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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 372 KB, 856x494, Screen Shot 2017-02-23 at 8.54.52 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9145489 No.9145489 [Reply] [Original]

WTF I love Cliff now!

Thoughts? He says it at the end.


>> No.9145494

Is that Cliff from Cliff's Notes?

>> No.9145498

No Cliff we won't change our mind just because you read Pynchon

>> No.9145499

Fuck off, Cliff.

>> No.9145521


Apart from the fact he looks like he's reading from a script and uses way too many cuts to masquerade it, what exactly is wrong with Cliff?

>> No.9145597

he says absolutely nothing insightful about the books he's reading, literally his only benefit is for people without friends who require ASMR human interaction via some guy talking vaguely about books over youtube.

>> No.9145603

Then why does /lit/ love Carli so much?

>> No.9145660

Get to fuck, Cliff

>> No.9145670

because she's hot. retard.

>> No.9146277
File: 693 KB, 873x488, familia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Carli's mom tbqhwy

>> No.9146355

She looks like she does some quality pegging

>> No.9146360

I like her mom too. they are both good looking. this is now a carliclaire thread. suck it cliff you washed up pseud. how has he not read GR yet? what a pleb hahaha

>> No.9146377

Please don't be mean to cliff.

>> No.9146381

while this is somewhat true, I kinda enjoy his vagueness and rambling style. It reminds me of sitting down with a friend over a beer and chatting about a book and it usually goes on a tangent, just like he. Dunno, he's okay.

>> No.9146553

I think it depends on the book. I like it when its some edgy shit I've never read, since its, like you say, like a friend found this weird book and is rambling about it, but I don't like his videos taking on larger books or even just very well-established classics

Like a good example would be the difference between his Proust video which was shit and the Woman in the Dunes video (which I didnt know was a book, and hadnt seen the film) which was good

Also his Bataille vids are okay, and he comes off as genuinely interested and non-pseudy in them.

>> No.9146601


I could understand enjoying his content for that reason. I don't really like him because he reads such good books but seems to get almost nothing out of them. All of his videos are more or less wikipedia summaries with a sparknotes style overview of some of the core concepts. Watch his video on The Recognitions, how could you possibly read a book like that and have nothing unique or compelling to say? His videos are essentially rambling small talk, which I find totally unsatisfying.

>> No.9146611

That is literally exactly what I said
>It reminds me of sitting down with a friend over a beer and chatting about a book

He's for people who want to feel like they're chatting casually about books with a friend

>> No.9146640
File: 1.02 MB, 212x212, 1462364206094.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9146648

hey, can you please delete this? thanks.

>> No.9146669
File: 47 KB, 306x423, now THAT really makes you go hmmmmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do people unironically like a book where someone shits in someone else's mouth?

>> No.9146695
File: 409 KB, 566x390, 1440533892065[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever happened to the teenage dream?

>> No.9146956

Because that's only one page. The rest is batshit crazy fun

>> No.9146997

I'm >>9145498. I don't think I was mean just honest. Him reading Pynchon won't change anyones conception of him. It might even make people hate him more

>> No.9147001

this nigga look like he bout to launch the hottest stooges tribute band of 2017