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9148812 No.9148812 [Reply] [Original]

Has /lit/ read Negarestani?

>Augmented rationality is the radical exacerbation of the difference between ought and is. It thereby, from a certain perspective, annuls the myth of restoration and erases any hope for reconciliation between being and thinking. Augmented rationality inhabits what Howard Barker calls the “area of maximum risk”—not risk to humanity per se, but to commitments which have not yet been updated, because they conform to a portrait of human that has not been revised. Understood as the labor of the inhuman, augmented rationality produces a generalized catastrophe for unupdated commitments to human through the amplification of the revisionary and constructive dimensions of “ought.” If reason has a functional evolution of its own, cognitive contumacy against adaptation to the space of reason (the evolution of ought rather than the natural evolution of is) ends in cataclysm.

>Adaptation to an autonomous conception of reason—that is, the updating of commitments according to the progressive self-actualization of reason—is a struggle that coincides with the revisionary and constructive project of freedom. The first expression of such freedom is the establishment of an orientation—a hegemonic pointer—that highlights the synthetic and constructible passage that human ought to tread. But to tread this path, we must cross the cognitive Rubicon.
Indeed, the intervening attitude demanded by adaptation to a functionally autonomous reason suggests that the cognitive Rubicon has already been crossed. In order to navigate this synthetic path, there is no point in staring back at what once was, but has now been dissipated—like all illusory images—by the revisionary winds of reason.

It's a great essay. Some other related acceleration stuff below. Enjoy, e/lit/e gentlefrogs.


transcendental miserabilism

accelerate manifesto

malign velocities

>> No.9148819

>tfw you fuck up the goddamn greentext raargarblfrlarbl

>> No.9148847

i liked cyclonopedia as fiction when i read it in 2010, a sort of sequel was planned?
always thought that speculative realism thing and assortments were bs

>> No.9148922

I read some of Cyclonopedia too and then gave up. The concept is great but I found reading it kind of tiring. Fiction may not be his strength and Borges probably could have written it as a brilliant short story. Not that that's saying much.

I'm skeptical about spec-realism but I like what Reza is saying about the relationship of reason and freedom. Both are good looks and the idea that you might not get one without the other is appealing. Plus he doesn't seem to argue for a total disavowal of humankind, either. That's refreshing.

>> No.9149859

>2. Most significant is the breakdown of the planetary climatic system. In time, this threatens the continued existence of the present global human population. Though this is the most critical of the threats which face humanity

>most critical

stopped reading there. Climate change is the worst? Not nuclear war?