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/lit/ - Literature

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9143936 No.9143936 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /lit/ dismiss Ayn Rand? Is it because /lit/ is not smart enough to understand her philosophy?

>> No.9144004

Her philosophy may be alright, but her books are too long and boring.

>> No.9144015

Her books may be alright, but her philosophy is boring.

>> No.9144035


She's ugly

>> No.9144040

ITT: Anons Shrugged

>> No.9144042

She's too sexy for us. It makes us nervous.

>> No.9144043

She needed more rape scenes if she wanted the book to be that long.

>> No.9144048

She's a Communist plant.

>> No.9144190

Atlas Shrugged was alright. Had decent characters and an interesting story. She makes some good points, but her society would never work. It's too autistic and not human at all. You can never give gifts, you have to pay for literally everything? That's retarded. Unrestricted capitalism? Sure, that will work when you have monopolies and 6 year olds working in factories for crumbs. It assumes every business owner is both competent and intelligent. It assumes greed can be positive for everyone.

In general, it's not very well thought out. Hell, look at the problem we have today with cable companies who have monopolies over certain markets. Customer service is absolute shit, and rates are ridiculously high.

>> No.9144196

i read the fountainhead when i was 16 and absolutely loved it

>> No.9144202

Im not a edgy atheist nor do I care about heavy handed genre fiction

>> No.9144206

She communes with commoners

>> No.9144243

this. Ayn rand's philosophies are that of a 15 year old who think's they are smart because they are anarchcapitalist

>> No.9144250

It's because she was a woman.

>> No.9144605

I'm not so sure she is

>> No.9144653

Now that's just not true. If a woman intellectual comes along and presents a very cogent argument one way or another then I will listen.

But we are simply discussing her ideas. To be honest, there are certain names, like Sam Harris or Neil Degrasse Tyson or Alex Jones that will get you laughed out of circles on here as well.

It's about the ideas expressed and the way they are presented.

1) she believes in the complete absence of taxes

2) she presents her ideas in the form of a romantic novel that is overly cliche and just downright bizzare how overplayed everything is.

>> No.9145044

I havent read atlas shrugged yet, but i read her essay on being selfish. I thought it was really poorly argued because of her definition of selfishness. Its not a real definition that anyone uses or understands, which later sets her up for strawman arguments. Also considering her past she seems biased.

>> No.9145056

She's a hypocrite

Nobodys interested in the philosophy of someone that doesn't believe in it themselves.

>> No.9145063

>she believes in the complete absence of taxes
But fought for her right to welfare checks for the final years of her worthless life.

>What an amazing legacy.

>> No.9146402

whats your legacy faggot?

>> No.9146415

Her philosophy isn't hard to understand desu, most people just get so triggered by phrases like "the virtue of selfishness" that they don't bother to understand it.

>> No.9146436

i have never read it but i dismiss it simply because she is a woman

>> No.9146448

She's an immature, simple-minded version of Stirner.

>> No.9146454

She is stirner for mongs

>> No.9146458

>OP is why there was a total ban on all things Rand for many years
As a writer, Rand was a mediocre novelist
As a philosopher, Rand was a mediocre novelist.

>> No.9146459

Her philosophy directly contradicts reality.

>> No.9146461

>Had decent characters and an interesting story.
Stopped reading
GTFO if /lit/

>> No.9146479
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She didn't have one.
Sure, she *claimed* to, but where did she ever formally present her actual philosophy?
>Protip: a stilted, boring 90 page speech by a fictional character != an explication of a formal philosophy
When her followers tried to formally present her philosophy after her death they found they really couldn't do a very good job of it because it begs the question, lives on tautologies, and pretended that the Is/Ought Gap didn't exist *real hard*.
She wrote lame-ass science fiction that was popular because rape scenes and semi-literate buffoons confuse the meanderings of fictional characters for profundity.
tl;dr - there is no philosophy.

>> No.9146489

Her "philosophy" tries to morally justify her being a greedy cunt, and all of her trash novels are built around the premise of greedy cunts being somehow morally righteous.

>> No.9146670

She actually refused offers to debate with academic philosophers.

>> No.9146759

Of course she did!
This makes sense two ways
1) She drank the kool-aid and completely believed everything she said and wrote. In this case, she viewed everyone else on Earth who wasn't what we would now call a full-blown anarcho-capitalist as inherently morally inferior. If they had *any* concepts that she would see as truly corrupt (any socialist or communist views; any religious belief; ANY support of ANY charity or charitable actions; etc.) she would view them as inherently *evil*. On top of that, she was an autodidact who used her own "idiosyncratic' meanings for words common to philosophy (i.e., she habitually misused terms like 'axiom') and felt that her meanings were superior so she actually dismissed people with formal training in logic, philosophy, theology, and ethics as 'ignorant' because they used the *real* definition of words like 'axiom' and 'law' rather than *her* personal definitions of these words.
So she could look at a philosopher who gave to Toys for Tots and believes that metaphysical concepts can be true without being physical and conclude that he was an evil ignoramus.
2) If she was a cult leader fleecing suckers for their lunch money it is just as true that she would avoid debate.

>> No.9146810

Because she was a soviet demoralization operative trying to defeat capitalism from within by making it look retarded

>> No.9147087

Same old story:
1) Ayndroid makes a thread
2) Po/lit/e Readers "objectively" critique her shitty books
3) Ayndroid slinks away

>> No.9147472

she's literally the only good female writer
prove me wrong /lit/

>> No.9149090

James Taggart, Hank Rearden, and Wesley Mouch were all pretty entertaining to read about, and the first half of the book, the story is pretty good. There's a bunch of shit going on, while an underlying mystery is unfolding, like a secret. I like that kind of stuff.

>> No.9149484

I havent even read her books. The whole reason I made the thread was so I could post the image in the OP i made.

>> No.9149520





>> No.9149541
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>> No.9149542

I liked that too anon, you're not alone. I don't remember that much but I especially enjoyed what happened to James's wife

>tfw you dont know how to spoiler

>> No.9149547


I read it and immediately though of Javert from Les Miserables. I think it's an homage to him.

>> No.9150867

James Taggart
>He works hard to undermine his own firm and to destroy others out of a jealousy of the 'Creators'. Has a breakdown when he realizes he wants something that there is no profit from
Ridiculous; in addition to being a one-note shadow the character has no development. Merely realizing that John Galt is awesome is like looking on Cthulhu to him!
This is because in Rand's delusions 'altruism' and 'hatred' were the same thing.
Hank Reardon
>Super-genius who can't figure out anything. Has a wife he dislikes (won't divorce her because muh morals) or cheat on her (muh morals) even though she denies him sex as much as possible. Meets Dagny, starts fucking her, then destroys his own company and leaves.
Rand sure did love lots of violent, rapey sex outside of wedlock, didn't she?
His only character development is to get cucked by Galt
Wesley Mouch
>A toady who gets more and more power by being a zero.
No character development for him.
Look, kid, if you read a Hardy Boys book before you picked up AS, you know that the unnamed character mentioned over and over again is John Galt by page 100 or so, and the rest is more obvious.

>> No.9151634

No book has made me shrug as much as this.
I would rather carry the skies than this book.

>> No.9153256

op you have everything you need to know in first answer

>> No.9153273

The Fountainhead is much better. At least there the characters are somewhat believable.

>> No.9153286

>the unnamed character mentioned over and over again is John Galt by page 100

We don't even meet John Galt until like 400 pages in when Dagny sees him in the alley after being stalked by him.

Also, you can simplify the characters, but that doesn't mean they're bad. Look at David Copperfield, every character in that book is simple and has simple little quirks about them, but they're extremely endearing and lovable.

>> No.9153659

Uh. I'm no objectivist but this is so out of touch it made me cringe. Rand wrote more non-fiction works than fiction works and explained her philosophy in detail. I haven't read a single one of them and even I knew that.

I'm not sure who to blame for this kind of ignorance--you and others like you, who think Rand was just a propagandist, or the objectivist movement itself which can't communicate worth a dime. But it's sad either way.

>> No.9153697

>I havent read a single one
>why are you so ignorant of her work?
Legitimately rape yourself

>> No.9153717
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>I haven't read any book on the first world war
>therefore I can't tell people that said books exist

lol. Where did this board get a reputation for a high collective IQ again?

>> No.9154199

An entire philosophy centered around the justification of being a sociopathic asshole was a really shitty thing to let loose into society.

>> No.9154234 [DELETED] 

>Her philosophy may be alright
>half-baked (and misread) nietzsche

>> No.9154240

>Her philosophy may be alright
>half-baked (and misread) nietzsche combined with 19th century laissez-faire capitalism

>> No.9154871

/lit/ is cucked by "altruists"

The Fountainhead is chick lit porn for women who share her particular taste in men tho

>> No.9155519
File: 39 KB, 331x499, Peikoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to rep this dummy cunt's ham fisted attempt at philosophy, you may as well push the moderately competent version of it, the one hawked by her last lover.
ebil nazis are the source of all evil in the world REAGAN

>> No.9155801

I've read fountainhead. And i have no interest in reading her other works.
It's long and boring. Her "philosophy" is bad.
And i'm economically liberal.

>> No.9155989
File: 508 KB, 480x253, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a she.

>> No.9156585
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>> No.9156599

Reading for plot... how vulgar>>9144653