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/lit/ - Literature

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9145122 No.9145122 [Reply] [Original]

Is the state of education, intelligence, highbrow culture, readership, etc, dying?

>> No.9145126

netflix is time better spent

>> No.9145877

>readig the paper jew

>> No.9145906

>never before in the history of humanity have education and cultural goods and services been so widely accessible as today
>is it dying guyse?
kys yourself

>> No.9145950

>never before in the history of humanity have education services been so widely accessible as today



>> No.9146014



>> No.9146025

Its pretty clear that the American underclass, white and black, doesnt read, and it has nothing to do with degeneracy. Peasants have never read a tremendous amount except for a brief period of novelty around the turn of the last century.

>> No.9146059

That's not exactly formal education though, is it?

>> No.9146085

If you need sources for this, then there's no point of discussing anything with you, retard.

>> No.9146093

>formal education

I take 3-4 lectures a day via open courses and great courses. I read daily from varied news sources as well as topical journals. And I try to read a couple hundred pages every few days.

I have unlimited information at my fingerprints.

The auto-didactic memers are faggots, but they are right. "formal education" is for certification.

>> No.9146094

>If you need sources for this, then there's no point of discussing anything with you, retard.

No. Stop.

It is not plainly obvious that education "services" are more available than they were at other times in the past.

What services? Is education more or less expensive now?

Just because we have the internet does not entail that people can or will self-educate, and most free information on the internet doesn't count as an education service.

>> No.9146129

>It is not plainly obvious that education "services" are more available
It is not if you have absolutely no idea of historical availability of education.
>Just because we have the internet does not entail that people can self-educate
This is exactly what it means.
>most free information on the internet doesn't count as an education service
>because I say so
Fuck off.

>> No.9146167

Is it happening? Has the Dummening begun?

I...I see it.
On the horizon.
It's beautiful.

>> No.9146174

If you need a source for that, you're a part of the Dummening.

>> No.9146184

>posting on the anime jew

>> No.9146229


It's not just the underclass, and it's not just the US. Literature went out of style. We have television and the internet instead.

>> No.9146272


I'm amazed they are that low
all of them in fact

>> No.9146407

people use the internet less and less for self education or cultivation, and more to watch le funneh cat videos or stupid vines.
you're a great example of the dumbing down of america.

this guy is a boring hermit and an exception.

>> No.9146441

>no more latin, theology and philosophy taught to teens

>somehow we're going to produce better literature and have higher cultural achievements then previous generations

>> No.9146470

That makes no fucking sense. People don't need latin and haven't for 500 years. English is enough.

You don't teach theology and philosophy to teens because they're fucking stupid and twist it toward their own idiotic, subjective, worldview. Look at all the fucktarded wannabe Luthers, Stirners, and Nietzsches ruining threads around here.

Literature barely even showcases watered down social philosophy. And none of the things you mentioned are required for making better literature.

>> No.9146483

Education and intelligence for all was just a childish parenthesis in history of mankind. No big deal

>> No.9146516

thought those numbers were going to be higher desu lads

>> No.9146550


>latin, theology and philosophy taught to teens in shitloads of schools in my country
>They (still) don't pursue liberal arts degrees or study humanities because today's world is for STEMfags

It's not the schools mate. It's the lack of demand for LA/humanities focused people on the job market.
Kinda related but I just want to rant t b h:

>Be me
>Be sent to STEM focused school
>Study STEMshit
>actually love humanities
>no chance to study what I love because "muh tradesmen in demand!!4!"
>Spend years 14-20 doing everything I can to educate myself and stand a chance at uni despite being forcefed STEMfaggotry
>No teachers, no help
>Start writing at 16, shit as expected desu but making progress
>Three grade A advanced exit-exams (matura), literature & language, English, history
>Get into uni
>Language and literature
>Find out I'm more qualified than some of those who don't have STEMfag backgrounds
>Keep writing
>Keep studying my ass off
>Finish school
>Look for job
>"We need engineers tbqh f a m. Try growing a pussy and tits so we can hire you as office decoration."
>"Write code not words and shit lmao you ain't even balding at 25 what a joke"
>"You know what we do in our freetime around here? We get a liberal arts diploma haha btfo"
>Work as barista
>Only got the job because a friend put in a good word for me
>I am become meme
>Keep giving out my CV
>Mention that I speak some Dutch and French
>Only speak German, English and my native tongue, just smashed through duolingo with the other two languages
>Be hired by a small company
>As fucking IT
>Because of fucking duolingo and not my LA diploma

Doesn't end here

>Keep writing, gon be published one day
>Just kidding I'll never be published
>Be useless as IT
>Don't give a shit and be obvious about it
>They give me a new position
>I keep in touch with foreign companies my company deals with
>Some are French
>2 of them are Dutch
>Literally google-translate for a living
>11 years of studying
>To google-translate

>> No.9146565

Congratulations, you are a part of the Dummening.

>> No.9146576

Congratulations, I'm smarter than you.

>> No.9146580


This chart just shows that there is more competition for American entertainment than ever before. Never before has the average American had such access to films, music, movies, video games, television. It's only natural that some readers will fall by the wayside.

Americans have ALWAYS read genre fiction, mass entertainment shit. What was highbrow about Agatha Christie, CS Lewis, Dan Brown, Stephen King? The readers of these sort of books just moved onto other mediums that aren't as demanding as books.


>> No.9146603

Ye but nobody is using it.

>> No.9146637

Are you fucking joking? You're using the internet right now.

>> No.9146644

But he's not learning anything useful, he's on /lit/

>> No.9146728
File: 878 KB, 400x311, Can't Touch This.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9146772

>people use the internet less and less for self education or cultivation
Internet started from TGP porn, funny cats, shitty personal sites and BBS's for nerds. Nowadays you have online encyclopedias and universities and millions of educational resources to get for free or to pirate. All of that was either non-existent or in a rudimentary state 15 years ago. You're either a teenager who has no idea what he's talking about or just replying for the sake of replying. In any case - fuck off.

>> No.9146823


I think it makes plenty of sense. How do you get the next generations like the previous ones to care about the Greeks, or Romans, or any of the great thinkers who helped lead anyone from Petrarch, Dante and boccacio to Joyce, Ezra and Eliot. It's happened in all cultural fields the literal throwing away of the past and such a large emphasis on modern trends that the work produced bear no resemblance to former times.

>> No.9147118
File: 20 KB, 633x758, feelsbat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to reality.

The people memeing STEM are usually business cucks or aspie assholes who got their egos fed by the former.

Are you from Austria?

>> No.9147432

>Are you from Austria?

Not sure if Hitler reference, but no.

I know that STEM is more desirable on the job market, but I had no idea it's this hard to get a good job with an LA diploma. Especially as a man. A HR dude at one of companies I mentioned jokingly told me that the LAs they usually hire are women with no exception. I'm sure it's degrading to work as living decoration but hey, it's a job at least.

What sucks is that I've developed a deep hatred for STEM subjects early on. I know plenty of people who went on to study STEM even though they find it boring just to have financial security. I suffered my way through trade-school, couldn't stand a day more of math, physics, IT and electronics/basic EE, let alone dedicate a whole life to these. It's like being born with a handicap and an useless talent (if a natural interest can be considered as such). "Yeah you suck most things useful, but think of your potential with that shit no one cares about!"

I think I'll try to get qualified as a journalist until they realise I can be replaced by Google. I'm too old to spend 2 more years at uni to become a teacher.

>> No.9147448

>I'm too old to spend 2 more years at uni to become a teacher.
You're likely going to work till 70. What do 2 years matter?

>> No.9147625

>reading books during the age of the Internet
Why? Waste of time desu.

>> No.9147654

Congratulations! You are a part of the Dummening!

>> No.9147884

>books make you smart

>> No.9148347

And the people have made their choice between education and brainless entertainment. 80% of internet traffic is video: Youtube, netflix, and so on. Wikipedia's traffic is nothing compared to that. So once again, you're wrong, and modern trends are spiraling toward the abyss.

>> No.9148509

There isn't a lack of demand, there's just a ridiculously massive over supply of LA/humanities focused people on the job market.

>> No.9148533

Is there anything to back up your enlightened teenage worldview?
>80% of internet traffic is video
Because video is the most bandwidth heavy type of data, you insufferable retard.

>> No.9148580

You haven't backed up yours.

>> No.9148634

>Hur hur if no one ders agree with me they must be a teeeenager! Tell the teenager to fuck off.

Are you sure you aren't a teenager?

Internet != education.

If that were so, there would be more educated and knowledgeable people now since the popularisation of the internet. But this doesn't seem to be the case.

Texts and information has been easily accessible for a long time. It isn't hard to go to a library and read books.

An education implies more than just self learning.

There's a reason most people who take it upon themselves to learn instead of getting informal instruction often tend to be fucking retarded. Of course, not all, but a lot.

>> No.9148733

>there would be more educated and knowledgeable people
>this doesn't seem to be the case




Enjoy and educate yourself. The world is slowly but steadily getting better, yet you remain a quintessential 14 year old fedora.

>> No.9148799

That doesn't prove anything you insipid twit. You didn't even provide any rigorous arguments for your position, just brainless copypasting. Is that what you were taught to do in your school?

Anyone here could post their own statistics on why education and intelligence is on a downward trend. Much of either statistics for either position could be falsified, they come from governmental sources after all. Schools could just be boosting their own scores. And a rise in public education doesn't correlate to a rise in intelligence. American public schools might have a higher average attendance than the early 20th century, but their classes have less substance, especially of classical styled material.

If you're arguing for the rise of education, you're doing a poor, implicitly uneducated job at it. And if this is the best you can do with whatever tenuous education you were dog fed, you're only proving my point.

>> No.9148807


How do those documents progress your argument? You can't just post a bunch of reports and claim that they support you without explaining why.

>yet you remain a quintessential 14 year old fedora.

This is the type of thing quintessential 14 year old fedoras say

>> No.9148825

>lets disregard all the official data because its falsified and wrong and dumb
>muh feels and anecdotal evidence is the one source of absolute truth
Kill yourself, imbecile.

>> No.9148838

>lets blindly believe governmental data because governments never lie to anyone
>mocking with green arrows makes me right

I'm not the imbecile here. And if you want to kys that bad, hurry up with it.

>> No.9148840

Read them and you will see exactly how they support my arguments, retard.

>> No.9148860

>everything that doesn't fit my narrative is fabricated
Just fuck off to /pol/ already.

>> No.9148862

They don't.

>> No.9148871

you made the claim. now demonstrate the evidence. burden of proof is on you, not him, you 14 year old fedora.

>> No.9148879

>now demonstrate the evidence

If you have trouble reading, maybe this board is not for you.

>> No.9148887

on the board, not your read-it-yourself time wasting, duh

>> No.9148895

If you had a better standard of education, perhaps you'd know that to make a convincing argument, you can't just throw data at someone and let them work themselves to your position, you have to link the data to your interpretation of it and overall position.

Funnily enough, you're demonstrating what you're arguing against.

>> No.9148913

I essentially said that to him but it's not getting into his head.

If he doesn't budge, just fedora tip him and move on.

>> No.9148962

It's as you said f a m s. That anon is a dumbass and can't build a coherent argument, hoping that some anon will be dumb enough to trudge through whatever data he throws at people.

>> No.9148974

You made the claim 'there would be more educated and knowledgeable people now since the popularisation of the internet. But this doesn't seem to be the case.' I provided the stats from several sources directly contradicting this. It is indeed your claim and burden of proof lies entirely on you.

So far the discussion started with availability of educational resources, which is evident with growth of the Internet in the last 20 years, then you moved it to 'do people actually educate themselves with those' and I provided you stats showing growing educational attendance and graduation numbers all over the world, to which you replied 'fake stats lel' and moved the discussion away again this time to intelligence. This whole charade is you grasping at straws and being relentlessly contrarian without providing a single piece of evidence supporting your observations. Honestly, I sincerely hope that you're either trolling or actually a teenager.

>> No.9148992

>to which you replied 'fake stats lel' and moved the discussion away again this time to intelligence.
That was me, he was the other anon.

You provided stats, but you didn't communicate an argument as to how they show education or intelligence is rising, which was your failure.

Education might be rising in some respects, but it doesn't always correlate to intelligence rising, or the use of useful knowledge rising.

>> No.9149014

If you can't see how statistical data depicting rise of education levels show rise of education levels, then it's most certainly your mental deficiency and not my failure.

>it doesn't always correlate to intelligence rising, or the use of useful knowledge rising.
Literally not an argument. Either present any evidence whatsoever supporting falling average IQ or falling education standards or whatever metrics you think appropriate. So far it's nothing but shitty pontifications and unsubstantiated rambling.

>> No.9149023

>So far it's nothing but shitty pontifications and unsubstantiated rambling.
That goes for you too, 14 year old fedora.

Good anon, if you can't concede any of the holes in your reasoning, or argue the fine points of your statistics, it's best that we agree to disagree.

>> No.9149038

I have provided the evidence, you haven't. That despite the fact that the initial claim is yours. But let's 'agree to disagree', by all means.

If you are actually worried about intelligence levels you should avoid reproducing.

>> No.9149039


You guys are those IQ 130-150 types I've heard about on the internet right? This was pretty embarassing for all of you desu. I've seen Mexicans argue better than this idiotic thread.

>> No.9149045

>gimme your stats anon
>lul kek fedora let's agree to disagree
pretty powerful my mang

>> No.9149056

No, you pasted statistics and expected people to think they spoke for you, instead of making your own argument here.

Since you don't have children you're already saving yourself some worry.

>> No.9149061

>he still doesn't provide a single piece of evidence to support his claim

>> No.9149110


He is right, you don't know how to argue and your claims are unsupported. He's not critiquing your evidence, he's critiquing your inferences from the evidence. The fact that you can't see the difference says it is you who is the underage rube here.

As another critique of your garbage arguing, you started your conversation stating that there was a connection between the internet and education. Then you've dropped a bunch of statistics about educational attainment, i.e. official education in the form of schooling, not the influence of factors like internet education. If you actually looked at your statistics, you would see there was an upward trend correlated with schooling (in the census link), not the internet. In fact, this trend started before the internet, so it couldn't possibly support the case you asserted above that amounts to muh internet educational utopia.

You couldn't be more of an arrogant fucking cunt.

>> No.9149220

Internet was there to contradict his claim that 'it's not obvious that education services are more available'. Stats were there to contradict his baseless accusation of 'there aren't more educated and knowledgeable people than before'. I never asserted that Internet was a major driving force behind stats, but merely provided individual counterarguments to his false statements. Work on your reading comprehension before starting with the admonitions.

Indeed my major mistake in the first place was engaging with retards making grand claims and providing zero evidence to support them, instead endlessly changing the focus of discussion and shying away. Again, if you have any data to support any of his assertions - please. Otherwise fuck off.

>> No.9149263

Maybe I just like seeing you blather away you autistic faggot.

>> No.9149268

>made you reply haha
>autistic faggot

>> No.9149353

You can't argue for shit, and your abusive tone makes it clear that you're struggling.

>> No.9149392

If he means to be abuse, he's struggling even at that. He really does sound like a pseud with an unsubstantial grasp on the subject.

>> No.9150883

If you think your comment proved you superior to them - think again.

>> No.9150915
