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9147455 No.9147455 [Reply] [Original]

Post entries from your sadfuck diaries here. Anything else sufficiently autobiographical is also appreciated.

>> No.9147544

You first OP.

>> No.9147562

Today I fucked my dog. It was awful, but I felt like I had to do it. My life is degenerating more and more every day...

Feel free to rate me ane give me advices.

>> No.9147572


>> No.9147585

Today I fucked my dog

>> No.9147586

my diary desu

>> No.9147598

Woah that's fucked up

>> No.9147613

Yeah seriously, but I felt like I had to do it.

>> No.9147619


>> No.9147634

Because I'm 30 but I was still virgin

>> No.9147665

In my books you're now a virgin who fucked a dog.

>> No.9147679

Are you writing a story about me? :^)

>> No.9147686

Nah, I'm guessing we've already covered the only interesting thing about you.

>> No.9147689

Oh, okay :^(

>> No.9147712 [DELETED] 


Well folks, here it is. My second journal. The red book ended with a lot of anger. Some spite. Some resentfulness. This is the blue book. Calm blue. 9/3. Let's see. Four days of classes have transpired. I have new housemates. A wave of anxiety just hit me as I imagined them discovering this book. Suddenly reluctant to be too confessional, too candid. How do I sound? How would this voice here compare with that of the person they met? Or are we always revealing more about ourselves than we realize? State of my head: Pretty scrambled. I've been using the Internet a lot on my laptop and phone — 4chan (just the Literature board), other things. I feel self-conscious writing about Internet stuff in my journal. Afraid of being mocked. Battle inside raging between candor and performance. Anyway the one thing I hope is that I can use this journal to get my thoughts down, untangle experience, maybe have some useful epiphanies, and help me to write and speak better off the cuff. Almost wrote 'cough.' What kind of Freudian slip is that? The girl next to me in the Jane Austen class today was coughing into her arm a lot. By the way I know that's more than one thing. What can you do. I had an inkling that the coughing girl liked me. But I have those inklings more often than is maybe reasonable. She was pretty. I forget what it was that made me think she liked me. Was it delusion? Anyway that class is like 10% men. 12% actually let's say. Hope this journal will get the mind juices flowing. That class is going to be a ton of reading. I have four days to read Pride and Prejudice. Not unreasonable, but also not generous. Not much room to relax. The other classes are light on reading right now so it should be fine. All over the place here. I really like that the class is almost all girls, and I'm honestly eager to say some smart things and hopefully impress some of them. The girl at the book store cash register is in the class, as I speculated she might be. Yesterday I went to the school book store to buy Persuasion. I bought it thinking the professor might assign some of the supplementary materials (it's a Norton Critical Edition). He actually assigned two NCEs. The other being Emma. But Emma I got at the library. The database said they had Persuasion on the shelves, but it was not where it should be. I scanned the shelves around where it should've been, but nothing. So I decided to buy it. I also bought a binder and some 4x9 index cards.

>> No.9147718

Keeping a diary is pathetically self-absorbed. Kill yourself if you do.

>> No.9147729

Dear diary, today another person told me to kill myself because of you...

>> No.9147758

I don't think this improved your standing.

>> No.9147775

The week has felt hard and long. Lots of fighting with girlfriend and adviser telling me my thesis is shit, but laying in bed last night I read a little bit of the Iliad and it made me feel a lot better. It was the part where he describes each commander and their ships; the monotony of it helped me sleep and achieve calm.
Waking up this morning I knew that I had but one last obstacle to overcome in order to achieve my dream. Well actually, two, if you counted God.

>> No.9147828

Opened at random

"June 10, 2015
This is it! This is the before-life and the after-life. Everyone is here. Everyone is trying to find each other. It has been going on forever and will continue to do so. We have been leaping from physical fractals. As the rate of communication increases our minds will continue to expand and eventually consciousness will encompass all matter and space and a new universe will be born."


>> No.9147831

Honestly I consider it more an outlet for my writing impetuses without burdening myself with the pretension of considering myself a writer. I guess its only a "diary" insofar as my mundane experience merely serves as a context for the outpouring, Also its kind of schizophrenic with how it refers to me as "I" "You" and "We" according to my own discretion but here goes.

The Internet, this tremendous confusion of sensory stimuli is a greedy time-sink on which any number of hours may be wasted and never will they quite altogether amount to any discernible sacrifice. There nothing can be given consideration that isn't already on my mind, least of all the gnawing of my nuisance responsibilities. It was clear that in order to get anything done we needed to get away from it. So, as you'll remember I began setting our course for the library in the ridiculous hope that it might allow for something to be accomplished. Yet here I find myself thinking of one book or another I have yet to read and, for the interval, being free from malign grip of the internet, sieze upon the opportunity and perhaps I am therefore even more indisposed than previously. Now it occurs to me that the problem is in fact a mathematical one and nothing of a decisive sort can actually happen. the relation of the past and future and their synthesis in the present is such that a month is fully constituted in an hour and further, a whole year is easily contained within the matter of a few hours and because of this I should never have on-hand the hours to accomplish one single thing.

>> No.9148055

Jesus christ, get a job you lazy sack of melodramatic shit

>> No.9148065


>> No.9148085

>get a job
fuck off wage cuck

>> No.9148111

Oh so you're on of THOSE types who thinks working is all about the money. No wonder you're so useless.

>> No.9148122

No its about surviving as is my entire life

>> No.9148126

wrote a lot of poens about my dead dad.

>> No.9148139

maybe your work isn't meaningless slaving away for the jews but you come off as a retarded normalfag cuck when you say "get a job"

>> No.9148155

if you believe that then you should just kys

>> No.9148165

Pathetic. You have the most advanced form of reality interpreting and meaning-making machinery behind your eyes, capable of contributing to the trajectory of the human species. Use it.

I wasn't that anon, I your attitude was much worse.

>> No.9148181

you're not machinery, retard

>> No.9148186

>can't get past simple expressions
This is why anons struggle with meaning.

>> No.9148211

it's a bad expression that spreads confusion

>> No.9148228

Look closer and see that I never said "you" are that machinery, anon.

>> No.9148236

Why the fuck would I want to contribute to this disaster?

>> No.9148248

I am aware of this

>> No.9148250

September 15th 2012

At long last, my first child was born. I can't believe this beautiful creature came from my body. I only wish my husband was here to see this. (He was working out of state.) I held my child in my arms for what seemed like an eternity, until it was finally time to put her back in the toilet. I wiped my ass and smelled it, and flushed my beautiful child so that she may be in the arms of her Heavenly Father

>> No.9148256

To 1) make it less of a disaster, and/or 2) carve up a place where you can have a good time in the disaster.

>> No.9148261

Why would an anon want to write down those thoughts, start a diary thread, share them...?


>> No.9148269

t. black african crime fighter

>> No.9148272
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>> No.9148275

what the fuck else is there to do? If I wanted to post diary entries I would have done so to begin with. I just wanted to read about people's shitty lives. Misery loves company and sho on

>> No.9148290

So what the fuck else is there to do but contribute? That's exactly what you're already doing right now.

>> No.9148959

>Also its kind of schizophrenic with how it refers to me as "I" "You" and "We" according to my own discretion but here goes.

Yeah, but why?

>> No.9149018

It’s been seven days since the last entry already. Sometimes I worry that time is actually speeding up, and that even though I’m 19, my life is already mostly over.
The Finals are over and the grades are almost all in now. An A in philosophy, A- in world literature, and a B+ in calculus. Discrete is not in yet, and knowing Collins, it will not be for a while, but I am fairly confident that I god somewhere around the A- range, putting me at approximately a 3.660 GPA, far better than even I had hoped, at this rate Rutgers will accept me. So now I’m just sitting home reading, not doing all too much. Dad is already nagging me to find a job, but I think I will begin my search Monday, best that I get a week’s break before I start worrying about working again.
It feels good to finally have time to read again. Just yesterday I finished with Gravity’s Rainbow, although I cannot pretend that I understood it. Today I have started to read A Clash of Kings. Killing off Ned seemed like an exciting twist at first, but now I wonder if it was wise for George Martin to kill of arguably the most relatable character in the first book. Now I feel as if I am without anyone to get behind, and this problem is compounded by the fact that several of the POV characters are uninteresting (Sansa and Brand come to mind). I do miss Pynchon’s wit and innovative language though. After this I will have to read another of his works (probably either Inherent Vice or Mason and Dixon).
I feel so damn drained now. I have been awake not even twelve hours, and yet my eyes already are weary.
Yesterday I went Christmas shopping at Marshals. What a miserable store it is. It all just a bunch of crap, really. There’s some sport of post apocalyptic about that place, like the world ended and someone brought all the junk they could salvage into one place. It’s all so cheap and insubstantial. I started to wonder how long a person could survive if they were locked up in that place. They have a bathroom, so water is not a problem, and they even sell some “artisan” food like dried meat, nuts, chocolate, and such. Really, Christmas is such a phony time of year. In modern times, everyone has access to everything, so no meaningful sacrifices can be made in the form of gifts, unless for children, otherwise it’s just an exchange of $10-$20 trinkets, which will probably just end up gathering dust. The best a person can hope for is to give people cheaper things then they receive, which seems ironic. The true sacrifice is to the economy. They say that the larger the organism, the slower the heartbeat. The heartbeat of the economy only happens once a year, but lasts for nearly a month (Black Friday to Christmas).

>> No.9149113


>At this rate Rutgers will accept me

Do you seriously believe Rutgers is some sort of great school to go to? It's pretty middle-of-the-road, and a state school at that.

t. Current Rutgers undergrad.

>> No.9149274


A hérnia causa dor em minha virilha. A minha insuficiência cardíaca causa a minha procrastinação e também provoca a dor da alma. Nenhuma melhora significativa desde o dia 16 doutro mês. Tento, este ano, adquirir disciplina o suficiente para começar a minha vida acadêmica, mas tudo fica mais difícil a casa dia que passa. A Letícia bem me disse sobre o meu desânimo, "desânimo para fazer as coisas importantes e até mesmo as coisas que você gosta de fazer", mas não consigo, desde muito tempo, superar esta mágoa que me assola. Há de ser os fantasmas do passado? Eu não sei, mas há um peso enorme em minhas costas que não me deixa fazer as necessidades básicas de um garoto de dezenove anos. Amo toda a minha senpaiília contanto que fiquem afastados. Não quero ninguém morto. Amo meus colegas e minhas virtudes para com a literatura e linguística, mas sinto a necessidade de me manter longe de tudo, o coração acelera e o peito aperta subitamente. Minha desconfortável cama é o único lugar onde quero estar.
Estou jogando fora todo o tempo de trabalho duro e desperdiçando o dinheiro de minha mãe. Eles depositam suas confianças em mim, mas não faço nada além de esnobá-los.
Continuo cansado.

>> No.9149318

I legitimately enjoyed this. Started out shit but turned out really interesting by the end (like most journal entries I've noticed).

>> No.9149332
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Kek I just dug out one of my old diaries, I don't even remember this one:

>It was 3am and I was reading Durdane, it's fun. I was interrupted though, someone was having a domestic, I heard a couple screaming at each other in one of the houses across the road. Then it got so loud I could hear what they were saying, she said: "fuck you, I never want you here!" then he just screamed "fuck you!" back and then she burst out crying. It went quiet after that, so I went back to reading, but I needed a poo so I did that instead. I slept til 1pm.
>I should fix my sleeping pattern.

my sleeping pattern is still fucked

>> No.9149341

>needing a poo at 3am

the fuck were you eating?

>> No.9149480

besides Princeton, Rutgers has the best math department in New Jersey.

>> No.9149575

>Today I fucked my dog.

>> No.9149848 [SPOILER] 
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Holy fuck. Havent L M A O ' D this hard in a while.