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914476 No.914476 [Reply] [Original]

So I was at my LBS when I noticed this book on the shelf. Being a big Pratchett fan, I bought it, and am currently reading it.

Any other Pratchett fans on /lit/? Have you read this book?

>> No.914488

no, no

>> No.914494

Yeah, Pratchett's a cool guy.
I haven't read that one, though.

>> No.914500

I'm about to read Good Omens once I finish my current book, which will be my first Pratchett. Although, it's probably not that indicative of his work since it was co-written by Neil Gaiman...

>> No.914502

they're pretty much the same author, except Neil Gaiman is kind of a bitch.

>> No.914520

I just finished reading Guards! Guards! after the recommendation I received on a previous Pratchett thread on /lit/. I actually really enjoyed it.

>> No.914522
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I'm about halfway through it at the moment. It's not his best I prefer The Watch story arc.

>> No.914552


Thanks for the cool guide, bro.

>> No.915102

HUGE pratchett fan.
I'm on Interesting Times in the Rincewind series, Soul Music in the death, And Feet of Clay in the guard series.

Death series is my favorite so far, Reaper Man my favorite book followed by Small Gods, which is fuck-amazing. I want to read Going Postal/Making Money soon. Also, Good Omens is amazing as hell.

>> No.915186

Haven't read Unseen Academical yet, but it's waiting for me on the shelf. I've always preferred the Discworld books centered around the Night Watch, personally. Stupid likable Carrot...

>> No.915459

I'm a huge Pratchett fan too. I absolutely love Small Gods. It is such a brilliant parody on religion.

I have 2 Pratchett books in my shelf to read. Unseen Academicals and Thief of Time. I'm really looking forward to reading them both. Not sure if I've read Thief of Time though.

It is a good read. But to me it felt like that book had so much more to tell than it actually did.

>> No.915471

>Good Omens is amazing as he...Manchester.

>> No.915485

thief of time was the first I ever read!
It got me hooked.

>> No.916986

I want to be a Pratchett fan but I find the sheer number of Discworld books very daunting and unfriendly, not knowing where to start.

>> No.917002

I shat myself when I saw the hardcover in B&N's bargain area for 7 bucks, I didn't even know it existed until that moment. Finished reading it three days later and found it thoroughly enjoyable, although not my favorite of his.

>> No.917515

See -----> >>914522

>> No.917517

He's not best best, but he sure is enjoyable.

>> No.917712

Big pratchett fan here and I've read Unseen Academicals. Pretty good book, the witches are my favourite though.