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9146373 No.9146373 [Reply] [Original]

Is this view justified in any Catholic writings anywhere? Even if you live such a life, sincere confession aught to fix things, right? Whereas Atheism is a mortal sin. Furthermore, is it a sin to pay your employees minimum wages? Does papal infallibility trump prior doctrine?

Modern Catholicism supported by text thread.

>> No.9146383

I definitely have more respect for someone who is honest about their religious status than I do for a hypocrite. See: Pharisees+Sadducees vs. literally anyone else.
I'm a Protestant though, so don't take my word for it.

>> No.9146386

This new pope is the antichrist. Prepare yourself for Reformation part 2: Electric Boogaloo

>> No.9146494

How many lambs without, how many wolves within!

A catholic anon on here or r9k was criticizing protestants and the 'gospel of wealth', and i agree with him. It's wrong to be avaricious or usurious, and you don't need to read the Bible to know that exploiting the poor is wrong. Even if they give large sums to private charity, remember the story of the woman with the two coins.

It is better to be in the church, as indeed we are called to take part in the body and to gather with other believers, but I do not believe that all of the elect will come from within it; many who are in it will perish.

>"Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."

The sacraments are cute, but ultimately symbolic rather than meaningful in themselves. As Jesus said to the thief on the cross: "Today you will be with me in Paradise!"

That said, minimum wage can be a fair wage for certain jobs, and we live in a fallen world so we're always going to fall short of God's ideal. We just have to try our best.

Only God knows our heart- not Pope Francis.

>"So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth"

I don't particularly like him, but who am I to judge?

>> No.9146522

it's bullshit

>> No.9146524

>sincere confession
there you go

>> No.9148113

People assume because the RCC criticizes the nastier parts of capitalism as a rule, that makes it socialist or even communist.

NO FAGGOT. They go out of their way to explicitly condemn these as well. They just don't have their heads up their asses unlike the straight DUES VULT MUH PERFECT FREE MARKET nearly empty seatists who think anytime the pope says 'yknow capitalism isn't perfect' he's practically stalin.

Then again, these are the reactionaries who will say anybody who thinks capitalism isn't perfect is Mao and wants to kill 100 trillion people. It's just even worse when its their pope so they accuse them of being the antichrist.

>> No.9148356

Better to be a good-working atheist than a hypocritical """"Christian"""" who believes they'll be saved by their faith.

>> No.9148821

It's invincible ignorance. Catholics believe that every human has an innate moral grace, and Catholics have a special contract with the Church. You can only violate the contact if you've understood it and signed up, which is why they drill the catechism into kids before they officially join the church as partial members at communion, and full moral agents of the Church at around 12.

It's part of why a lot of Catholics hate Protestants, because proselytizing is just considered pride when you could be working out which technical sins you've committed today.

>> No.9148867

Sorry, but where did the Pope suggest that? It looks like they just took the quote entirely out of context.

>> No.9148876

well they're not wrong

>> No.9148901
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>Even if you live such a life, sincere confession aught to fix things, right?

But IS your confession sincere? That's what he's getting at. If you truly believe in Christ, and believe in the Church, then you will follow their commands, and if you do follow their commands it will lead you to not do the things he talks about. If you keep doing those things, how good a Catholic are you, really? Does God really live in your heart, and affect your actions?

"By their works ye shall know them," after all.