences (logic, mathematics), more if you want to be a investigator and not only a professor, is insane. In humanistics you can only talk a bag of verosimil bullshit about rare dictionary concepts like nothing, true or existence and pass at the story like a genius like Sartre, Hegel, Heidegger , Marx, Lacan, Derrida, Foucault, etc.
BTW I'm from Suda, so I'm sorry for the syntax and gramatical errors.
>tfw bad english because public school

>> No.9150090

Law is good but only if you're going for Judge.

>> No.9150100
File: 240 KB, 507x588, 1487231466067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Learn philosophy
>Start to understand the meaningless of life
>The further you dig the better you understand that you don't know anything

Don't do it

>> No.9150109

>Comp Sci major because you can't get a job with a phil degree
>prefer studying philosophy to comp sci
why even live

>> No.9150125
File: 27 KB, 476x403, 16105886_10154929468043875_7697245210344599615_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maths degrees are always going to be one of the objectively most demanding of your ability to form logical arguments, remember facts and have them at your fingertips at will.

Philosophy may be more difficult than this in some cases where it is taught very analytically, since you need to be unrelentingly logical while also having good communication skills. However it may also be taught poorly and just like a social commentary class where all that's required is half-hearted essays on agreeing with what the lecturer said last week about whatever social grievance they decided to bring up.

In my opinion, maths should be number one most of the time, philosophy has the potential to be number one if taught properly though.

I am a maths major though so a little biased desu

>> No.9150130

I love symbolic logic but hate programming. Was going to do compsci but dropped out, and I'm really happy with my decision.

>> No.9150132

Could just be one of those greasy long haired nerds though, there's plenty of them around

>> No.9150133

yeah but math is easy af

>> No.9150139
File: 50 KB, 675x530, Ses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always shit hearing the class autist/genius say that every tutorial, meanwhile my brainlet ass has to study for hours every night

>> No.9150142

Honestly, I like tinkering with low level programming - that's more like an interesting puzzle

Modern languages are so piss easy to do anything you want with that its boring

>> No.9150146

Well, easy to get 90% of the way there and spend the rest of your time doing bug fixing

>> No.9150147

autism is a spook :^)

>> No.9150150

I think there are some problems that you can tackle in higher level languages that are still rewarding. Coding low level has made me seriously appreciate the higher level stuff though.

>> No.9150154

well, low level stuff like assembly is more working with registers and getting into the internal logic of a computer

>> No.9150225

No, it's not, it's a word. We just used to have no idea what to do about shitty behaviour.

>> No.9150263

Biology is not applied chemistry.

Chemistry is not applied physics, it is part of physics. Also, physics: s applied

>> No.9150267

Physics is applied itself*